Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 662 - List, Media, And Omni Guardians

Julian soon found the website where the list was present.

When he opened it, the first name he saw was Ash, he was surprised by this, he didn't think Ash name would be in the first place but it did make sense, with his record and his history of meeting Julian in the finals twice, people believed he could do it again. ​​

Now that Julian carefully thinks about it, Ash being the first makes sense as he has defeated so many strong opponents and he has some really powerful pokemons like his Charizard, Snorlax, Infernape, etc.

Next in the list was a man named Drake, Julian has never seen this man, he looked into this drake by clicking the link next to his name, another page opened displaying Drake's and his pokemon's photos and some info on them.

Drake is a tall man with black hair, he wears a red overcoat over a black sleeveless shirt and he has a Pokeball neckless around his neck, Julian looked into this man more and found out that he is from the Orange Islands and has a very impressive record with only one loss in his whole career and to Julian's surprise he lost to Ash in the Orange League.

Drake's team is filled with very strong pokemon and his ace is a Dragonite, some of the videos that were present on the internet on Drake and his pokemons informed Julian that Drake is clearly close to a champion level pokemon trainer.

This is what he got from all the recent videos of his uploaded match, Drake seemed like a promising contender but Julian is not sold yet, he has seen many trainers with like this, the only reason he is so high is that he seems very popular among the people.

Julian moved on to the next person in the list, the list is filled with people he has no idea about but all of them seemed promising, he found some familiar faces but he had no interest in them, after going through the list he was pretty disappointed but he expected this.

Most of the trainers who he wants to battle are either training away training far from the public eye and have made very little public appearances, and some of them are a prodigy with little to no fame, some of them might just surprise him.

He has seen two of them till now but they still have a lot to learn before they can really take him on in a serious battle, knowing that he won't find anything interesting on the internet he decided to head out to the jungle and continue to train his pokemon.

Since the public know that he is in Castelia city many will be hunting him, especially the media who would love to get footage of Julian doing anything, if he gets caught eating a burger in some local burger store, the news headlines will be "Undefeated Champion Julian, eating a burger in a local store, what do you think his favorite burger is?"

The media will make anything out of the blue just to sell their product to the public by using Julian's name, well it will at least help the Burger place get some attention from the locals and Julian's toxic super fan base.

Julian won't be surprised seeing this kind of headlines at all, even though he is not the champion people still call him a champion because he has never lost his title and he has defeated other champions before, to people no one is more befitting to have the title of champion other than Julian.

As he walked out of his room he noticed that the manager of the hotel was standing outside waiting for him.

Julian "What is it?"

Julian asked. He has a feeling that something is not right here.

Manager "Sir, it looks like someone has found out that you are staying here and many people from the media are waiting outside"

Julian sighed and looked at the manager in pity, he knows how troublesome the media can get.

Julian "Try to distract them while I get out from the back gate, and here take this, if you need any help contact this person and he will help you out"

Julian said and gave him a card with a phone number written on it. Since the manager will be troubling himself by dealing with the media he had to give him something, this card holds the number of a very special person, the commander of Omni Guardians.

This person is the same person who's team Crystal destroyed by accident, he is also the only person who knows that Julian is the legendary trainer who saved them, he is the highest rank officer in Omni Guardian and he only answers to Julian and no one else.

Omni Guardians are slowly building up their strength while the League supplies them with gadgets and tech, they have already started to appear in public and get rid of troublemakers, they were even successful in taking down a low-level criminal organization dealing his drug trafficking in Kanto.

Even though they are still small they can accomplish some hard tasks as they have to permission from the league, the manager doesn't know just how much of a huge favor Julian has done for him by giving this card.

The managers happily bow his head and rushed out to distract the media while Julian escapes from the back, once he reached the parking lot he quickly took a look around to confirm if anyone is camping outside to snipe him with their camera, seeing no one he dashed away in his bike leaving behind a trail of smoke.

Once he reached the jungle the training started, Boldore and Karrablast were pushed to their limits until they collapsed from exhaustion, after that, they were rewarded with their favorite snacks and drinks so they can regain their lost energy.

Now that they are completed their training, it is time for Julian to tackle the next gym, the Castelia gym, and its leader, Burgh, the bug type user.

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