Outside the Grass battlefield crowd of people are gathering to watch the next battle which is going to take place next inside it, some of them where Alan's fans who were carrying his banner, only a few people knew who Alan's opponent was most of them had already started to place bets on Alan just because he was a top 16 in the previous tournament, he also had some fangirls cheering for him.

People who paid to watch this battle were slowly entering the battlefield as they started to sit on specter seats as they waited for the trainers to enter. ​​

Gary also arrived with his huge cheering harem girls to see this match and he soon saw Ash with Brock and Misty also entering the battlefield's specter area.

Gary "He, Ashy-boy I saw your match, who would have thought you would be so lucky and face a weak opponent in your first match"

Ash was as always pissed of hearing Gary's remark but he had nothing to say, Misty came to his rescue.

Misty "Gary are you also going to watch Julian's match?"

Gary "Of course I am, he is one of the few people I look up to how can I miss him showing his dominance today"

Ash "I heard this Alan guy is pretty strong, he was a top 16 in the previous league, who do you think is gonna win?"

Gary "Ha, this Alan guy is nothing compared to Julian, look how easily he swipes him away in this match"

Gary had always been an arrogant brat and he still is, but after his battle with Julian's Electabuzz, he realized how big of a gap is there between him and Julian this made him take Julian as his role model and one day try to beat him.

Ash, Brock, and Misty were surprised by Gary's confidence on Julian, they were not the only one few people who were beside them also got interested in Julian, most of them here where Alan's fans coming here to cheer for him now seeing that a random kid is talking nonsense about Alan they ridiculed Gary for his dumbness.

Gary "If you don't want a seat then stay here, I am going, come on girls lets go"

Ash "Hey wait for us"

Ash, Brock, and Misty followed Gary and his harem inside the battlefield building.

Julian was sitting in the waiting room as he kept his mind calm while meditating, as he started to hear cheers outside he knew it was time, he slowly got up and dusted his coat as he left the waiting room.

Julian is now standing behind a door which leads to the grass battlefield and his first tournament match, he was feeling a rush in his blood vessel as his heart started to beat faster, he started to feel excitement, even though Julian had experience of two life he was still new to this feeling of hundreds of people watching him, pokemon trainers who make it big where like superstars in the pokemon world and so every trainer wanted to become big so they can become famous in the eyes of commoners and other trainers.

Julian 'Well this is a new feeling, and I kinda like it'

As Julian was waiting for his turn to enter he heard the announcer start to speak.

Announcer "The fourth match in the grass battlefield will begin now, let's introduce our participants, First representing the green corner is Alan he is a very experienced pokemon trainer and had been in the top 16 in the previous Indigo league"

The crowd erupt in cheers as Alan enters the battlefield waving his hand at the crowd, his fans in the crowd raises his banner high in the air and shout his name, many of his female fans start to confess to him from the crowd screaming I love you Alan, Please marry me, and other stupid stuff.

Announcer "Haha looks like Alan is a fan favorite this time, now let's introduce his opponent, nothing is known about this trainer and it's his first time participating in the Indigo league, representing the red corner Julian"

The crowd waits, as the door of the red corner slowly opens as Julian slowly walks out of the door and stares directly at Alan putting an invisible pressure on him.

The crowd is stunned for a second to see such a handsome man entering the battlefield and after a second they also burst into cheers as some of them who are not a fan of Alan start to take his side, the women in the crowd are already mesmerized by his looks and a few of them even switched sides.

Brock who was trying to flirt with a lady saw how the reaction of the girls changed after Julian entered made him feel jealous.

Brock *starts to tear down* "This is not fair"

Alan who suddenly felt an immense invisible pressure on him after he made eye contact with Julian started to grit his teeth, he remembered the humiliation he faced outside today and he wanted revenge now.

Referee "This will be a three vs three pokemon match, the trainers are allowed to switch pokemon during the battle, the person who will have all three of his pokemon unable to battle will lose and get eliminated out of the tournament."

Referee "Green corner, ready?"

Alan "Yes"

Referee "Red corner, ready?"

Julian nods his head indicating he is ready.

