Julian "You seem like a man who doesn't want to much trouble in your life, correct?"

Colress "Indeed, as little as possible" ​​

Julian "Good then stop doing what you are doing here, tell Team Plasma that your work is a failure and return the person who has been taken hostage, also fix the power outage problem in the city"

Julian gave him a set of tasks that needs to be fulfilled right now.

Colress knew he has to do it in front of the man in black if he wants to get out from here, he could feel his arms loosen all of a sudden, he is not able to move them, he takes out a phone and calls someone.

Colress "Yes, it's me, the process has failed, I will be leaving the lair, it's better to return whoever has been kidnapped or the league will become more aggressive...OK, done"

Colress ended the call and looked at Julian.

Colress "Done"

Julian "Good, and what about that huge ball of energy there?"

Julian asked pointing at the pulsing energy that was created by Colress.

Colress "This is an energy source, Team Plasma asked me to build it"

Julian "For what?"

Colress "I don't know, they said they will inform me when I am done finishing it"

Julian "How to get rid of it?"

Colress "The energy has to run out itself, interfering with it will create an explosion that could bring down the city"

Julian "How long will it take?"

Colress "A year or two"

Julian "Too much time, Gengar put it away"

As Julian said this, Gengar appeared in front of the energy source, Colress saw the Gengar and realized that he has seen it somewhere, the next thing he saw is that the Gengar suddenly created a portal-like thing and engulfed the whole energy source in one go.

Within a second the energy source which he had worked for months disappeared, but he did confirm one thing, the man in black's identity.

The Gengar exactly matched the description of the person he is studying for months now so he cannot make a mistake when it comes to this.

Colress "You are Julian"

Julian "You are smart, so you should know that getting involved with Team Plasma can be your downfall but if you still want to continue working for them I don't mind, just stay away from my path and you will be fine"

Julian gave him a final warning and got up from his chair and put it back in his pouch, Colress is not completely free, he headed to the main computer and shut it down along with all the devices that were connected to it, it stopped pulling any kind of power.

As soon as this was done the power returned to Castelia city, Julian's work is done here, he turned around and left with Crystal and Gengar as Colress just watched.

He knew he did the right thing by not making this hard on both him and Julian. Since he is not loyal to Team Plasma he has no intention to get hurt for them, he also left the lair right away not wanting to stay here anymore.

Now that the door between the sewer and this room was broken the smell started to enter and pollute the air inside, not wanting to smell the horrible smell anymore Colress and made a run out of the lair after pressing a self district button.

As soon as he left the room, the computers inside caught on fire and a series of explosions occurred, these were not massive so it didn't have any reaction outside.

All information and files that were stored in that computer got destroyed with it.


Julian got out of the sewer from a man whole and realized that he is right outside the city, he thanks god that he had Omniforce or he would have smelled like shit and entering the city like that is not a good idea.

After entering the city he headed directly to his hotel room to clean himself up, even though he is not dirty he didn't like the idea of being inside a sewer for such a long time. After he was done, he came back to the living room and took out his laptop to do some little research on the next gym leader he will be facing.

He looked into Castelia city gym and found some information on the gym leader.

Julian "The gym leader name is Burgh, a bug type user, his gym seems to be the one always challenged third by the trainers, not the strongest gym leader out there but still descent"

He said and continued looking through his profile, with a win rate of 50% it was not bad, the pokemons he uses to battle with the challenges are his Whirlipede, Dwebble, and Leavanny.

Julian 'A good line up, the most troublesome would be that Leavanny as it is fully evolved, Darumaka is nowhere close to evolution, Roggenrola should be the closest one to evolve, I need to find a Shelmet for Karrablast to evolve and Drilbur also needs a little more time'

He thought and started to figure out which pokemons to use for his next gym battle.

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