Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 670 - More History About The Dragons

After arriving at the Desert resort, Julian decided to give a quick bath to all his pokemons, being exposed to all the desert sand has caused some of them to have itchy fur and they constantly keep scratching their body.

Once everything was dealt with Julian decided to head towards the Relic Castle as he wants to see what pokemon is it that keeps chasing the travelers and trainers away from the castle. ​​

As he walked out of the resort he noticed a group of people standing in front of the resort talking to someone, this person looked like some kind of guide to this place.

Julian joined the group and found that they are heading towards the Relic Castle as well. Since they are going their Julian decided to tag along, a little history lesson might help Julian to understand a little more about this relic castle.

Julian has no idea what it is like and why it is called the relic castle but it will be interesting to find out about them and what was it built for.

After half an hour the expedition group starts to move and along with them Julian follows along, it didn't take them long to reach the Relic Castle as they were on a tour van which was special built to ride on the sandy desert.

When Julian got the first glance of the place he realized that the Relic Castle is not just a castle but ruins of a city that seems to be about thousands of years old.

Julian got curious as to why the city was abandoned and it turned into such state.

Julian is not the only one that had this question, many people on the touring van had the same question and one of them asked the guide to explain it to them.

The guide was a very knowledgeable person and he seems to know the history behind this place, hearing the question from the tourists, he put on a proud smile for knowing the answer and started to explain.

"All of you might have heard about the Twin heroes of Unova right?"

He asked to which most of the people on the van nodded their head in excitement as everyone loves a heroic figure from the history and especially when they are related to their own region.

"After the Twin Heros' separated from each other because of their idles, the legendary dragon that both of them shared ownership on also separated but into three forms, one part followed the hero who pursued truth and that dragon was Reshiram and the other part of the dragon followed the hero that pursued idles and that dragon was Zekrom, while the third part, the dragon Kyurem went missing.

It is believed that one of the heroes and his dragon pokemon created this city about 2500 years ago and when the two heroes went into battle and both their dragons turned into stones called the Dragon Stones.

But that is not all. After the dragons turned into stone the chaos that they left behind from their battle was devastating, the city of the twin heroes, the city of the vale was the one that suffered everything, it was said that a dragonic force protected the city from all dangers.

But the battle of the two dragons caused the force to become chaotic and everything was getting destroyed by it, the King of the People of Vale, father of the twin heroes knew he had to do something, he cannot let innocent people die because of his sons' mistakes, so he asked the help of the Mythical Pokemon Victini.

He asked the Mythical Pokemon Victini to help him move the Sword of the Vale to an area that is not affected by the chaotic dragon force, the Sword of the Vale is, of course, the capital city of Vale, with the help of Victini's power, the massive city was lifted from its roots and then moved to a safe location far from the chaotic area.

This place is now called the Eindoak Town, if you ever go there you can see the Sword of the Vale, it is really shaped like a sword. Now back to the story.

The king and the Victini successfully saved the people of the Vale and everyone was happy, but the happiness didn't last long as the king died after a short time period, it is also said that the Victini that helped him was accidentally trapped inside the Sword of the Vale's barrier, seeing the destruction the two brothers caused because of their battle, they were embarrassed, they realized that no one should possess powers that are Reshiram and Zekrom so they hid the dragon stones far from the public eye never to be seen ever again.

Along with the twin heroes, this magnificent city that one of them built also was abandoned and left to rot under the desert sand"

The guide finally finished his long history lesson, even though he didn't get to the point directly, Julian still appreciated the information he received from the guide's story, he didn't expect such a complex history behind Zekrom and Reshiram, and also the third part of the main dragon, the Kyurem.

He is also interested in visiting this place called the Eindoak town that has the Sword of the Vale and a trapped Victini inside.

As Julian was going through all the information that was given to him the van stopped.

"We should head by foot from here as the van cannot go inside the relic"

The guide said and asked everyone to get out of the van, Julian put all the thought at the back of his mind and got out with the group of people and finally got the full view of this ruins.

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