Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 504 - A Deceiving Illusion

Julian's decision to create his own faction was a huge surprise to the League but they didn't completely ignore it. If Julian did create a faction it can be useful to them.

The leader of the Elite agents informed the league about the captured guards and how Julian said he will take the responsibility for them, these elite members of the league work for the main branch so the leader directly answers to the President Goodshow and other executives. ​​

Hearing Julian will take responsibility for these guards they had no idea what Julian was planning then they got a call, it was from one of their strongest members, Cynthia.

She soon explained Julian's plan to them and showed her support for Julian's cause, hearing this the League were put in a weird position, they are above the government in the combined regions and having a faction that is under Julian can affect the power balance but that doesn't mean it was disadvantage to them.

The League is there to protect the regions and its citizens and Julian also follows the same ideology but the only thing he doesn't do is listen, he doesn't like being under someone.

The President and the other Executives of the League decided to discuss it, they still need some time before agreeing to it.


Back to Julian and Cynthia they started to look for Cyrus once again, Cynthia told him that she has been chasing Cyrus for quite a while now and whenever she got close to him she lost his sight again, it was as if something was blocking them from reaching him.

Julian "Maybe some pokemon is behind it"

Julian said.

Cynthia "That could be a possibility, I don't think Cyrus can hide for this long without leaving a single clue behind"

She said.

Julian "Well if a pokemons is involved things are going to be a lot harder"

He said and started to think about some solutions.

Even though his pokemons are strong that doesn't mean they are immune to illusions and mind tricks and what Julian has heard from Cynthia till now, he thinks that they are either illusions and mind tricks.

If its mind tricks it could be handled but if it's an illusion thing can be different, Gengar can, of course, find someone or something inside an illusion but before that, the person can easily make an escape, their opponent is not trying to fight with them but run.

And this is a troubling aspect, even if Gengar manages to find the culprit behind these illusions it doesn't mean they will be able to find Cyrus, he could be hiding anywhere, he could have even created his own illusion to confuse Cynthia into circling around the area with no luck of finding him.

Julian decided to figure out which pokemon is behind this and with it, he will be able to find Cyrus, find the pokemon, find the trainer, it is a simple plan but finding one pokemon which can create illusions in such a huge place will be thought and they don't have much time.

Who knows that Cyrus is really up to.

During their time together searching for Cyrus, they came across some of the Team Galactic members trying to sneak into Mt. Coronet but they were stopped by Cynthia and she literally destroyed them at once, she has been pretty frustrated because she was not able to find Cyrus so seeing Team Galactic sneaking around, she didn't hold back.

After destroying them she interrogated them but it was of no use, they had no idea where Cyrus is currently hiding, they were just instructed by their Admins to reach as high as they can on the mountain and block's anyone's path if they try to get through.

Hearing this both Cynthia and Julian frowned, even though these idiots didn't know where Cyrus is they did give something to them.

After calling an arrest team and handing over the captured members to the league agents Julian and Cynthia looked at the top of the mountain.

Julian "If they were said to block off the entrance of the top of the mountain, that means that Cyrus has already reached the top"

He said.

Cynthia "Shit, I knew it, something was wrong, why would Cyrus just run around the area trying to keep me away from the mountain top by using a pokemon"

She said and cursed.

Julian "Then, let's go up, we have to stop him before anything happens"

He said and pulled out his bike, he cannot fly up the mountain with Gengar as its not a perfect habitat for him to fly, with the cold winds blowing high in the sky it will affect him and he might get sick if he is exposed to the cold too much, Cynthia also had the same concern.

Julian pulled out his bike and decided to ride up the rocky mountain as it was the only way, Cynthia grabbed onto him tightly as they rode up the mountain.

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