Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 653 - Wanting Attention

Julian woke up from his bed and noticed that he slept a little longer than he expected, it's now 12 PM, he looked to the side and noticed that Crystal is also sleeping peacefully on the small pillow bed it made for itself.

He did the usual morning routine and decided to head out, he picked up the sleeping Crystal and tugged it inside his pocket before finally heading out. ​​

He decided to go to the nearest pokemon park to see if he can find anyone who can give his pokemons some challenge.

When he got there he saw many young trainers walking around with their pokemon by their side, all these trainers were either new to the profession or already have a fair share of experience.

Since this park is very big Julian decided to look around and see what he can find before battling a good trainer, after looking around he found some interesting trainers that were good at what they were doing.

Since he is here to battle he decided to do it, he found a bunch of trainers who were good at battling and joined them, as he walked near the battlefield, he saw trainers battling each other, the one who loses will back off and the one who wins will continue his battle with a new trainer.

This being a survival type of training is really helpful for trainers and pokemons, with constant pressure from new and healthy pokemon will help a trainer's pokemon get pushed to the edge and grow stronger.

Julian waited for a while before one trainer was finally defeated by the other, the one who won is on a three streak win and is very excited, even though his pokemon seemed tired it also wanted to continue battling.

Before anyone could step in Julian walked towards the battlefield and took his stance and sent out Roggenrola.

His opponent is a young man in his 15's and his pokemon is a Pignite, a second stage pokemon, with its secondary fighting type it has an advantage over Roggenrola but it is tired as well.

Trainer "A Roggenrola? You should at least sent a second stage pokemon"

The trainer warned Julian.

Julian "Don't worry, I am fine with my choice"

He answered.

Trainer "Don't complain afterward when you lose"

The trainer said and soon after the battle started, his Pignite charged at Roggenrola using Arm Thrust.

Julian "Roggenrola, dodge and use Rock Blast"

Seeing the incoming attack Roggenrola moved to the side dodging the Arm Thrusts and then sent a bunch of rocks flying towards Pignite, with so many rocks rushing towards it Pignite had nowhere to go and got hit by several of them causing it to faint on the spot.

As it was already tired from its previous battle he couldn't hold on any longer and got one shot by Roggenrola, the trainers who were present in the area are not too impressed as they can already see that the trainer with the Pignite would have lost against anyone who would have battled him.

The Pignite trainer got frustrated and moved to the side after sending his pokemon back to its Pokeball, another trainer stepped in and took his place challenging Julian and his Roggenrola.

This new trainer sent out a Servine, an evolved form of Snivy, Julian is not worried about it even though it is a grass type and is a second stage pokemon, with Roggenrolas known to evolve very late compared to starter pokemons, they have a lot of power in their base stage as well.

With Roggenrola's high attack stat, Julian is confident in taking down this Servine in two to three moves.

Trainer "Servine, use Vine Whip"

Julian "Counter with Rock Blast"

Both pokemons used their attack and sent them shooting at each other, the Vine Whips shot straight at the shooting rocks and went right through them, being a grass type move and having a higher damage rate, it easily broke through the rocks.

But Julian never intended to use them to attack, as the Vine Whips destroyed the rocks it scattered everywhere and Servine got distracted, it couldn't pinpoint where Roggenrola is due to all the rocks blocking it.

Roggenrola, on the other hand, has already gotten very close to Servine by using the rocks to blend in, the trainer of the Servine noticed but it was too late.

Julian "Now use SmackDown"

Roggenrola grabbed Servine's tail and slammed it on the ground while covering it with rock energy, the smash caused cracks to appear on the battlefield, but somehow the Servine survived.

Their whole evolution line is known for their great defense, it somehow survived the attack.

Julian is not going to let this continue, he knew he can only get tougher opponents by causing a commotion and the best way to do that is to create an undefeated streak.

As Servine was trying to get back to its feet but Roggenrola moved closer to it and used Rock Tomb, large boulders came crashing down on Servine and flattened it on the ground.

As the smoke cleared up the result was clear, Servine couldn't take those Rock Tombs, as the battle ended everyone around the battlefield are surprised.

They didn't expect the battle to be over so quickly, they realized that this trainer is one with experience, this little stunt of Julian, of course, attracted some attention that he wanted but these trainers didn't jump in, they wanted to see more.

This battle could have just been a fluke as luck is also a very important factor in a trainer's battle.

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