Referee "Then let's begin, both trainers bring out your pokemons"

Julian "Go Venusaur"

Alan "Go Arcanine"

Announcer "Looks like the two pokemons starting the battle are Venusaur and Arcanine, Alan here has a clear advantage over Julian, let's see what will happen"

Alan "You are already at a disadvantage, see how I humiliate you"

Julian "We will see about that, Venusaur use Earthquake"

Venusaur stands on his two back legs and then brings down his two front legs down with full force causing a tremor to run through the battlefield shaking everything around and causing the grass field to show cracks which approached Arcanine who was struggling to keep its balance.

Alan "Arcanine Jump"

Julian "Hmpf, So predictable, Venusaur manipulate the grass and tie Arcanine up"

Alan "What?, No Arcanine dodge it quickly"

He was very unlucky as Arcanine was still in air limiting its movement and soon Venusaur wrapped up Arcanine with layers and layers of grass and pinning it to the ground and restricting its movement, Arcanine was now just as fish on a chopping board, it could not use fire to burn down as every part of Arcanine body was tightly wrapped up not allowing it to move even a muscles and if tried the grass would start to constrict it, Arcanine was helpless lying on the ground.

Announcer "Look at that Venusaur has completely tied up Arcanine, it is rendered helpless looks like this is over"

The crowd was completely silent seeing the first exchange between was about to end just in a matter of seconds, they also realized how formidable Julian was, Gary had a smirk on his face seeing this and Ash was super impressed as his desire to battle Julian grew.

Julian "Venusaur finish it, Solar Beam"

Venusaur charged up a powerful Solar Beam and sent it towards the helpless Arcanine which was tied up on the ground, the Solar Beam hit and it was over as the smoke cleared Arcanine has already fainted.

Referee "Arcanine is unable to battle Venusaur wins"

Announcer "Just as predicted Arcanine is defeated, let's see which Pokemon will Alan going to use next"

The crowd burst into cheers after the announcement, they started to talk about Julian as he became the talk of the day just within a minute.

Alan gritted his teeth seeing his Arcanine being defeated so easily, he finally understood that Julian is not someone who he could defeat but he doesn't want to give up.

Alan "Go Fearow"

Announcer "Alan has sent out Fearow, like last time Julian is at a disadvantage, let's see what Julian will do"

Alan "Use Air Cutter"

Julian "Counter with Razor Leaves"

Both Pokemon send out their attacks, Venusaur's Razor Leaf is huge and powerful while Fearow's Air cutter is fast and sharp, they clash in the air sending shock waves everywhere as the people in the crowd cover them self with their hands to protect themselves from the shock wave.

Julian "Venusaur finish this, Use Giga Drain"

Alan is alarmed by Julian's move, the smoke from the previous attack is still present limiting Fearow's vision.

Alan "Fearow dive down, use Arial Ace"

Julian 'Ha, what an idiot'

Julian "Venusaur now Leaf Storm"

As Fearow dived down to attack with and Arial Ace it never expected to be suddenly trapped in a huge Leaf Storm which was continuously causing damaged to it as it struggled to fly as the leaves inside the storm was continuously assaulting Fearow.

Alan was in a pinch and didn't know how to escape from this, just a little movement from Fearow and it would be assaulted by sharp leaves over and over again.

Announcer "Amazing, Julian fake called out Giga Drain to bring Fearow in a perfect ambush position and used Leaf storm to trap it, what will happen to it will the same fate as Arcanine waits for Fearow?"

Julian "It's over, Giga Drain"

Venusaur suddenly sent his vine towards Fearow which is trapped inside the Leaf Storm, the vines wrap hold of Fearow and drain all the energy from it and let it go causing Fearow to fall down from the sky to the ground rendering it unable to battle.

Referee "Fearow is unable to battle, Venusaur wins"

Announcer "As we expected Fearow also bites to dust, will Alan make a comeback? will he be able to defeat Julian's Venusaur?"

Alan was now in a pinch, he had never expected that he would be eliminated in the first round itself.

Alan 'Looks like I have to use my strongest Pokemon, I need to at least take out one of his pokemon before getting eliminated'

Alan "Let's see how you will do against my strongest pokemon, Go Charizard"

Announcer "Alan's final Pokemon is Charizard, and again Alan had a great advantage against Julian, but seeing the previous battles the outcome can not be determined easily"

A big Charizard enters the battlefield as it roars and stares at Venusaur.

