As the storm becomes stronger and stronger Julian is getting close to Old Shore Wharf, Gyarados crashes through the huge waves as Julian holds onto him tightly, Mew, on the other hand, is enjoying this ride, Julian frowns seeing that the storm seems to be more powerful than what they showed in the anime, the waves are bigger than what he had anticipated.

Julian 'Looks like Mewtwo has gotten more efficient at controlling its power to cause such a huge storm' ​​

Julian is fully drenched from the rain and the waves of the sea, as they get near their destination Julian sees an empty harbor and two figures standing on it and few people behind them who were hesitating to get in the water.

Julian 'From what I know they must be officer Jenny and the Harbor lady that showed up in the movie and it looks like I am late I don't see Ash anywhere'

Julian thought of this situation and frowned

Julian 'I should cover my face as I don't want another news going wild and this time with my face all over the internet, I don't know if this is going to happen but it better to be prepared for the situation then face it afterward'

He looks down and saw his Gyarados

Julian 'Another problem is Gyarados as he is pretty different from any other of his kind and people who have seen him can easily recognize him and figure out who I am as well, what should I do?'

Julian started to think of a plan.

Julian 'Should I make him Mega evolve, Only Professor Oak has seen Gyarados mega evolved form and people won't recognize him'

Julian thought about it for a second

Julian 'Should I really mega evolve him? though mega evolving him in front of people might be a risk if he appears before them mega evolved from the start they would think Gyarados is some rare pokemon, well this is the only situation to escape from the media'

Julian [Gyarados slow down a little I need to change my clothes and its time for you to Mega Evolve]

Julian takes out a black long coat with a hood attached to it and wears it (like the one in Assassin's Creed Syndicate), then he took a black mask which covered half of his face.

Julian "Gyarados MEGA EVOLVE"

Mew who was hanging upside down as its tail was wrapped on Julian's neck became curious after seeing Julian taking out the Keystone locket out from his vest, then it got startled as it saw it glow as the Mega stone on Gyarados head also started glowing, soon Gyarados Mega evolved as he became 12 meters tall, his horns grew bigger and his fangs also became longer.

This was its first time seeing a mega evolution, even though Mew follows Julian around it is not always on Julian's side so it had not seen Gyarados mega evolve before, now Gyarados mega evolved it became excited and went in front of Gyarados it check him out.

Julian "Like what you see?"

Mew nods its head happily

Julian "Mew can you do a favor for me?"

Mew looks at Julian and nods its head saying that it would help Julian.

Julian "Great I want you to make all the Pokedex of those trainers malfunction when they try to check Gyarados, can you do that?"

Mew nods its head listening to Julian as this is a very easy job for it.

As Julian arrived near the harbor as people on the harbor saw him, it was very easy to notice him now as a huge red and black pokemon and a man standing on top of it was a very eye-catching sight.

Some trainers saw him and started to talk about him and some even started to take pictures of him.

Trainer 1 "Hey look at that what kind of pokemon is that?"

Trainer 2 "That Pokemon is so big, what the heck is that thing?"

Trainer 3 "Hey look someone is standing on top of it"

Trainer 4"Hey why isn't my Pokedex working"

Trainer 5"Mine too, what's happening?"

Soon everybody started talking about him and his Gyarados, Mew has already gone invisible so no one saw it, Officer Jenny became tensed as she saw this person coming she was a cautious person so she was on full alert.

Jenny "Who are you, what's your purpose?"

Julian "Are all the trainers who have arrived here still present here"

Julian wanted to confirm if Ash had arrived here or not so he had to ask this question

Jenny "No few trainers didn't take my warning and has already left for the island with their pokemon"

Hearing this Julian knew that he was late

Julian 'Looks like I am late, well I can't blame myself as I came from pallet town'

Julian "Listen to me, don't allow anyone to go to that Island it's dangerous I will go there to bring back the ones who have left"

Jenny "Who are you?"

