Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 648 - Trouble Without Intending

Now that Julian is done here, he decided to leave the Battle Company and train his pokemons for their upcoming gym challenge, the gym here in Castelia city is a bug type gym, Julian wondered which pokemons he should use.

He used Roggenrola and Drilbur in his previous challenge so Darumaka and Karrablast make sense, while Darumaka has an advantage over bug type and Karrablast is a bug type as well, it would be very easy for Julian to clear this challenge. ​​

On the other hand, Roggenrola and Drilbur had an advantage over them as well, since Julian already used them in previous gym battle at Nacrene city he didn't want to use them in this battle.

Julian didn't like using the same pokemons he used previously, after thinking a lot he decided to go with Darumaka and Karrablast and finish his third challenge quickly.

As it is one of the starter gyms for the trainers it didn't hold much significance to Julian, they are important for young trainers who are just starting but to trainers like Julian they don't matter much.

Leaving the battle company Julian headed out to the city and saw that the city is still out of power, people are now just looking at their phones or talking to their pokemon, little work is being done.

Julian also noticed that some people are used to this as they treated it as another regular thing in their life, he also heard some angry people cursing the governor for not fixing the problem.

Julian also started to wonder what could cause such a big city to suffer from these frequent power outage, knowing he has to find out, he decided to head towards the nearest transformer to see if it is working properly, he soon found one and noticed that it is working fine but there is no electricity present.

Since he is not an electrician he cannot do a full examination, he has to find some alternative method to figure it out, looking into his phone he found the closest electrician shop near him, once he got there he noticed the electrician sitting on a chair with an Ampharos by his side sipping on tea.

Julian "Excuse me?"

Julian called him, the electrician turned and looked at Julian who has his face covered.

"What is it?"

He asked.

Julian "Do you know why there have been recent power cuts?"

He asked.

"I don't know, the mayor is definitely covering up something, when we election decided to volunteer and look into this situation the mayor denied it, he even placed guards near the plantation and is not letting anyone go inside and check it out"

The electrition said.

Julian "Thank you"

Julian thanked him and decided to go and see this plantation for himself, maybe he can sneak in without being noticed, and even if he did, he can use his influence and call up a favor from the league.

He looked at the map and noticed that the plantation is actually outside the city, near the Castelia city's sewers, this was not a huge deal as many plantations are kept away from civilization.

Julian quickly got on his bike and rode towards the Castelia city's sewers to figure out what really is happening, when he arrived in front of the plantation he saw many guards walking around with actual guns in their hand, they also had Growlithes patrol with them around the area to find any intruders.

Julian thought of sneaking in into the plantation and see what is happening but he was also curious about why would there be so much security near the plantation.

Seeing the guards Julian could tell they will be aggressive as soon as they spot him.

Julian "Gengar, you are up, make a way for me"

As soon as Julian said this Gengar got excited and got out of his shadow and looked around to see so many targets for him to play with.

Julian "Don't hurt them, just cause a distraction till I can sneak in"

Gengar giggled and nodded his head, he is already thinking of ways on how to mess with these guards, since Julian has told no lethal actions he has to control himself.

Julian just stood far away and watched as Gengar did his thing.

Gengar blended into the shadow and slowly approached the guards that were guarding the main gate, he has to get rid of these ones first because this main gate seems to be the only way to get inside.

Gengar circled around them trying to figure out what to do, with Julian's limitation on him he couldn't think of much but normal pranks.

"Dude it's getting chilly out here"

One of the guards suddenly said as he rubbed the back of his neck, he felt as if something cold just graced him.

"Ya you are right, it has suddenly become very cold"

The other guard said as well putting his gun to the side and rubbing his hands to generate some heat but it was of no effect, the surrounding temperature started to colder and colder.

"Dude this is freaking me out, call someone"

One of the guards said and called for someone from his radio transceiver.

"Someone come quick, we are freezing out here, please quick"

The guard started to panic as the temperature got so cold that ice started to form around the water bottle they were carrying.

While all this happened Gengar didn't notice this at all, he was busy thinking of ways to get these men out of here, he didn't even realize that just his presence in the air is freezing them.

Soon some guards came running as they heard how panicked their colleague was, when they got there they saw two men covered in ice, completely frozen on the spot.

"Guys, what happened?"

One of them shouted and ran towards them which also woke Gengar from his thought process, he lifted his head and looked around to see two men have completely frozen on the spot.

Gengar realized that he fucked up and looked at Julian's direction, he saw Julian shaking his head and face-palming himself.

Julian knew Gengar does some stupid shit which causes a lot of trouble but now he is causing trouble without even intending it.

But he still got the work done, with this stupid mistake of him all the guards present near the plantation rushed out to check on their colleague, Julian saw this chance and moved and jumped right over the 6-meter wall surrounding the plantation.

Seeing that Julian has made through the wall Gengar also left the area which caused the temperature to go back to normal and the two men slowly started to unfreeze.

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