Julian woke up early and fed his pokemon before heading out for normal training.

Since Darumaka and Karrablast are still young they won't need super hard training for some time, after building up a solid foundation then they can get through some rough trainer to power up, till then they can enjoy their blissful life. ​​

Morning training is over and Julian noticed that Darumaka and Karrablast didn't get along very much, small quarrels would break between them, well all of them was started by Darumaka as he is the one who always tried to cause trouble and both of them would end up getting hit by Julian on their head for being mischievous.

Julian was little annoyed by his Darumaka, he was like a naughty human child who would go around ringing doorbells of some elderly citizen just to piss them off.

After training was over Julian gave them some time to play along with Crystal while Infernape and Gengar kept a watch on them, little do these little ones know that they are in presence of very powerful monsters.

After they were done playing Julian decided to take a loot around the town, last time he was here he just passed through the town without taking a look at all, this time he didn't want to do so, what is the use of traveling to different towns and cities if he didn't take a look around and see what it has to offer.

After looking around for a while Julian felt that this town was pretty good, it was peaceful and the surround here was very clean, the people living in the town are very friendly as well.

Julian continued forwards and finally arrived in front of a big building, but this building looked like a stadium from outside.

Julian got curious and walked closer to the massive building when he saw some young pokemon trainers enter the building with their pokemon, he looked around and saw a man wearing a grayish blue dress, it looked like some kind of uniform that is common between martial art practitioners.

The man is quite big and he has a red belt around his waist, Julian approached this man to ask some questions.

Julian "Mister, what is this place?"

Julian asked.

The man stared at Julian, he looked at the young man in front of him who is wearing a black mask covering his face, he didn't understand why this young man is covering his face but it has nothing to do with him.

"This is a Battle Club, trainers from all around Unova come to a battle club to battle with other random trainers to hone their pokemon skills"

Hearing the man explain what this place is Julian got interested, he decided to give this a try, since his pokemons have just gotten used to battling, it will be a good exercise for them to battle some random trainers.

Julian "It is free or is there a sign-up process?"

He asked.

"Young man, you need to get a pass before you battle other trainers and keep in mind that the trainer you are battling should also have a pass, you can use this pass in other battle clubs around Unova as well"

The man said with his mustache going up and down while speaking.

Julian "So there is more than one Battle Club huh?"

"Indeed, Battle Clubs are really famous in Unova, it's the best way for a trainer to get stronger"

The man said.

Julian "Ok, thank you for your time"

Julian said and walked into the battle club as he wants to register and get a pass for himself, it didn't take too long for him to get a pass, when he walked in he saw a lady at the receptionist who gave him a battle pass after he gave her some Pokedollars, whatever establishment it is, they need money to function.

Julian then around and saw small shops around the area which sold all necessary items that can be useful to pokemons and their trainers, Julian is quite impressed by this battle club for now.

Julian could hear the sound of a pokemon battle being held deeper inside the building so he followed the sound and end up on a balcony and looked down on what is happening, just like him there are several people looking at the battle as well, some are beside him while some are below him next to the battlefield.

He looked at the trainers who are facing of against each other, both of them are novice pokemon trainer, anyone could tell that by seeing how they battled, but the most important factor is by looking at their pokemon.

If a pokemon is fully evolved people would think that the trainer is not a novice but if his or her's pokemon are not fully evolved and are just in their first stage, ninth percent of the time they are new trainers who just got their pokemons or have spent some time with them.

There are special cases like Julian who catches new pokemons every time he visits a new region but he still is an experienced trainer or like Ash who does the same but his Pikachu is different, even though he is not fully evolved he has the power to face off against any Elite Four pokemon.

These cases are rare so people never think about the possibility.

Julian continues watching the battle going down below him, the trainers are using a Pidove and a Lillipup, both are young pokemon who still have a lot of potentials to grow into a stronger version of themselves.

The battle finally comes to an end with the Pidove lands a nice Peck on the Lillipup from behind, with that the Lillipup faints and everyone cheers for the winner, Julian just continued to watch as both trainers shake hands and walk away.

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