Julian didn't answer as he instructed Gyarados to go towards the island, seeing Julian not wanting to answer her Jenny started to do her duty and started to restrict trainers from going there, even though she doubted this man who said her it was dangerous she didn't want to take any risk and did what he said.

Julian sighed as he went away from the harbor.

Julian 'As expected people would go wild seeing someone coming, even though using mega evolve created more chaos but a huge red Gyarados would also have the same result on the plus side my identity is still a secret as only Professor Oak knows about it'

As Julian came near the New Island he started to hear huge boom sounds and cries of pokemon, Mew once again appeared on his shoulder as it also heard the noise coming from the island.

When Julian came near the island he saw a huge battlefield and many pokemons battling each other, he also saw Ash and his friends with Team Rocket trio and other people on the side watching this cruel fight, He looked up and saw a Mew fighting with Mewtwo as both of them were pretty equal and no one was gaining the upper hand.

Mew who was on Julian's shoulder was watching the Mew and Mewtwo fight as it was about to interfere but suddenly Julian stopped it by shaking his head.

Julian "I know how you feel, you think that Mewtwo shouldn't exist but now its already a living being and it has the right to live so you should not take it's right away from it, let it fight and realize its mistake if anything serious happens I will interfere"

Mew looked at Julian for a second and went back on Julian's shoulder watching the fight.

The other Mew and Mewtwo's fight started to get more destructive as they threw their attacks which went all over the place hitting structures and making them fall.

Julian looked down and saw the original pokemons fighting with their clones as they started to fall down slowly one by one after getting tired, both Mew and Mewtwo went back to the ground and continued their fight.

Ash who saw this cruel fight which had no motive and only suffering became very emotional and charged between both Mew's and Mewtwo's attack

Ash "Stop"

Brock "ASHHHH"

Ash "Just stop already, STOP"

Ash comes between two powerful psychic attacks and suddenly freezes on the spot, as he falls on the ground and turns into a stone, Pikachu comes running towards him and tries to wake him up, it doesn't work so he starts to zap ash but it still useless, seeing his method not working he started to cry and tries to wake Ash who is completely turned into a statue, seeing this all the pokemons in the battlefield also started to cry.

Julian who is seeing this is mesmerized, he knew that this was like same from the anime but seeing it in real life is a very different experience, he could have easily stopped this by just attacking Mewtwo but he did not as Ash's this sacrifice was a key point to make Mewtwo realize that it was a leaving being as well and not just a human experiment.

As the pokemons started to cry their tears started to flow towards Ash, the accumulation of all these glowing tears revived Ash after a while.

Julian was very surprised by seeing this, he knew the outcome, he is a person who has reincarnated but revival is also a very mysterious phenomenon.

Julian "Revival, who would have thought that sorrow of pokemons and their tears could revive a person if they want to"

Mew who was sitting on his shoulder also nods as it looks at the newly revived Ash with an excited gaze.

The sky brightens as dark clouds start to disappear.

Mewtwo and Mew who were fighting all along had also stopped after seeing this event, Mewtwo had come to a realization, as the two looked at each other they finally noticed a foreign presence, they were very busy in their battle that they didn't notice it before but now that everything was clear they noticed it.

When they both turned around they saw a huge Red and Back color Pokemon with a man standing on top wearing a mask which covered his face and a Mew sitting on his shoulder which was smiling as it looked at them, both Mew and Mewtwo were surprised as they didn't expect an another Mew to appear.

The Mew which was battling Mewtwo approached Mew who was sitting on Julian shoulder as they greeted each other.

Mewtwo was also very curious about this Mew then it suddenly realized something, this Mew's presence was familiar to it, it remembered the time at the Viridian Gym when it regained its consciousness it was assaulted by an overwhelming pressure and it was from this Mew itself.

Mewtwo became cautious as it realized that this Mew is something it cannot defeat, then it looked at Julian and recognized this person as well.

