Once Gengar got the permission he got excited, it has been a long time since he had fun with the little ones, Garchomp and Victini pitted the young once, they have been in this position before.

If they caused too much trouble they would have to face the horror that is Gengar. ​​

As the Drilburs and Roggenrola continued their quarrel and fighting they didn't notice a big dark shadow right behind them with a vicious grin on its face.

Suddenly the Drilburs stopped and backed of scared as they saw Gengar standing right behind Roggenrola, Roggenrola, on the other hand, saw this and got very arrogant, he thought that the Drilburs gave up and backed of scared because of his awesome powers and strength.

Roggenrola has no idea that Gengar is standing right behind him, Roggenrola then started to mock the Drilburs and looked down on them showing off his superior standing (which exists in his own mind).

But Roggenrola noticed something, the Drilburs were not even staring at him, they were looking at something that was behind him, Roggenrola realized that something was not right and slowly turned around and saw a pokemon he has never seen in his life before.

As he lived his whole life inside that cave he only knew about a few pokemons, when he saw Julian first he was surprised by this weird looking being, he had never seen a human before, Julian was his first, then he saw Victini and Crystal which were foreign to him as well and now this black-purplish monster that is looking down on him as if it is trying to eat him.

The Roggenrola joined the Drilburs and tried to back off slowly but their nightmare came, the big dark monster lunged towards them.


Gengar shouted and scared the shit out of them, the four young pokemon felt their soul being shaken and fainted from fear.

Julian was stunned by this, he didn't expect all of them to just faint from a little jump scare from Gengar, even Gengar was stunned and looked at the young pokemons with confusion in his eyes, he turned around and looked at Julian embarrassed and apologetically, he didn't want to scare them so much that they would actually faint.

Julian "Get back to what you were doing, I will handle the rest"

Julian said and sighed while Garchomp and Victini pitied the young ones, they were once in the receiving end of that scare and the same thing happened to them as well, it was when Julian was not looking at them and was busy with other work.

Julian let Darumaka and Karrablast continue with their training while he took care of the fainted young ones, he looked at the three fainted Drilburs and sighed as he has to find the two of them a good trainer.

He wished he could have left all of them behind to not face this dilemma but the youngest Drilbur was worth the risk, he has potential and he cannot miss such a good candidate for his team.

He let them rest on the side and started to train Darumaka and Karrablast, they both are growing strong very fast and they should be able to take on the next gym after a little more training, as Julian continued to train them, the fainted ones woke up and noticed Julian training his pokemons, they saw how Darumaka and Karrablast moved and performed attacks, they had never seen anything so complicated like this before, inside the cave every pokemon only knew to perform moves and attack each other directly and now they saw how Darumaka and Karrablast dodged each other's attacks they were surprised.

They even forgot their hatred towards the other and continued watching Julain train Darumaka and Karrablast, as the sun finally set down completely the training session was over, Julian noticed that the four young ones are awake and watching Darumaka and Karrablast, he smiled and approached them with Victini.

Julian "So you all are awake"

Julian said and sat down in front of them, the three Drilburs kept their distance from Roggenrola, Julian could easily tell that these little ones have some history, well a five-year-old could figure it out but now it is up to Julian to patch them up.

He didn't need all four of them to get along, he only needed the ones who will be in his team to get along.

Julian "Now listen to me, two of you will not be staying with me, I will have to find you a good trainer, till then you can stay and get along with each other"

He said and paused while looking at the youngest Drilbur and Roggenrola.

Julian "You both will be staying with me, while you two will have to leave"

Julian explained the young Drilburs everything in detail, this time he used his Omniforce so that the little ones could understand what Julian is saying.

The Drilburs didn't think much about it, even though they lived their whole life together they would go their separate ways at quite a young age so they didn't mind separating but till then they stuck together.

Roggenrola, on the other hand, was very happy, getting to become strong was the perfect gift for him.

Julian then fed all off his pokemons their special food except the new ones he caught today, he still has no idea what is best for them so till then he will feed them normal food and two of them will soon leave so he didn't want to discriminate between his and the other two pokemons.

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