Julian 'A Charizard huh? let's see how strong it really is'

Alan "Charizard take the sky then use Flamethrower"

Julian "Venusaur activate Overgrow, then counter it with energy ball"

Venusaur activated Sword Dance increasing his attack power then launched a gigantic energy ball which easily countered the incoming Flamethrower, the impact of these moves was bigger than the last battle, the specter area was quickly protected by a layer of forcefield which activated preventing the specters from getting hurt.

Alan didn't want to waste this chance and wanted to use this as a distraction to attack Venusaur, unlucky for him Julian's mind was always on the battlefield, this was a trait he had gained from his past life.

Alan "Charizard now Wing Attack"

Venusaur "Trap it using Leaf Storm"

As Charizard dived down as its wings glowed to deliver a Wing Attack to Venusaur it suddenly found itself being surrounded by thousands or razor-sharp leaves revolving around it, as it was trapped inside the leaf storm, the leaf attacked Charizard but where only causing little damage.

Announcer "Looks like Julian is planning to do the same as he did to Fearow"

Alan "You think the same move is gonna work on us again"

Julian "Who said it the same move, Venusaur now Poison powder"

Venusaur suddenly released a large amount of Poison powder in the air which was all sucked inside the Leaf Storm and it didn't take long as Charizard got poisoned heavily, Poison powder mostly spreads all over the place and only a little amount of it attacks the pokemon but Julian used Leaf Storm to concentrate all the Poison powder in one spot and the unlucky victim Charizard was heavily poisoned due to this.

Charizard couldn't take it anymore as the overdose of the poison made it weak as it crashed on the ground.

Announcer "What just happened? Julian actually used Leaf Storm to manipulate Poison Power to poison Charizard, looks like Charizards fate is sealed as well"


Charizard struggled to get up, it was really poisoned badly

Julian "Venusaur, finish it use Venoshock"

Venusaur sent waves of Venoshock towards the struggling Charizard and it couldn't take it anymore the already badly poisoned Charizard received double the amount of damage from Venoshock as it crashed on the ground fainted.

Referee "Charizard is unable to battle, Venusaur wins, the match is over Julian wins"

Announcer "Its over, Julian triumphed over Alan just using his Venusaur"

The crowd burst into cheers seeing Julian's win, many even started to make preparation to make a fan club for him, the internet also started to blow up discussing Julian's match.

Announcer "Looks like there is a new crowd favorite"

Gary, Ash, Brock, and Misty were also excited to see Julian win.

Brock "As expected Julian always keeps his whole concentration on the battlefield, every single detail is noted by him and when he has the chance to utilize them he doesn't miss at all, battling against Julian is like getting trapped in a spider web, every action his opponent makes gets himself tangled in it more and more, you can only wish for you luck to help you if you get trapped in the web weaved by Julian"

Ash just listens to Brock as he becomes determined that he will train harder and one day he will battle Julian.

Gary is also going through the same thought process as Ash, then Brock continues.

Brock "Ash, if you come to face Julian in a battle what will you do?"

Ash "I know I won't stand a chance against him but I will give it my best"

Ash says with his voice filled with determination, Gary looks at Ash and admires Ash's determination.

Gary "Ha, you won't be even able to get past the qualification rounds forget about battling with Brother Julian"

Ash "What did you say?"

Ash was fuming over Gary as they exchanged some word leading in Ash's defeat.

Julian was now being interviewed by some TV reporters.

Reporter 1 "Julian how do you feel about your first victory?"

Julian "I feel great"

Reporter 2 "For what I see you are a very experienced trainer, what is the advice you want to give to young trainers?"

Julian "A pokemon battle is not just about how strong a pokemon is, it also depends on the trainer to guide their pokemon to victory so a trainer should always be concentrated in his battle and guide his pokemon through it"

Reporter "What is your goal, are you aiming for top 16 and higher in the league?"

Julian "Something like that, thank you I will be going then I need to get some rest"

Julian walks of ignoring all the other questions asked by the reporters as he enters the waiting room to rest for a little.

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