Mewtwo [I remember you, you are the one whose pokemon I had fought]

Julian "Look at you, you have become much better at controlling your powers"

Seeing Mewtwo is talking with someone every person who is in the battlefield turns around to see a man standing on a huge pokemon

Brock "Who is that?"

Misty "I don't know"

Everyone gets curious after seeing this man hidden behind his attire.

The team rocket trio is no exception.

Jessie "Hey look at that pokemon, what is it?"

James "I don't know but it looks very powerful"

Jessie "We should bring it back to the boss and we will become rich"

Meowth "Are you idiots out of your mind, look at that thing you think even if we are in our monster robot we will be smaller than it, there is no way we can capture it so shut your mouths and listen"

James "Now that I think about it Meowth is right I don't want anything to do with that thing"

Mewtwo looks at Julian with cautiousness as it doesn't know what he wants.

Mewtwo [What do you want?]

Julian "Nothing I just wanted to see if you are going to cause trouble or not, now that I see that you have finally realized what you are my work is over here I will be going"

Mewtwo [Wait, why did you free me that day, what was your perpose]

Julian "You were just a puppet when I saw you, a weapon which could destroy the world and you being in the hands of that man would surely lead to a world-ending disaster so I freed you, I had no purpose, to me you are just a pokemon even though you are stronger than others you can still be defeated, that man was just blind and think headed and doesn't understand how it really works, the second reason is that I felt pity for you being born to be just a weapon for that man so I freed you that's all there is to it, by the way, what did you do to your creators? just curious you no"

Mewtwo [I destroyed the place where I was created with them inside, I don't know what happened to them]

Julian "They are either dead or disable, nothing to my concern, now that you are free just live normally and don't cause trouble or I will have to bring you down"

Mewtwo suddenly sent a powerful Psychic Beam towards Julian, but Julian just stared at it with no reaction, Gyarados suddenly opened its mouth and sent a Hyper Beam which easily deflected the Psychic Beam pushed it back as Mewtwo quickly moved out of the way, the Hyper Beam went through the Island and landed on the water causing it to separate into two and join again.

Julian "You still are not strong enough to face me, even though your psychic powers are strong it's useless when you battle me"

Saying this Julian went away leaving Mewtwo behind as it turned back and saw the destruction caused by that Hyper Beam, half of the Island was cut right in the middle.

Mewtwo and the others watch as Julian goes away followed by a Mew as it waves its hands and says it goodbye to its new friend Mew.

Ash and the others were in awe as they saw this powerful attack.

Ash "Someday I will be as strong as him"

Misty "Ya in your dreams"

Ash "What did you say?"

Brock "Calm down you two, it's not the time to fight"

The team rocket trio where also very shocked as their jaws where hanging

Meowth "Look at that, haha... It's good that I said that we should not mess with it or we would have been toasted"

James/Jessie "You are right"

Mewtwo looks at Mew and talks to it

Mewtwo [It's true that you are a pokemon who exist just like I do and the same goes to them]

Mew nods as both of them look down to see the pokemons.

Mewtwo [It might be best if no one knew about this incident, It might be best to forget about it]

Mew "Meeewww"

Suddenly the cloned pokemons started to levitate as they fly away into the sky following Mew and Mewtwo.

Ash "Where are all of you going?"

Mewtwo [We were born, we're alive, we'll go on living in this world... somewhere]

As Mew, Mewtwo and other cloned pokemons disappear into the sky, Ash and the people and in the island suddenly get engulfed by a white light as they forget everything about what happened and gets teleported back to Old Shore Harbor.

Julian who saw everything from very far away smiles after seeing this and goes back towards the Harbor but this time he changes his clothes and sends Gyarados back to his Pokeball, he hides away from the crowd and watches them.

Julian 'Looks like everyone has forgotten about this incident and the reason for there visit here, but they didn't forget about me and are still talking'

Julian sighs as he quickly escapes from there as he doesn't want the Ash brat to see him.

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