Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 585 - The End Of The Sinnoh League

This shocked everyone, even Julian, he is looking at the disaster that he and Ash just created, inside the crater, he can see his Garchomp still standing on his feet, there are scratches all over his body.

He is hurt but Ash's Pikachu has fainted but that didn't matter to Julian at all. ​​

He has never seen something so ridiculous before, Julian prided himself in making his Infernape perform two different moves as one single combined move, only his Infernape could do it.

He tried training his other pokemons into doing so but everyone failed, even Crystal but now he saw the same thing being performed right in front of his eyes by Ash and his Pikachu.

Volt Tackle and Iron Tail, who could have come up with such a blizzard combination other than Ash.

The whole crowd is silent as they cannot process what just happened.

Suddenly everyone heard a burst of laughter, all of them turned their head and looked at Julian as they saw him laughing.

This was the first time they saw him laughing like this.

His laughter broke the silence and people finally got back to their senses and realized what just happened, Julian won but this was completely overshadowed by the clash between him and Ash.

The referee collected himself and gave the announcement.

Referee "Latios and Pikachu are unable to battle, Garchomp and Ummm... Crystal wins"

With the referee's call, the crowd burst into cheers as they shouted Julian's name.

Announcer "There you have it, everyone, the undefeated trainer is still undefeated"

Crystal floated down towards Garchomp and used Heal Pulse and healed him completely, it then went towards Pikachu and healed him as well, it then healed Latios.

Now all four pokemon are back to perfect health.

Crystal giggled seeing the surprised face of Pikachu and Latios, it then floated back towards Julian and went into his pocket and fell asleep with a small but very long yawn.

Julian walked towards Ash with a bring smile on his face, Ash stood there holding Pikachu in his hand.

Ash "Julian"

Julian "Ash, do you remember how you performed that last attack of yours?"

He asked curiously, hearing Julian even Tobias came forward as he wanted to understand that last move as well, he was also very surprised when he saw that.

Ash "Umm... I don't remember, I just went with the flow and trusted Pikachu, hahaha, it was like bam then boom, how do I explain it?"

Ash said and started to scratch his head while his Pikachu looked at him as he tried to figure it as well.

Hearing the answer Tobias almost tripped but Julian laughed loudly, he expected this from Ash.

Ash "Why are you laughing?"

Julian "Nothing, next time we battle, looks like I have to use my old pokemons to face you, not a new team, hahahaha"

He said and patted Ash's shoulder, he then looked at Tobias and nodded at him, he acknowledged Tobias as a powerful trainer, to be able to bring down three of Julian's pokemon was something very huge, of course in an official record it doesn't seem like that as two of them fell asleep and one of them got very tired and unable to continue but in Julian's eyes, it did, the team of Tobias and Ash did it, they gave him the battle he expected and that last exchange with Ash gave him chills.

Julian then left with Garchomp by his side while the whole stadium is still cheering for him, the crowd also cheered for Ash and Tobias as they put up the best battle in the league's history.

Tobias looked at Ash and remembered what Julian just said to him, that he will have to use his old pokemons next time to battle Ash.

Tobias understood that Ash will continue to grow stronger, forcing Julian to use his real aces as well.

Tobias became determined.

Tobias "Ash"

He called him out.

Ash turned around and looked at Tobias.

Tobias "Next time we meet we will be rivals and our battle will not end up in a draw, it will be my victory"

Ash "Dream on, I will win our next battle"

Tobias "I understand, then master that new move of yours, next time you will need it against me"

Tobias said and walked away as well.

Ash "I promise, I will"

Ash said with determination.

With this, the Sinnoh League ended with Julian's title as the undefeated trainer still added to his name and the third league cup to his name.

After the battle ended the program didn't after this several big movie stars and singers came to perform to entertain the massive crowd.

The program lasted till 7 Pm and then the crowning ceremony started, with third place going to Brian, this was the first league where a battle to decided the third place didn't happen.

Second place directly went to both Ash and Tobias, both of them got different cuts but they were designed the same.

And the last crowning of the day, Julian, he walked up the platform where he saw the tiny Charles Goodshow and his beautiful girlfriend Cynthia who gave him his trophy.

Charles "Everyone, give a round off applause to this year Sinnoh League's champion, trainer Julian".

With the announcement, fireworks flew up the sky and burst spelling "CONGRATULATIONS".

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