Kelly was surprised by the outcome once again, this made her nervous, this opponent that she met moments ago was a lot stronger than she expected, if she wants to win, she has to go all out and even then, she doubts that she would win.

That Darumaka is too strong for Dewott to take it head-on, she needs to use her special attacks to attack him, without wasting any time Kelly goes on the attack again, she doesn't like to wait around for her opponents to set up something before she is able to counter, giving them time is only asking for them to becomes stronger, with all the moves that a pokemon can use to increase its strength, speed, and defense, it would be foolish for a trainer to allow their opponent to keep using them. ​​

Kelly "Use, Water Pulse"

Dewott blasted a powerful Water Pulse at Darumaka, since Darumaka has weak Special Defense he has no other option but to dodge it or use Protect to protect himself from the incoming attack.

Julian "Dodge by rolling away"

Darumaka turns himself into a ball and rolls to the side and avoids the incoming Water Pulse, the Water Pulse hits the ground and splatters everywhere causing the ground to become wet.

Kelly "Continue using Water Pulse"

Her Dewott continues using Water Pulse and Darumaka keeps moving to the side and dodges the Water Pulse but soon Julian notices the change taking place on the battlefield, the ground is being filled with water puddles which might restrict Darumaka's movement if he gets trapped in them.

Julian "Stop and use Ember"

Darumaka suddenly stops and blasts an Ember at the incoming Water Pulse, the Ember in no way, form, or shape is enough to stop the Water Pulse but Julian has other ideas, the Ember used by Darumaka is hot enough to evaporate a little from it.

Darumaka started to shoot Embers at a rapid rate at the Water Pulse, every fired shot hit the Water Pulse and turned a little portion of it into vapor before the Water Pulse could even touch Darumaka, this also caused the whole battlefield to be covered with vapor which blinded Kelly's Dewott.

Julian "Now, Fire Punch"

Darumaka was already on move and as soon as he heard the command he landed a powerful Fire Punch right on Dewott's stomach and sent it crashing backward and rolling on the ground, luckily Dewott was able to resist the fire type attack and survived but it still revived some damage.

The vapor started to rise up and clear the battlefield revealing the pokemons again.

Kelly didn't think about it much and continued her attack, her repeated failure didn't affect her mindset and her Dewott kept ongoing as well, it started to move around the battlefield with speed and nimbleness that Darumaka couldn't match.

Kelly "Use Double Team"

Her Dewott started to multiply in numbers as multiple images of Dewott appeared in front of Darumaka, all of them were moving around in circles that confused Darumaka a lot.

Kelly "Now use Ice Beam"

With Double Team still in effect, Dewott blasted Ice Beam at Darumaka, while only one of them was the real one, it still looked like multiple Ice Beams were trying to hit Darumaka at the same time.

Julian "Use Flame Wheel"

Darumaka started to spin while his body was covered with burning flames, as the Ice Beam touched him, it turned into the water before it could even solidify, Darumaka then started to target all the images of Dewott, while using Flame Wheel Darumaka was a lot faster, Dewott couldn't escape this time and all of its duplicate images got destroyed, as only one remained, it tried to escape but it was too late, Darumaka was spinning a lot faster, his speed has doubled now.

Darumaka crashed into Dewott and sent it crashing into the wet puddle that Dewott itself created, but Darumaka was in a bad position as well, his speed was too much and he couldn't turn properly and he also landed on a mud puddle and stopped.

Kelly saw this and quickly realized this was her chance, she looked at her Dewott which is struggling to get up.

Kelly "Quick, use Ice Beam"

Hearing her trainer, the Dewott got up and stared at Darumaka who seems to be trapped in the mud puddle, his little legs and hands are not able to climb out of it.

The Ice Beam came out of nowhere and hit Darumaka and started to solidify around him, Darumaka got turned into a Popsicle.

Kelly "Did I win?"

She asked as she saw Darumaka frozen inside the ice.

Julian "Not, so fast, Darumaka, burn as bright as you can"

Darumaka who is inside the Ice started to twitch as fire erupted out of his mouth and started to melt the ice from inside, soon the whole ice was melted but Darumaka didn't stop there, the fire around his body went wild and the whole surrounding started to become very hot, the water started to evaporate, the wet ground started to dry and then crack at the same time.

Even the mud on Dewott's body started to harden, within a few seconds the temperature inside the battlefield become intolerable for anyone, Kelly and her Dewott started to feel uncomfortable by the very hot surrounding.

Julian "Now, Flame Wheel"

Darumaka started to move and got out of the ditch very easily as it was rough and dry, he then started to spin very fast and rushed towards Dewott, since the air inside was so hot, it started to hinder Dewott's vision as the air in front of it got wavy, it didn't even notice Darumaka has already closed the gap and landed a powerful hit on it.

Dewott got sent flying backward and crashed right into the wall and fainted.

And with this Julian won his very first battle in the Battle Institute.

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