Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 525 - Dream Of Disaster

Julian found himself lying on the ground as he looked at the red sky above him, the surroundings felt very hot to him, he saw smoke and ashes rising up in the sky, he could hear people and pokemon's screams.

He then heard a thunderous roar that felt very familiar to him but at the same time it seemed different in some way, this roar had absolute authority in it just like the roar of the physical consciousness of Dialga and Palkia that he experienced during his battle with them. ​​

The voice that traveled through space and time while bringing fear to everyone that heard it.

Julian sat down straight and looked at his surroundings, he saw destroyed buildings, huge skyscrapers fallen on the ground, shops destroyed, cars and other vehicles crushed, everything was on fire, the ground below him was completely shattered.

Seeing this kind of destruction even Julian felt afraid, not for himself but for the people that used to live here.

Julian 'This is a dream, I have to stay calm'

He thought and closed his eyes in his dream and calmed his mind when he suddenly heard the thunderous roar again, this time even louder than before, he suddenly turned around and saw a dot far away in the sky, the dot started to grow in size as it got closer to him.

Julian frowned and narrowed his eyes to see further, his supervision came into effect and finally saw the culprit, he saw a pokemon, its body was long like a snake, about 12 meters long, it had silver armor around its head and neck, there were long sharp spikes on the side of its body, it had long six tentacle-like wings with pointy ends coming from its back, it was yellow in color with blue and black accents around its body and wings.

Julian's eyes shrunk as he saw this pokemon.

Julian 'Giratina'

Only one thought came in his mind, a shiny Giratina and this one seem even bigger than the Dialga and Palkia he encountered before, even though this is a dream this Giratina gave off a very powerful and corrupted aura.

He felt like this aura would destroy anything that it came in touch with, he also felt that this aura was similar to the mutated Hydreigon but way worse.

The Giratina rushed towards him at full speed, opening its jaws and trying to engulf Julian but suddenly his vision changed again and he was back in front of the three lakes and in front of him were the three lake guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.

Seeing them Julian understood what the real danger is.

Julian "Thank you, leave it to me, no matter what happens, I won't allow it to destroy this world"

He said and assured them of his victory.

Even though he doubted himself in taking on this monster, from the vision itself he could tell that this Giratina is completely different from anything he has ever faced, this one is a rouge and more dangerous.

The three lake guardians then suddenly disappeared and Julian woke up from his dream and looked around and sighed, he is still on the bed with Cynthia sleeping peacefully next to him, he looked outside and saw that the sky is still dark, he looked at the clock and saw that it is 4 am.

Julian 'I am all rested, it's no time to waste'

He thought and got up from his bed and quickly got dressed, he looked at Cynthia and saw her sleeping peacefully, he didn't want to wake her up but this is not the time to be sleeping.

Julian "Cynthia, wake up"

He woke her up gently.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes while looking at Julian in confusion, she is very tired and is not fully awake.

Cynthia "What happened?"

Julian "We have to move, the threat to Sinnoh is bigger than I thought"

He said.

Hearing this Cynthia came to her senses and quickly woke up.

Cynthia "What do you mean?"

She asked worriedly.

Julian "I had a dream in which the three Lake Guardians came and warned me about the future danger, we should move right now"

He said.

Even though hearing it didn't make any sense to Cynthia she decided to go with Julian, she also quickly got ready and decided to leave.

Cynthia "What do you want me to do?"

She asked.

Julian "Evacuate everyone that lives around and near Mt. Coronet, it is better to evacuate the neighboring cities and towns around there"

He said.

Cynthia "Such large scale evacuation will be hard"

She said.

Julian "That is why you need to take care of it, with you it is possible and asks the Elite Four for help as well along with the gym leaders, the more people helping the better"

He said.

Cynthia "What should we tell the people, such large scale evacuation, they will want to hear the reason for it"

Julian "Tell them the truth, Sinnoh is in danger, the masses will panic but we have no other options, as well, whatever we tell them they will panic so that is why they need you to be there and calm them, with strong people around them, they won't be worried"

He said and placed his hand on her shoulder.

Cynthia "I understand, but what about you?"

She asked.

Julian "I will have to take on the threat head-on"

He said seriously.

Cynthia "But...."

Julian "I am not an idiot to sacrifice myself for no reason, its time for my old team to make an appearance again"

He said and smiled.

Cynthia thought about it and nodded her head, Julian's old team, the strongest force.

Julian "Good, now go and inform the League and take action quickly, we don't know when the threat will arrive, we have to start now"

He said.

Cynthia agreed and went away on her Garchomp towards the League headquarters.

Julian also made his way towards the nearest poke center.

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