Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 643 - Weird Power Outage

Julian prepared himself, ready to leave and explore the city completely, he also has to visit the Battle Company to see how things work there and if he can make some kind of deal with them or not.

When he walked out of his room he noticed that Yesh has already left as he couldn't feel anything inside Yesh's room. ​​

Ignoring it Julian headed out of the hotel and went towards the center part of the city where most of the city's attractions are present.

He spent hours looking around the city and figuring out how it is like for the locals to live here, traveling all over the world to see different things was what Julian wants and he would not miss this at all.

As he continues doing this he stopped in front of an ice cream parlor because Crystal started to bug him again, unless he gives ice cream to the little rascal it won't stop cause trouble.

Hw walked into the parlor and brought out his young Unova team so all of them can enjoy ice cream, the older ones are not too keen on it except Victini as it loves eating as much as Crystal.

He took a seat and let his pokemons settle down, all of them are excited smelling the sweet scent that is coming from behind the counter.

A young girl soon walked towards them and handed over a small menu to chose their flavor, since this is a small parlor it didn't have any fancy flavors in their menu but ice cream is still ice cream, it didn't matter to Julian, he bought a bunch of different flavors depending on his pokemon's taste.

The young girl smiled as she saw how excited the little pokemons are right now, she went back to the counter to prepare everything that Julian ordered, after a few minutes she was followed by another parlor worker with a lot of cups and glasses filled with Ice cream, they placed them all on the table and went back to the counter.

Julian also started to eat his own when suddenly the lights inside the Ice Cream shop when off, Julian was surprised and looked outside to see if it was only the Ice Cream parlor who is suffering from a power outage, but it was not the case.

It looks like the whole area is out of power.

"Oh no, the power went away again, if it doesn't come back in time all the Ice Cream will be ruined"

The young girl who handed ice creams to Julian said in a worried voice.

Julian "Excuse me, does the power go often here?"

He asked as it is very rare for any district in this massive city like Castelia to have a power outage.

"It's not only our district, but the whole city is also having this problem, for some reason, there have been frequent power cuts in the city, even the governor of the city doesn't know the reason behind these power cuts"

She said explaining the situation to Julian.

Hearing this Julian frowned, why would there be power outage is Castelia city, being one of the biggest cities in Unova it consumes a lot of electricity and is also an electronic hub, there should be no reason for the whole city to suffer a power outage unless there is something going on behind the scene.

Julian put the though behind his mind and continued to eat the ice cream with his pokemons, only a few minutes passed and the power came back and every appliance started to run again.

"Thank god"

The young girl sighed in relief and checked on the ice creams that were inside the freezer to see if they have been affected or nor.

Julian had his pokemons finished their ice creams and decided to leave, Julian paid for it and sent all him pokemons back to their Pokeball, Crystal went back to his pocket and fell asleep after eating a lot.

Now that the little trouble maker is silent Julian could do what he is here for, he then headed towards the Battle Company, he soon found himself in front of a very massive skyscraper, this is the main headquarters of Battle Company, Julian looked around and noticed that many people walked in and out of this massive tower.

Some looked like employees while others were just travelers and visitors, Julian knows that Battle Company allows outsiders to visit their company and see how things work around here but they only have access to few floors, the rest are all guarded.

Battle Company also has a weird policy, they only hire employees who love to pokemon battle, if they don't like to battle pokemon, no matter how big of a genius they are in that field they will not get the job.

All employees who work here always battle each other and visitors before they start to work.

When they take a break they battle. When they are about to leave for their home they battle, it is a weird company and that is why Julian is interested to see what really happens here.

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