Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 616 - Restaurant Or Gym?

N is surprised by this, the Shadow Triad are strong pokemon trainers who can even rival champions if they start to work together, their teamwork has always been exceptional and not many out there can take them on.

They just went to get snatch Professor Kukui's teleportation project, what could possibly stop them from doing so. ​​

Triad Member "When we arrived there we came across Caitlin, one of the Elite Four"

One of the Triad members said.

N "Caitlin huh? I have heard about her, they say she is really a strong pokemon trainer, at a champion level but she alone shouldn't have been able to stop all three of you, you even had a lot of Team Plasma members with you"

N said before listening to the whole story.

Triad Member "Yes, we could have easily taken care of it, Professor Kukui was distracted by the goons while the two of us engaged with Caitlin, and the other went in to get the files but something happened, a man in black interfered with the plan, he had a black Garchomp which easily defeated our pokemons, also this one who went in to grab the files was tossed out from the lab unconscious with his pokemon"

The Triad member said while pointing at his partner.

N was surprised to hear this, a man in black came to save the day, it was just like a fairy tail but N believed it anyway, the Shadow Triad never lied no matter what the circumstances were.

N "I see, do you know who this man in black was?"

N asked.

He doesn't know much about the world outside this castle, he lived his whole life here taking care of pokemons so he doesn't know what really is going outside.

Triad Member "We don't know leader but we will try to figure it out"

He said.

N "Let it be, for now, there is no use of stealing the files now, the testing should have already been done and the production will soon be in process, we cannot stop it now, you three take rest and order the other members to continue liberating pokemons"

N said and walked into his castle as a few pokemons followed behind him.

Since they got their order the Shadow Triad didn't say anything and left along with the goons.

Back in the castle N walked into his massive room, his room is filled with all the luxury one could ever imagine, the walls were gold plated and the decorations were made from diamonds and ruby, even ancient kings and queens didn't live in such luxury as N did.

N sat down on his bed and thought about what his followers said to him, a man in black was very vague and N didn't know much about the world outside as he has spent his whole life inside this massive castle.

His whole life he has only had pokemon friends, he didn't trust humans at all, he hated humans in fact, no one knows why he feels this way but N is very protective over his followers, if someone tries to hurt them he would interfere and give them enough time to escape.

This made the members of Team Plasma become very loyal to N because they knew he would come to their rescue no matter what happens.

N "This man in black seems very dangerous, I need to find out more about him, I should ask father about it"

N said and laid down, he decided to wait until his father comes back to the castle, his father is a very influential person in the world and if there is a human that N trust, it is his father.


Julian finished looking around the trainer's school and found out that their methods are exactly the same as the ones used in other regions.

Julian soon got bored and walked towards the Striaton gym to check out the trainers and who he might be facing, he soon arrived in front of a very luxury building, this was none other than the Striaton gym.

But for some reason Julian could hear a lot of people talking inside, he got curious and walked in and saw a massive room filled with chairs and tables and people were eating.

It was a restaurant, Julian got confused seeing this, he thought it was a gym, why are people here eating and drinking like it is a restaurant.

Julian 'I know that Striaton city has a lot of restaurants and known for their delicious food but even a gym is a restaurant, this is bizarre'

Julian thought and looked around, he saw three people in waiter dresses, one has red hair, one has blue hair and one has green hair, Julian looked carefully at them and realized that these waiters are none other than the gym leaders of this gym.

He took and seat and looked at the menu kept on the table, as he looked at the prices displayed on them, he was shocked, it was way expensive for a normal restaurant, if it was a Michelin star restaurant then Julian might find it reasonable but this was just absurd, as he looked through the menu he decided to eat his dinner here as it was about to become night, suddenly one of the waiters walked towards him, he is the one with green hair, also one of the gym leaders.

Cilan "Welcome sir, may I have your order"

He asked politely.

Julian "Isn't this a little too much money for the dishes you serve here?"

Julian asked curiously.

Cilan "Ah, that is because we actually let out diners watch pokemon battles if a challenger comes to challenge one of us, it acts as entertainment for them, and if the challenger actually defeats us he will able to dine here for free for a whole day"

Cilan said.

Julian "Oh, that's interesting"

Julian said and ordered some food and looked at his right, he saw the battlefield right behind the thick bulletproof glass, people could actually watch pokemon battles here while eating, Julian also learned that normal people can also challenge one of the workers in the field to earn a free meal but most of them fail.

Since this is a gym that doesn't battle any high-level pokemons it is ok to be behind bulletproof glass, if this was somewhere else, this glass would have shattered into fragments.

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