Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 546 - Checking The Crack In The Sky

Julian asked Garchomp to land right at the entrance of the cave in Mt. Coronet as its the only way a human can enter the Spear Pillar unless one posses the Spear Key with one of the orbs.

After sending Garchomp back to his Pokeball he called took out a torchlight to brighten up the cave, he didn't want to use Infernape right now because he is tired after battling Giratina. ​​

Even though he doesn't look tired physically, he is mentally tired, using this new type of flame seems even more taxing than Predominant flames to Infernape as it's his first time.

Julian continued walking through the cave as he wants to check if the crack in the sky above Sky Pillar has been closed or not, last time he completely neglected the damage done by the Mutated Hydreigon which led to this event, if he had checked it before this would have never happened, he got too careless but he doesn't blame himself either, it was 1 in a million chance that he would suspect a pokemon that is of that Mutated Hydreigon was able to break the gate between two different dimension.

With the level that Hydreigon was at, there was no way a pokemon on the same level could do it, not even Julian's pokemon except Infernape if he uses his Omni Form.

After an hour Julian finally reached the other end as he saw the light from the other side of the cave, once he walked out he was greeted by the same old thick fog which clouded his vision, as he walked forwards he saw the Spear Pillar still standing tall, he saw some damages on the alter but nothing too serious.

When he looked up the sky he saw that the crack has already been fixed.

Julian 'The Unowns must have mended it with the absence of that Giratina watching them'

He said and smiled, now that he knows there is nothing to worry about he decided to get out of here and contact Cynthia and inform her that the disaster is avoided successfully.

After getting out of the cave he noticed that its already evening, the sun is about to set as Sinnoh has become very peaceful.

As the villages and cities around Mt. Coronet has been destroyed Julian isn't able to call Cynthia as there is no network on his cellphone.

Julian "Looks like I have to go to the nearest village or city that is not destroyed"

Saying so he climbed on top of Garchomp and flew high in the sky to look down on the massive Sinnoh, even though he is very high in the sky he cannot see the end of Sinnoh as it is a very big region.

Julian notices that Solaceon City is not affected by the carnage Giratina has caused so he asks Garchomp to fly towards Solaceon City, once he reaches there he quickly looks around to see if there are anyone left behind, finding multiple empty building and stores around Julian sighed in relief.

He could see some small damages done by the massive shockwaves that were created during his battle.

Finding no one around was a huge relief to him as any of those shockwaves could have seriously injured the people that would get hit by them.

Julian looked at his cell and he saw that he has a network so he quickly makes a call to Cynthia.

Cynthia "Hello, Julian I was so worried, it's been hours since those sounds had stopped, I was really scared"

Hearing her being worried about him Julian felt happy, he knew he is living a happy life right now, there are troubles that come looking for him but most of the time his life is really good, women who love him, pokemons that respect and love him as well and money that keeps flowing into his pocket.

Julian "Sometimes this world feels like a dream"

He said.

Cynthia "What?"

Julian "Nothing, don't worry! Like I said nothing happened to me and I took care of the disaster"

Cynthia "You did it? What was it?"

Julian "I think you know but I will keep this between me and my pokemons, it's for the better"

He said.

Cynthia "I understand, but what about the damage?"

Julian "Fortunately there is no damage on Mt. Coronet, it really is a magical mountain but the villages and cities around it is completely destroyed"

Cynthia "Oh no, that's gonna cost a lot"

She said in a worried voice.

Julian "Don't worry something good came out of this, the land that is present there right now is very rich with energy and can sustain a lot of new lives and crops for pokemons and humans"

He said.

Cynthia "Huh? how is that even possible?"

Julian "As I said, it's better if only I know about this and no one else"

Cynthia "Ok, so when will you be coming back?"

Julian "I will be there tomorrow morning, I am too tired right now, I will camp out"

Cynthia "Ok be safe and love you"

Julian "Love you too"

He said and ended the call as he saw the last bit of the sun finally setting as it became dark, he looked at the direction of the battle and thought about Groudon.

Julian "I wonder where it went?"

He said and started to build a camp.

Back during the battle Groudon left as it sensed the changes in Julian's surrounding, it already knew that this problem will be solved so he went back to its magma world below the surface of this world as it continues to grow powerful.

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