Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 494 - Misunderstandings

Cynthia soon brought Julian to a town that is very close to Mt. Coronet, this is a very small town with only a few hundred people living here, their arrival did cause some commotion in the town but the locals didn't dare to bother them, seeing that they were pokemons trainers with Garchomp, the locals decided to keep their distance, of course, the kids were more curious and approached them and sneaked peeks at them.

Seeing two Garchomps was really rare for them, their village is very close to Mt. Coronet, so there aren't many pokemon living in this area, do to cold and the ones who prefer cold environment live on the mountain itself, and Garchomp especially were very rare as they don't like cold climates. ​​

Garchomps know as the strongest pokemon in Sinnoh except for the legendaries and mythical, anyone who can train it is above any elite trainers.

The kids got excited seeing the two Garchomp and some brave hearts tried to approach them, Julian just smiled and let the kids do their thing while he let Cynthia guide him towards a house in the middle of the town, from the looks of it, this house must belong to the town chief.

He was indeed right, as they reached there Julian saw an old man on a wheelchair smiling at them, behind him is a young lady about 15 years old.

Village Chief "It's an honor for our village to be visited by the Champion, please enjoy your stay in our humble and small village"

He said happily.

Cynthia "Thankyou Village Chief, we will be staying here for a few days, sorry for the inconvenience"

She said and bowed her head.

Village Chief "No need to be so formal, if it wasn't for these old bones on mine not working I would have held a huge feast for your arrival"

He said and laughed.

Cynthia just smiled and said nothing while Julian watched how the kids tried to approach his Garchomp but as soon as they got closer he will turn around and scare them, at first the kids were really scared but it soon turned into a play.

Even Cynthia's Garchomp wanted to join in the fun but she had her ego clash with her mindset, she was Cynthia's strongest and most trusted pokemon so she had to always put up a strict and noble front just like her trainer so she stood still.

She just watched Julian's Garchomp have all the fun with the kids, the kids got really comfortable with Garchomp and one of them even grabbed onto his tail trying to get on his back but the kid would always be unsuccessful as Garchomp would just put the kid down on the ground.

Village Chief "You two must be tired, Selice, show our guest to the guest house"

The Village Chief told the girl behind him but to his surprise, he heard no answer from his granddaughter, he turned his head and saw his daughter staring at the man behind Cynthia with wide eyes and a shocked face.

He once again looked at Julian to see why his granddaughter is staring at this man when the Champion of Sinnoh is standing right in front of her, she always mentioned how she admired Cynthia and wanted to become a strong trainer like her but now she isn't even looking at her.

Village Chief 'Did she fall in love?'

He questioned himself and a thought came in his mind, his poor little Selice might get taking away from him by this handsome young man and he didn't like the idea.

He glared at Julian and looked at Cynthia once again.

Village Chief "Miss Champion, who is this person?"

He asked.

Cynthia "He is my companion"

She said.

She didn't want to announce the world that they are in a relationship, for now, a companion is enough.

Village Chief "So will this gentleman be staying here with you?"

He asked.

Cynthia "Yes, he will"

Hearing this the Village Chief got frustrated, he didn't want to hand over his granddaughter to some unknown person who just appeared out of nowhere.

Village Chief "Then, when will be this person leaving?"

He asked.

Cynthia "Huh?"

Selice "Huh?"

Julian "Huh?"

Even Julian turned around as he heard this question, he felt the atmosphere getting weird as he noticed the old man's gaze has changed towards him all of a sudden.

Julian 'What did I do to this old man?'

He though racking his head, from the moment he steps into this village he just watched the kids play with his Garchomp.

Julian 'No, wait does he thinks I am a pedophile because I was looking at the kids?'

He suddenly thought and didn't know what to say.

Julian 'Maybe I am thinking too much but what other reason could there be other than that'

He thought and looked at the old man with frustrated expression in his eyes, seeing the look in Julian eyes the Old man once again got the wrong impression.

Village Chief 'I knew it, this young man is no good, showing his frustration because of my question, I will never give away my sweet Selice to you'

He thought and looked fiercely at Julian, seeing how the old man was looking at him Julian became more certain that the Old man thinks he is a pedophile.

Julian 'I think he really sees me as a pedophile, I need to clear my image'

He thought and sighed looking annoyed.

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