Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 596 - An Interesting Fellow

The next day Julian woke up as the sun rays hit his face, he yawned and looked at the clock in the wall, it was 11 AM.

Julian "I overslept" ​​

He said while yawning, he got up and got ready, today is the day he has been waiting for, to see Caitlin battle against another member of the elite four, Marshal the fighting type trainer.

He got out of the hotel wearing his signature face mast and glasses with his head covered by the hood of his jacket, nobody bothered him as he arrived at the stadium, as he looked around he could see many people flocking around near the stadium, he got curious and walked towards the crowd and saw what was happening.

He saw a very tall and muscular young man battling against another ordinary-looking man who seems to be in his mid-twenties.

The ordinary man is using an Ursaring for this battle while the muscular young man is using a pokemon Julian has never seen before in his life, it was a Blue colored pokemon that looked like an Octopus but it was standing on three tentacle-like legs while it had four tentacle-like arms, it also has a yellow patch on its face over both its eyes.

Julian didn't know what this pokemon was, he looked around to see if others know but they also seemed as surprised as him.

He looked at this pokemon, at a first guess he thought it might be a water/fighting type as it is an Octopus and it has a fighting stance.

Ordinary Guy "What pokemon is that?"

His opponent asked as he has no idea what he is going up against.

Muscular Guy "My name is Glen and this is my partner Grapploct, I have come from Galar after being challenged by that arrogant man Julian, he thinks that he is the best pokemon trainer in the world, he has to think twice, once I defeat him, I will be the strongest trainer in the world"

The Muscular Guy said and laughed loudly.

Ordinary Guy "Hahaha, you think you can defeat the undefeated Julian, first try to go through me then talk about taking down a trainer who has defeated multiple champions, have you ever done that?"

The Ordinary Guy asked and started to mock Glen, Glen got furious when he heard this.

Glen "Stop talking and battle, I will show you what I do to people who mock me"

He got furious, seeing its trainer furious the Grapploct also seems to be getting angry and stared at the Ursaring standing opposite to it.

There was a chance in atmosphere and Julian sensed it, he carefully looked at the Grapploct and smiled.

Julian 'Grapploct is it? A very interesting pokemon'

He thought and looked at its trainer.

The battle started and the Ursaring seems to be getting a little uncomfortable right now.

Ordinary Guy "Ursaring, let's finish this with one hit, Hammer Arm"

Hearing its trainer's order, the Ursaring charged at the Grapploct with full power and brought down its massive arm on it using Hammer Arm.

Glen "Hmm, child's play, Grapploct, block then use Mega Punch"

As the Hammer Arm descended on its face Grapploct raised one of its arms and blocked the Hammer Arm as if it was nothing, seeing this everyone present in the area is surprised, then the finishing blow came, Grapploct used its two right arms and punched Ursaring right on its stomach, the power behind that punch was so powerful that the shockwave from it caused the people in the ground to fall down the ground bring down the people standing behind them as well.

Ursaring on the other hand flew, it went so high up in the air that everyone only saw a dot in the sky, as it came down it crashed down and formed a pit hole on the ground.

Seeing this everyone gasped, they couldn't believe what they just saw, this trainer called Glen and his weird pokemon were really powerful.

Julian, on the other hand, was very impressed by this, this trainer could compare to Tobias, even though his Grapploct doesn't seem to be a legendary or a mythical pokemon, it still had a lot of power behind its attack.

Glen then looked around and smiled at the people watching him in shock, he looked at a young woman who is filming this on her phone and approached her, he then looked directly at her phone and started to talk.

Glen "Hey you the guy named Julian, you think you are some kind of hotshot huh? Challenging the whole world, now I am here and I have excepted your challenge, I will meet you in the Unova League and crush you and every other opponent that will go against me and I will be called the strongest trainer in the world"

He said and started to laugh like a madman.

Jenny "HEY YOU STOP RIGHT THERE, you are under arrest for damaging public property"

Suddenly Officer Jenny came out of nowhere and caught Glen's ear and dragged him away and put him in the police car after handcuffing him.

Glen looked miserable and tried to reason with Officer Jenny but inside he got barked by the Arcanine that was next to her, Glen shook in fear and went inside the car while the rest of the crowd watched and laughed at him.

Julian also smiled as he saw this Glen fellow.

Julian 'What an interesting fellow I met today and he seems pretty strong, I wonder how many more are out there who came to Unova'

He thought and smiled and walked towards the stadium and got into the VIP suite after showing his ticket to the guard in front of the door, the guard didn't ask many questions and just let Julian in, not everyone could afford a VIP suite and some of them had their reason to cover their faces so the guard just let him walk in.

After taking his seat Julian sat down and waited for this battle to start.

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