Next day Julian woke up and stretched his body, he looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that it is 9 AM, not too early nor too late, he got off from the beds, did the usual morning routine and fed his pokemons.

After it was done he headed out, his goal is to find a good trainer for the two Drilburs he has with him, the best way to find them are either in training parks where most trainers come to train their pokemons or near pokemon gym as they will be heading to challenge the gym leaders. ​​

Maybe Julian will get lucky and find a good trainer on his first go but he is not so hopeful, being hopeful may lead to disappointment, Julian arrived at the pokemon park and sat down on a chair that was close to a battlefield, he could see a lot of young trainers training their pokemon, some of them were battling each other and improving their skills.

As Julian looked around he realized that this park is very big, it has several battlefields and many trainers are facing off against each other, most of them are just young trainers who just started but there were also a lot of experienced ones hanging around trying to find a match for themselves.

Julian took out a packaged milkshake from his pouch and started to drink while looking around, he will have to do this all day till he finds a trainer, for hours Julian had no luck, he did see some good trainer here and there who had raised their pokemon well but it was not enough for him, Julian was always a responsible person, he didn't just want to give them off to any good trainer, they had to stand out.

If these Drilburs wherein his team they would become monsters so he would feel guilty if he just gave them off to a random trainer who is mediocre in his eyes, he wished he could see Ash now so he can just give one of the Drilbur to him.

He watched as many trainers came and when, whenever there was a battle, the crowd would gather around the battlefield and watch the battle. Things continued like this and Julian is getting bored, he took out his phone and started to play some solitaire on it.

As he was doing so he noticed something at the corner of the park, a massive crowd was actually gathering around a battlefield, seeing this Julian got excited, this was what he was looking for, seeing the crowd getting bigger and bigger every second Julian knew that a special trainer has appeared.

For such a huge crowd to father Julian could tell that the trainer is either special or unique, no ordinary trainer can gather such large crowd, only unique and special trainers can do so because people are always attracted to special and unique things.

He approached the crowd and looked beyond them to see what is actually happening, he saw two trainers actually battling, both of them had young pokemons with them so they just started their training journey or had caught new pokemons for themselves.

He looked at both the trainers, one is a girl with blond hair and other is a boy with black hair, the girl didn't stand out much and her Growlithe was ordinary but the boy was weird, his black hairs were covering his eyes but Julian could still see them behind his hair, they were purple in color, it was a rare color so Julian noticed it easily, the body is wearing a black and purple dress which looked like a royal suit worn by nobles in the early era, he also has a ponytail tied from a purple ribbon, he looked like an emo kid from outward appearance but he didn't give off that vibe at all.

He looks to be around 12 years old to Julian but what stood out most was his pokemon, a Mawile, it is one of the pokemons that are recorded to Mega Evolve, even though all pokemons have the ability to Mega Evolve only a few species have been recorded so far and Mawile is one of them.

He looked at the Mawile and got impressed, even though it is young it is releasing quite an aura, from the looks of it, Growlithe clearly seems to have the advantage but Julian already knew that the Mawile is going to win, the battle started and ended within a minute, the Growlithe got caught with a Bite from the massive jaw behind Mawile's head.

The girl sighed in disappointment and left for another trainer to take her place, soon that trainer also got defeated, Julian just stood there and watched to see what the kid will do, after winning against all his opponents so easily he didn't seem to have any change in his feelings at all.

If it was any other trainer they would either feel superior or show disdain against these trainers but this kid remained emotionless, even Julian is not capable of remain emotionless for such a long time.

Soon the kid was in a 15 straight win streak and no one could defeat him, his Mawile seems to be doing ok as well, it didn't even receive one hit, Julian was really impressed, this kids talent was even better than Ash and Paul.

Julian wondered where this kid came from, soon the trainers inside the crowd gave up on the idea of challenging the boy, they could clearly see he was a great trainer and all of them needed way more training.

Some trainers from the crowd approached him and asked about him and his pokemon but the boy only gave one-word answers. After some time the crowd lost their interest in him because no one challenged him anymore so they went away to watch others battle.

Now only Julian and the boy were left near the battlefield and both of them looked at each other.

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