While the Chief was racking his brain to think of something that could eliminate the current threat, Julian is flying at high speed on top of Garchomp, with his speed, Julian didn't have to wait much longer as he could see Sinnoh mainland right in front of him.

He decided to get to Pastoria city and decided to contact Cynthia, his priority was to rescue Uxie and he is successful, he needs to return Uxie to lake Acuity. ​​

It didn't take him long before they reached Pastoria city, once he got there he rented a hotel room and got in, once he did that he closed all windows and curtains to block off anyone's view into this room.

Julian "Gengar, bring Uxie out"

He said to Gengar, Gengar came out of his shadow with the sleeping Uxie in his hand, Julian sighed and carried it into his hand delicately and checked Uxie's pulse, it is slow but it does exist putting Julian in a state of relief.

It seems that Uxie's heart is beating at a very slow rate, only two beats a minute, this was extremely shown but it was not a concern, some pokemons that hibernate during extreme cold seasons also do this to survive the cold, he didn't know why Uxie was in such a state but it was not in danger.

He also noticed that its body had a very low amount of omniforce, it must have used it to stay alive, Cyrus had no idea what he was doing. If Uxie was in that state for more than a month that all the omniforce in its body would have been exhausted and it would have been in death's door.

Julian slowly provided it with the Omniforce it needed from his body, Crystal who is sleeping in his pocket woke up when it noticed the changes in the surroundings.

It popped out its head and looked down to see Uxie curled up in Julian's arms sleeping.

Crystal "Mewwww?"

It squeaked and tilted its head and flew out of Julian's pocket and came down and sat on top of Uxie's body, it placed its little hands on top of Uxie's chest and did the same as Julian, it started to provide the Omniforce that was in its body.

Seeing this Julian smiled and nudged Crystal's little head, its head bobbled like a toy, it squeaked angrily at Julian and sent a thin bold of electricity to zap Julian, the electricity was like a tickle to him.

He just laughed it off and gave candy to Crystal, this little one has a pure heart, even though it doesn't know what is happening here, it is trying to help Uxie without asking for any benefit.

Well, Crystal is not always like this, it is greedy, it learned the art from Gengar. If someone wanted something from Crystal, it asked some something in return, Julian didn't know what to do when he learned about this, he scolded Gengar but the deed was already done.

But when the time comes Crystal is selfless, it would do things that it doesn't even understand, just like now, seeing what Julian was doing, it knew that this was giving relief to Uxie so it copied Julian's action.

Julian looked at Uxie and noticed that it seems to have gained some energy as it moved its body curling up into a ball and snuggling deep into his arms, it seems to be at peace.

Julian "Crystal take care of Uxie, okay?"

He said to Crystal.

Crystal nodded its head happily mewing a tune of its own.

Julian decided to call Cynthia and ask her to come here, he didn't waste any time and made the call.


In the league headquarters, Cynthia's room, Cynthia is sitting on her chair worried about Julian, waiting for his call, she suddenly gets startled as the phone in her hand starts to buzz, she looks at the screen and sees that it is Julian.

Julian "Cynthia, don't talk too much, don't mention my name, just come to Pastoria city, I will send you the address of my hotel right now"

He said.

Cynthia "What happened?"

She asked and frowned, she thought Julian would give her some good news but from his tone, she deducted that something is different.

Cynthia "Ok I will be there"

She said and ended the call, soon she received a message showing Julian's current address, she got up from her chair and rushed out.

Same building on the top floor, Chief's room-

A man suddenly walked in after knocking twice and walked towards the Chief who is smoking his cigar.

"Sir, the champion left in a hurry just now, what should we do?"

He asked.

Chief "Get an elite team, we need to kill her and also the person she is meeting"

He said in a flat tone.

"Ok, I will be on my way then"

He said and turned around ready to leave when the Chief suddenly stopped him.

Chief "Wait"

The man turned around and looked at his boss.

Chief "I will be coming as well, I will kill that bitch with my own hands, she should have died way before but now things have gotten out of control, her luck was really good but it won't save her this time"

He said and got up from his chair.

The man nodded his head and walked out while Chief followed right behind him, it didn't take this man to gather up his team.

Six men excluding the Chief, they are the elite of the elite, ready to do anything with just order from the Chief, well nobody is as loyal as them, even they weren't but the Chief used an underhanded method, he made a pokemon hypnotize them into submitting in front of Chief.

These six have become the main killers for the Chief, now that they are about to claim the Champion's life so they need to bring their best.

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