Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 578 - The Sinnoh Finals (1)

The crowd's voice overtook everything around the lily valley, once they lowered their voice the referee walked in and looked at both sides and started to explain the rules of his battle.

Referee "This battle will be a two vs one handicap battle, trainer Ash and trainer Tobias are only allowed to use three pokemons each, while trainer Julian can use six pokemon for this battle, this battle is a double battle, both sides will use two pokemon at once, all trainers are allowed to switch pokemons during battle as well, the side to lose all six of their pokemons will lose this battle, the winner will be crowned champion of the Lily valley conference" ​​

As the referee explained the rules both side nodded their heads agreeing to it.

Referee "Now both sides may send their pokemon out"

With the referee's call both Ash and Tobias took out their Pokeball and tossed it up in the air, Tobias sent out Darkrai and Ash sent out Heracross.

Julian smiled and tossed his pokeballs up in the air, he sent our Manaphy and Togekiss, he had already planned to start with them and to his luck, his opponents chose pokemons that he can tackle.

His Togekiss has an advantage against both his opponents and her flying attacks will do a lot of damage on Ash's Heracross, his Manaphy also knew a powerful Fairy-type move.

With both sides choosing their pokemons the referee stepped in and asked the trainers if they rate ready, once he got the confirmation he signaled for the battle to start.

The battle started within seconds, as Ash took charge with a powerful Mega Horn as his first attack, seeing Ash staring the battle Julian smiled and made his move as well.

Julian "Manaphy use Ice Beam on Heracross"

Manaphy blasted a powerful Ice Beam on the charging Heracross but Tobias quickly stepped in.

Tobias "Counter with your own Ice Beam"

Darkrai blasted its own Ice Beam to stop Manaphy's Ice Beam and it gave Heracross enough time to reach Manaphy and as it was about to deliver the Mega Horn, Togekiss swooped in and took Manaphy high in the sky, even though Manaphy can float, it is not as fast as Togekiss.

Heracross missed its target and stopped on its track.

Tobias "Dark Void"

Ash "Toxic"

Darkrai blasted a Dark Void at Togekiss and Heracross spit out a thick amount of poison at Manaphy. Since both attacks are slow they managed to dodge it and maintain their distance from their opponents.

Right now Ash and Tobias are not panicking, it is going just as Tobias has planned, while Ash tries to pressure Julian he will be defending his pokemons and coming up with a strategy.

Ash continued to pressure Julian's pokemon by attacking but he overestimated his Heracross's stamina, while Julian's pokemon are still not tired, they have been keeping a distance from their opponent and will land an attack when their opponents least expect it.

Seeing that Ash cannot keep attacking much longer, Tobias also stepped forward with his Darkrai and started to blast barrage of attacks on Julian's pokemon.

Since they cannot avoid all attacks coming towards them, they had to face them head-on, while Manaphy became the attacker, Togekiss became the shield, with her high Special Defense she could protect Manaphy from Darkrai's powerful attacks.

As the battle continued it became more heated, Ash's Heracross started to go wild and unleash a barrage of powerful attacks that forced Togekiss to step back, seeing Togekiss in trouble, Manaphy stepped in and started to attack Heracross with Ice-type moves and pushed it back.

While this happened Tobias noticed something, while Togekiss's Special Defense is very high, she always tried to avoid any physical attacks from Heracross and tried to maintain a safe distance from it.

On the other hand, Manaphy seems to be the aggressor and every time it got in trouble it would try to hide behind Togekiss to avoid serious damage.

After seeing this Tobias came up with a plan.

Tobias "Darkrai in the ground, Ash, keep attacking Manaphy"

Ash nodded his head and told Heracross to attack Manaphy with a powerful Aerial Ace since Manaphy cannot dodge this attack, it tried to take cover behind Togekiss but as it got close to Togekiss it felt something off, as it looked down it noticed that its shadow was weird.

Suddenly Darkrai emerged out of Manaphy's shadow and blasted a Dark Void at Togekiss at point-blank range and it hit Togekiss which directly put her under a deep sleep.

While all this happened Julian stayed calm, he wanted to see what the opposition has got and from what he has seen, they are really good, the toughest opponents he has faced till now.

Tobias "Dream Eater"

As Tobias was about to finish of Togekiss, he noticed something else, it was Manaphy, it rose up high in the sky and started to create a massive whirlpool, its power kept on increasing.

Ash "Heracross, Mega Horn"

Seeing the Whirlpool growing stronger Ash decided to attack right now because Manaphy is motionless, Heracross used its wings to fly towards Manaphy at high speed as its massive horn started to glow green, as Heracross was about to reach Manaphy the Whirlpool had reached the size it wanted.

Manaphy then tossed the Whirlpool straight on top of Heracross who got caught by it, the Whirlpool then started to come down, knowing that his Darkrai cannot afford to take this attack Tobias decided to retreat, at the end of the day he only had three pokemons up his sleeve.

Tobias "Under the ground once again"

As the Whirlpool landed on the battlefield it shattered and the waves took over the battlefield and everything got wet, while Heracross could be seen in the middle fainted.

Like this, the first pokemon in this battle is down.

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