Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 685 - First Battle In Battle Institute

"Hoooo, you are really observant aren't you, by the way, I am Kelly, what is your name?"

The girl said and extended her hand while looking at Julian, Julian looked at her and then at her hand. If he wants he could reveal his identity but that will be too troublesome so he stayed quiet. ​​

Kelly "Ah, never mind, since you have your face covered, it means you don't want to reveal your identity, my bad"

The girl got embarrassed as Julian left her hanging, she was about to take back her hand but Julian decided to shake it anyway as it would be very disrespectful.

Julian "My ID is 69420"

Kelly "Ah, ok Mr 69420, do you wanna battle? Since this looks like your first battle, it is better to battle someone new as well"

Julian thought about it and looked at her.

Julian "How long have you been a member here in the Institute?"

He asked.

Kelly "It's just been a month, I came all the way from Jhoto here to participate in the Unova League"

She said happily.

Julian "Are you also here to battle Julian in the league?"

Kelly "Of course and I will be the one to beat him, I couldn't meet him in the Jhoto League because he never came and I also lost to Jon before I could even reach the finals, that kid won against me because he got lucky as one of my pokemon slipped on a pebble, or I would have gone to the finals and won the Jhoto league"

She said and started to grunt.

Julian remembered this Jon, his full name was Jon Dickson, this is the person who won the Jhoto league, Julian didn't go to Jhoto to participate in the conference because he was busy with his very new business and it was crucial for him to stay with the team.

He didn't expect this girl to be one of the participants from the Jhoto League, and from what she is claiming that kid only won the league because he got lucky against her, Julian doesn't know if she is saying the truth or not but it doesn't matter.

The one who won the Jhoto league was not that impressive either, he soon lost right after challenging the first Elite Four, now that this girl named Kelly is telling that she is better than the Jhoto league winner, Julian wants to see how good she really is.

Julian "Ok let's battle, but the pokemons used should not be in their final stage"

Kelly "I am ok with that, even I need some of my new pokemons to improve a little bit before I challenge the gym leader of Nimbasa gym"

She said.

Since both of them agreed to have a battle, they headed towards the elevator which will lead them down to the battlefield, Julian walked into the elevator and looked around, he noticed a card slot next to the door, it is asking for his Institute ID that he just received at the reception.

He inserted his ID into the card slot, as soon as he did that the lift started to go down, once the door opened Julian saw the battlefield in front of him, it was the same battlefield that was used before, broken and cracked but something started to happen.

The battlefield started to go down and a new battlefield started to come out from two sides, these two sides then connected to form a new battlefield over the old broken one.

Now that a new one is ready, Julian walked in and took his position on it, he also noticed Kelly walk in as well, as both of them took their position, the screen over their head lit up displaying their stats.

Julian being a new member of the institute has a blank dash with 0's all over his stats, while Kelly already has 12 wins, 0 losses, and 1 draw, her record is very impressive but she is still not in the top list of trainers in Unova's battle institute.

On the other hand, Julian is sitting at zero, not many people are supporting him as he is new to this, many new trainers fail to win their first battle here in the Institute, seeing Kelly has no losses in her record proves that she is an amazing trainer.

Kelly "How many pokemons?"

She asked as they still have no agreed on how many pokemons they want to use for this battle.

Julian "Two will do"

Kelly "Two it is then, let's see if your battling is as good as your observation skill"

She said and sent out her first pokemon, A Dragonair, her first choice is a pseudo legendary line, Julian smiled as he saw this pokemon, he knows how tough this species of pokemon is, the Dragonite line is indeed very famous within the trainers and many want to catch one but finding them is very rare.

Even Julian is not able to find them in the wild, trainers who have this pokemon either got it from their parents or they encountered one by luck.

Julian also sent out his pokemon for this battle, Drilbur. He has to play smart while taking on a Dragonair, it is more powerful than his pokemons, he chose Drilbur because he can escape from its attacks faster than Darumaka and can also land some powerful hits on it as well.

Seeing the pokemons chosen for this battle most trainers watching it felt that Kelly is going to win, only a few of them were unbiased in this matter.

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