Being forced to battle Julian right now the gang member had no choice but to step in, the only way out for him is to win. If he loses his gang will get humiliated and their leader will beat them up very badly.

Knowing that he has to win he decided to play dirty, no one has said that you had to use a base or a second stage pokemon, it's just a rule that everybody follows but it's not written anywhere that you have to do it. ​​

The gangster laughed and sent out his pokemon on the battlefield, he sent out a Seismitoad, a fully evolved pokemon, Julian looked at it and frowned but he is not surprised by the action of this gangster, it is not a rule to use only first and second stage pokemon.

Its just trainers following an unwritten rule between them, people like this gangster just like to use brute strength and scare others, they don't care about any shitty rules the trainers hold to themselves.

Gangster "What? You want to give up now?"

The Gangster said as he saw Julian's eyes squint from the frown.

Julian "No, why would I, this is even better"

Julian said and cracked his knuckles and got serious, usually, he doesn't like to bully others but sometimes it is necessary to teach people like this some lesson about how to behave in public and respect others at the same time.

The trainers who were around the battlefield were also not happy with the gangster's choice to use a fully evolved pokemon against a first stage pokemon like Roggenrola.

"Aren't those the members from the Kodile gang, I heard that they are very vicious, they once broke a trainer's arm because he fought them back but the police couldn't do anything because they had no evidence"

One of the trainers commented, just like this many trainers started to whisper about the wrongdoings of the gang, most of these trainers wanted Julian to give up and back off, they didn't want an innocent man to get beaten up but they didn't dare to speak out loud and welcome the animosity of the gang towards them.

The gangster, on the other hand, was delighted by hearing these whispers from the trainer, he believed that these whispers helped him install more fear into this man in black.

Julian "Why are you smiling like an idiot, make your move"

Julian just ignored that smug smile and provoked the gangster, as Julian expected the gangster burst out in anger and called for an attack by ordering his pokemon.

Gangster "Seismitoad, use Mud Shot"

Julian "Roll away"

As the Mud Shots charged at Roggenrola he just moved out of the way effortlessly, Julian is not taking this battle lightly, with Seismitoad being both water and ground type pokemon, his Roggenrola is battling a very high-risk battle, just one good shot from his opponent can end it.

But Julian has confidence in his ways and the stupidity of his opponent.

Seeing how effortlessly Roggenrola dodged his pokemon's attacks the gangster got more frustrated and made his Seismitoad charge at Roggenrola using Ice Punch.

These types of people were the easiest for Julian to handle, they had no understanding of what moves to use in different situations during a battle, they just use brute force which can be easily countered by some simple moves.

Julian "Get under its feet"

As Seismitoad got closer to hit Roggenrola with Ice Punch, Roggenrola rolled straight at the Seismitoad and stopped right on the spot where the Seismitoad's leg was about to land.

As Seismitoad stepped down, the horn on top of Roggenrola's head did its effect (like stepping on top of a Lego block), Seismitoad lost its balance and came crashing on the ground while face planting its own face on its fist, it got hit by its own Ice Punch.

Julian "Rock Tomb"

Massive rocks soon crashed down on the fallen Seismitoad which is holding onto its feet from the sharp pain Roggenrola's horn caused it.

The rocks tried to bury it alive, one after the other the rocks were doing a lot of damage even though it is resistant to rock type attacks.

Gangster "What the fuck are you doing, get up and beat the shit out of that Roggenrola"

Hearing its trainer getting frustrated, the Seismitoad shot out a jet of water to escape from the boulders that are trying to crush it, it crawled out of the rocks and stared angrily at Roggenrola and shot a powerful Water Pulse at him.

Julian "Dodge and use Iron Defense"

Roggenrola dodged again and used Iron Defense to increase his physical defense, Julian is already predicting a physical attack from his opponent so he is preparing Roggenrola to take the hit, he cannot just keep dodging, it is too time-consuming for him and his pokemon.

Roggenrola used Iron Defense and increased his defense.

Gangster "Use Supersonic"

This time Seismitoad's attack didn't miss as a sound wave hit Roggenrola causing him to get confused, his head started to spin and he walked around the battlefield like a drunkard.

Gangster "Hahaha, now finish it with Drain Punch" His Seismitoad finally landed a good hit on the confused Roggenrola with a good drain punch, Roggenrola was sent flying backward and crashed on the ground, seeing this everyone thought that the battle is over but they were still impressed by how good Roggenrola performed against the Seismitoad.

Gangster "Hahahaha, that's what happens to people who go against our gang, see that, we are the...."

Julian "Shut the fuck up, you are fucking annoying and the battle hasn't even started yet"

Julian said and rubbed his ears after getting annoyed by hearing the man scream like a man child.

Gangster "What? What do you mea...."

He suddenly stopped talking as he saw Julian's Roggenrola get back to his feet and shook his head getting rid of the confusion, even though he was hurt that Iron Defense really worked, it took half of the damage and the rest was surged off by Roggenrola and his great defense.

As Roggenrola got up he started to glow, it looks like that hit triggered the evolution that Julian has been waiting for.

Roggenrola started to grow bigger and bigger, from two legs to three massive legs, as the light faded away a new pokemon was revealed to everyone, a Boldore.

Boldore has a purple body with cyan-colored crystals all over his body.

Julian "You are fucked"

Julian said and stared at the gangster, now he didn't need to dodge this person's attacks.

Julian 'System, tell me the moves that Boldore learned after evolving'

System 'Stone Edge and Power Gem'

Gangster "Just because your pokemon evolved you think you can defeat me?"

Julian "Yes I can.....Let me show you, use Power Gem continuously" As soon as Julian said this, the crystal on Boldore's body started to glow and a light ball formed in front of his face, then a ray of multicolored light shot at Seismitoad and hit it right on the shoulder.

Being resistant to rock type attacks and with how weak Boldore is at using special type attacks, it didn't do much but it was not over, another ray was shot at the Seismitoad.

Then it started to rain, rays after rays shot the Seismitoad, from shoulders to knees, every joint was brutally attacked, it was as if it is getting gunned down by multiple people who are aiming only at its joints.

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