Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 52 - Back To Pallet Town

Julian has arrived near a cliff, he walks near it and looks at a small town ahead, there are small houses and grasslands, fields to grow crops and a hilltop, on that hilltop is a giant windmill next to a building.

Julian 'Its been long since I left Pallet town and now I am back, looks like nothing has changed' ​​

Julian walks back to his bike and rides along the road to Pallet town after some time reach Pallet town, he saw people working on the fields happily, people leaving here were friendly to everyone when Julian entered the town few people working at the field saw him as they became curious as many people didn't live here and people were acquainted with each other here, few of them recognized him as they saw him in Professor Oak's lab but most of them had no clue, Julian just smiled at them and went towards Professor Oak's lab.

As he was heading towards Professor Oak's lab he saw a lady waving her hand indicating to stop, Julian recognized her she was Ash's mom Delia Ketchum, they had met once but they never talked to each other as Julian was busy with his research and studies and Delia would come over sometimes to talk to Professor Oak with Ash.

Julian 'Why is Delia waving her hand at me does she have some work, now that I think about it one of the biggest mysteries about pokemon is who is her husband, well it's even mysterious than the most mysterious pokemons'

Julian stops near Delia and looks at her, he is surprised that Delia looks beautiful compared to anime, well every person in this world is more appealing than the anime as they are real people.

Julian 'What a waste, leaving such a beautiful woman behind, Ash's father must be even a bigger idiot than him'

Julian "Miss Delia, how can I help you?"

Delia "Huh, you know me?"

Julian "Of course we met once before at Professor Oak's lab"

Delian thinks for a little and finally realizes it

Delia "Ah, yes I remember I saw you working in Professor Oak's lab a few times, haha how could I forget such a handsome face"

She says and hits her head lightly with her knuckles and smiles.

Julian 'Hm, she is indeed Ash's mom she tends to forget some things but at least she is mature and understandable'

Julian "I see that you remember me, so how can I help you, Miss Delia"

Delia "Are you going to Professor Oak's lab?"

Julian "Yes I just came back and now heading there"

Delian "Great, I also wanted to go there since I saw you going towards that direction I thought you could give me a lift, looks like I am lucky to meet you"

Julian "No problem, hop on"

Julian started the bike and waited for Delia to sit, Delia walked towards the bike and sat behind him holding him from behind, this was her first time sitting in a bike so she was a little worried if she would fall off while riding, Delia suddenly felt Julian's abs as she started to touch them without even knowing what she was doing she just did it subconsciously, Julian felt Delia's hands on his stomach but he didn't say anything and rode off.

Delia gained back her consciousness and was a little embarrassed by her action, she had never felt abs like those before in her life.

Delia 'Omg what am I doing, he is so much younger than me I shouldn't do those things, but it been long since I felt like that'

Delia was in her thoughts and didn't realize that have reached the lab

Julian "Miss Delia we have reached the lab"

Delia came back to reality and found her self tightly holding Julian as her breasts were squeezed on Julian's back and her hands on his waist feeling his body, seeing this Delia quickly let go of Julian and went inside the lab.

Julian sighed seeing this, he realized that because of him Delia became sexually frusted as she hasn't had sex from the day Ash was born and her husband left her, he thought to help her as he didn't mind as she is still very beautiful but he stopped his thoughts as she was married, even though Julian has had sex with married women they were the one who approached him, he didn't know how Delia felt about her husband so he decided to investigate about it first.

Julian also walked in to see Delia talking to Professor Oak.

Delia "Thank you, Professor, for fixing this"

Oak "Haha no problem Delia just come to me whenever you have a problem with your home appliances"

Delia "Thank you then I will be leaving"

Delia turned around and saw Julian entering, she was embarrassed a little but quickly got her thoughts clear.

Delia "Julian, thank you for the ride, I will be going"

Julian "It's ok Miss Delia it was nothing, I enjoyed your company"

Delia quickened her footsteps after hearing him, she was really embarrassed and didn't want to show her face right now, Julian just smiled and waved his hand at her.

