Seeing the result of this battle everyone was surprised, it was not a great battle at all, there was no appeal to it at all, it started with a dash and ended within a few seconds after the Blitzle got hit by that Toxic.

While everyone got serious about Karl, Julian just smiled, he could tell that Karl is an experienced trainer, while other trainers would back their pokemon off when the opponent is performing a powerful attack Karl used it to his advantage. ​​

With the speed that Blitzle was rushing towards his Venipede, he didn't need to do anything, just a normal spray of Toxic would sting after entering a pokemon's eye who cannot dodge it, it was Blitzle who ran into the spray, Venipede did nothing.

After it got poisoned the Venoshock ended the battle, it was just a battle between a pro and a novice nothing special at all.

Karl "As I said, amateurs, I need to find a better club to improve my skills"

Karl said and mocked his opponent, Ken is really frustrated, he got destroyed with a few seconds because he was too impulsive and rushed into a straight charge.

Ken "The battle is not over, I still have a pokemon left, don't think you won the battle just after our first exchange"

Ken said and took out his next Pokeball and tossed it at the battlefield as a Pansear entered a battlefield, Julian looked at this pokemon, it looks like a fire monkey but nothing special, it didn't stand out much while its opponent the Venipede is a pokemon with great potential.

The second round began and to everyone's eyes, Ken clearly has the advantage because his Pansear is a fire type pokemon, but it is not that simple.

Ken "Pansear use Incinerate"

This time he chose a safer route and attacked from a distance.

Karl "This is boring, I will end this right now, Venipede, use Rollout"

Karl's Venipede turned itself in a ball by curling inwards and rushed straight to the Incinerate that was shot at it, rock energy covered its body as it started to roll, as Venipede made contact with the Incinerate it tore right through it, seeing this everyone was shocked, how could a bug type pokemon come out unscathed from that? This question floated in everyone's mind but the answer was simple, rock resist fire and covering itself with rock energy allowed it to resist the fire type attack, it was indeed hurt by that Incinerate but nobody could see it because Venipede is in the shape of a ball.

It continued and crashed into the Pansear and sent it crashing but Venipede didn't stop, it backed up and charged at Pansear again with double the power than last time.

The Rollout is a very good offensive move because it becomes stronger and faster as the user continues using it.

Seeing this Ken panicked and called out another Incinerate and his Pansear shot another one at the rolling Venipede and the same happened, it tore through the fire and crashed into Pansear again, this time the effect was even severe than before because of all that power and speed it gained, if the opponent cannot stop the user from rolling they should consider it a defeat because as time passes the move will become much stronger and faster.

If a Rollout is really powered up to the max a pokemon can defeat another pokemon that is twice as strong and tough than the user.

Pansear couldn't take it anymore and it fainted after getting hit the third time, it wasn't even able to counter, the battle ended and this trainer named Karl didn't even break a sweat, his Venipede destroyed its opponents easily.

George "This winner of this battle is Karl from Kalos"

With the announcement, the battle ended and everyone became silent, this person was no joke, he defeated Ken who was clearly a strong trainer in this club, there are also others but none of them are here, most of them even left the town because they grew a lot stronger and this club could no longer be a challenge for them.

A Battle Club's strength depends on the trainers living in the town or a city, most trainers are travelers and they won't stay for long so a strong trainer meant the reputation of the club was higher, there was some occasion where a strong trainer who was traveling would enter a club to participate in battles and that was it.

The strongest Pokemon trainer in a Battle Club is, of course, Don George but no one can challenge him because he has to do other stuff like referring a battle or taking care of troublesome trainers, there were always one or two of them causing troubles.

Karl "As I said, everyone here is an Amateur, I wasted my time, I should find another Battle Club"

Karl said and was about to leave when someone stopped him, it is none other than Julian, seeing how confident Karl was in his ability Julian got excited and wanted to battle, it was hard for him to meet interesting trainers like Karl and when he meets them he cannot just let them go without a battle.

Julian "I want to have a battle as well"

Julian walked out of the crowd and grabbed everyone's attention, everyone turned about and looked at him, a young man covered in a black dress as he hid behind a mask, Julian was a little careful right now so he deepened his voice while speaking so his fans doesn't recognize him, he could clearly tell this room was filled with people who looked up to him.

Karl "Who are you?"

Karl asked.

Julian "My name is Kevin, I am also aiming to win the Unova League, as I saw you battle I decided to test my skills as well"

He said.

Karl "Is this some kind of joke, are you one of these idiots, didn't you see me battle, do you think you can defeat me?"

Karl got a little pissed, he was already annoyed because he wasted his time coming to this Battle Club and finding no worthy opponent and now some crazy bastard in black wants to battle him.

Julian "Do you think I am joking, how about a one v one, you are not going to back downright, if you do feel free, I will take that as a win for myself"

Julian said in a sarcastic tone, he is trying to piss Karl off, Julian liked being an asshole sometimes to trainer, it was fun seeing his opponents getting ticked off by his provocations.

While everything happened Gengar was watching this from the shadow.

Gengar 'Gegege, Master is a hypocrite, he keeps scolding me for having some fun, now look at him cause trouble himself, gegege, well it is funny though'

Gengar thought and laughed in his own thoughts without alerting Julian.

Karl is really pissed and decided to play this man's game and excepted the challenge.

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