As Tobias saw Crystal's power he knew this is going to be one tough battle that he has very little chance of winning, this little pokemon that could fit in the palm of his hand can deal a lot of damage and he doesn't like it.

Little does he know that Crystal is even worse than he thinks, with the ability to change typing with just a thought, Crystal is immune to most of his attacks. ​​

This will be a very one-sided battle and Julian knows it but there is no way he could refuse Crystal's request no matter how absurd it is.

Crystal is just too cute to be ignored.

The battle continued as Tobias began his attack, he ordered his Latios to blast a Dragon Pulse and Crystal, the Dragon Pulse Latios released tore through the air as it headed towards Crystal.

Seeing how small Crystal is Tobias decided to push it back and get a good position over it, being small made a pokemon weightless so even if an attack didn't hurt them, it could push them back if it has enough power behind it.

Julian "Garchomp, use Dragon Pulse as well"

Garchomp roared and blasted a powerful Dragon Pulse to counter Latios's Dragon Pulse, as both attacks collided they tried to break through each other but the power behind both attacks seems to be the same, neither one is gaining an advantage over the other.

Ash "Pikachu, assist Latios with ThunderBolt"

Pikachu charged up a strong lightning bolt in his cheeks and blasted it towards Garchomp's Dragon Pulse, the ThunderBolt started to go around Latios's ThunderBolt with extreme speed and closed with Garchomp's Dragon Pulse and both were able to push Garchomp back.

Julian "Crystal use Dragon Pulse as well"

Suddenly Crystal blasted a powerful Dragon Pulse, even stronger than Garchomp's and Latios, the Dragon Pulse then combined with Garchomp's Dragon Pulse and tore through the combination of Pikachu's and Latios's attack.

Tobias/Ash "Dodge"

Both ordered at the same time.

Both Latios and Pikachu moved out of the way and let the massive Dragon Pulse hit the ground, this made a deep angular hole in the ground, nobody knows how deep this hole goes, when people look inside it, they only see darkness.

But what was even more surprising then anything else is that Crystal could use Dragon Pulse as well, very few pokemons beside Dragon types can use Dragon Pulse some of these pokemons need to have a Dragon origin as well, like Gyarados, Tyranitar and Milotic, research has been done on these pokemons and scientists have found traces of Dragon DNA inside them which allows then to use Dragon-type moves.

So this was very surprising.

This little one has just entered the field and it is already causing problems to Tobias and Ash, Tobias doesn't know what to do with this.

Julian "I won't wait around then, let's finish this, Crystal use Dig"

Crystal suddenly burrowed down on the ground causing Tobias a lot of headaches, he couldn't tell what type is Crystal, by now it has used three moves of completely different typing, it didn't help him at all, the best he can do right now is attack with a Normal Type attack as a safe bet.

But right now he cannot use it as Crystal is inside the ground.

Tobias "Latios use Earthquake"

Julian "Not so fast, Garchomp, use Dragon Rush on Latios"

Before Latios could even use Earthquake to damage to Crystal, Garchomp moved with extreme speed using Dragon Rush, Tobias had no choice but to counter Garchomp instead of attacking Crystal

Tobias "Counter with Zen-Headbutt"

Latios cried and charged at Garchomp as its body got covered with Psychic energy, on one side there is a Psychic missile and on the other side there is an Energy dragon.

Ash "Pikachu, help Latios, use Iron Tail"

Julian "Ash your Pikachu's opponent is Crystal, now"

Before Pikachu could even get in front of Garchomp and intercept him with an Iron Tail, Crystal blasted out of the ground and hit Pikachu hard which sent him flying in the air, the hit dealt massive damage as Pikachu is weak to Ground Type attacks.

Julian "Finish Pikachu off with Bulldoze"

Crystal covered itself with earth energy and charged at the flying Pikachu.

Ash "Pikachu, Iron Tail"

As Pikachu was still in the air, he used his tail to straighten himself and did a turn in mid-air while using Iron Tail to counter Crystal.

Both attacks clashed and it created a massive thunder of a sound, Pikachu was once again sent flying backward while Crystal was pushed back as well.

Julian "Crystal use Aqua Ring"

Crystal then used Aqua Ring and surrounded itself with a veil of water which started to heal its injury which it got from its exchange with Pikachu.

One the other side of the battle both Garchomp and Latios crashed into each other as well which created a huge explosion and another massive explosion followed right behind it, the ground beneath them shattered in fragments and spread like a web of a spider, the battlefield was already in very bad shape and now its not even a battlefield anymore, it looks like a very rough mountain path, the lines on the battlefield have been completely wiped out and nothing is visible except burnt marks and rubble all over the ground.

This battle has cost a lot of the league so they can repair this battlefield.

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