Oak "Oh Julian you are back this quickly, I thought it will take another week for you"

Julian "I already have 8 badges so I came back and I had to give you those evolution stones"

Oak "Ha, yes how could I forget my own research hahaha, well it's because of you, with that Mega stone you showed me my interest was completely focused on it, by the way, do you have it now"

Julian "Don't worry Professor Oak I have everything you need but first I will freshen up before that"

Oak "Oh how rude of me, I completely forgot due to my excitement"

Julian "Its ok professor, I will be going to my room"

Julian went back to his previous room and saw that nothing was changed everything was placed on the spot where he left them when he left, he quickly undressed and freshened himself and got into some comfortable clothing a loose shirt and half pants, he walked out to see Professor Oak was noting down the pokemons present in the back side of the lab, Julian walked towards him and took a deep breath.

Julian "Its been long since I have been here"

Oak "Yeah its been seven months since you left"

Julian "Come out everyone"

Julian took out all his pokemons except Gyarados as there was no water here, there was one just nearby so he decided to bring him there afterward.

Oak "Hoho, look at them all they all look so well groomed, well I expect nothing less from you"

Julian "You flatter me"

Oak "Oooo, is that the Heatran you captured, I can't believe I am seeing one right now"

Professor Oak was fascinated by seeing Heatran as he ran towards him.

Julian "Professor don't touch Heatran his skin is very ho-"

It was useless as Professor Oak had already touched Heatran with his bare hands


Julian "I told you not to"

Oak "Hahahaha, don't mind me I was just so excited to meet a legendary pokemon from ancient times"

Julian "Heatran let Professor Oak have a look at you he will not harm you"

Heatran nodded and lowered his skin temperature, Professor Oak didn't waste time and started to look at Heatran.

Oak "His skin is actually made of steel and the holes in his body radiate so much heat"

Julian "Those holes in his body are actually caused by the heat inside his body causing it to melt his skin, I think these holes form when they are inside their egg when they don't know how to control their body heat"

Oak "That really a good explanation, I should note it down quickly"

After looking at Heatran Professor Oak's attention was caught by Kabutops

Oak "Is he the one who came out of the fossil you showed me?"

Julian "Yes, he is Kabutops he evolved from Kabuto at Seafoam Island"

Oak was fascinated and started to note down everything he saw on Kabutops, he even asked Julian some stuff about them, Oak also examined all his other pokemons and he was really impressed by them

Oak "Infernape and Electabuzz's fur are so bright and shiny, Venusaur's flower looks stunning and bright color, Pidgeot wings are very sturdy and strong, Gengar looks very big compared to last time I saw him in the monitor and his color looks very different"

Julian "Yes Gengar is actually a shiny"

Oak "Yes, that explains his darker color, by the way where is your Gyarados?"

Julian "Lets head over to the lake nearby I will release him there"

Julian and Professor Oak walk for a minute followed by all of his pokemons, when they arrive there they see Snorlax sleeping soundly beside a tree next to the lake

Oak "Your Snorlax is really strong when it got here it scared of the hoard of Tauros's feeding here with just one punch to the ground, look that crater where it was created by him"

Julian looked at the crater and laughed awkwardly

Julian "I was really lucky that I was able to catch him without any resistance"

Oak "There is nothing wrong in that, luck is also a factor in a trainer's strength"

Julian "I guess you are right"

Snorlax who was sleeping slowly opened his eyes and saw Julian next to him

Julian "How are you buddy are you done sleeping"

Snorlax got happy and bear hugged Julian until his other pokemons came to his rescue, Julian felt a little relief after that bear hug as it took out most of the strain in his back

Julian "Looks like you are hungry, don't worry I will make special food for you"

Snorlax became happy and went back to sleep.

Julian "Gyarados come out"

Julian's Gyarados came out and landed on top of the water creating a huge splash, he stood 9.5 meters tall as his red scales shine brightly under the sun

Oak "Omg look at his size, I still remember when he was just a golden Magicark look how big he has gotten"

Gyarados looked at Oak and recognized him, Professor Oak sometimes used to take care of Magikarp so he was close to him, Gyarados gave his greetings to Oak as he started to explore his surroundings, this lake was big enough for him to easily roam around freely here

Julian looked at Gyarados and smiled, he and professor went back inside the lab leaving is pokemons behind to do whatever they want.

Oak "Now that, everything is done we should discuss Mega Stone"

Julian "Yes lets do that".

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