Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 48 - Giovanni Vs Julian (1)

Gengar returned back to the Pokemon center and entered Julian's room where he saw Julian lying ob the bed as his eyes were closed, seeing this Gengar took a marker from a desk nearby and tried to scribble something on Julian's face but he was suddenly startled when Julian caught his hand just before the marker tip was about to touch his face.

Julian "Hoho, look at you trying to play some pranks on me" ​​

Julian opened his eyes and sat up straight on the bed

Gengar "Gagaga" [Hahaha I was just trying to have some fun]

Gengar said rubbing the back of his head, seeing this Julian just shook his head as he knew Gengar's nature so he couldn't do anything.

Julian [So tell me what is going inside the Viridian Gym?]

Julian asked Gengar telepathically, Gengar started telling him about his time in the team rocket base, how there was an underground base under the gym, how he freed the pokemons and about Butch, Cassidy and Giovanni's conversation.

Julian "Heee, those idiots are here, they were lucky that I didn't break them completely last time but looks like they really want another good beating"

Gengar "genngaaarrrrrrr"

Gengar nods his head agreeing to Julian's statement.

Julian "Let's leave that for now, what else did you find in there?"

Gengar [Oh I forgot, I saw a strange pokemon strapped with metal armor which looked like some machine and they were connected to a big screen which showed weird lines]

Julian 'Looks like he saw Mewtwo'

Julian "Tell me more about it"

Gengar [It was very strange I tried to make it move but it stood still like a statue, but I could feel its lifeforce so I don't think it's dead]

Julian "did you do anything to it?"

Julian was now worried that Gengar might have done something which may cause trouble in future.

Gengar [I just tried to make it move by touching it and make funny faces but it was of no use]

Julian sighed with relief, then he started to think about Mewtwo

Julian 'It looks like Mewtwo is being fully controlled by Giovanni and won't move until he says it to do so, its good that Gengar didn't try to remove anything from Mewtwo or it might have gone on a rampage'

Julian "Ok Gengar tomorrow you might have to fight that pokemon so be prepared, for now, you should rest"

Julian sent Gengar back to his Pokeball and started to think about tomorrows battle

Julian 'The thing about Giovanni is that he has a lot of pokemons and I really don't know which one he is going to use, and it seems that he knows about me so he might use his strongest pokemons to tire or injure mine, well I will be looking forward to it, but my biggest concern is neither Giovanni nor Mewtwo but Mew, I just hope its not present during my battle and even if it is present I hope it doesn't interfere in any way'

Julian after thinking about this for some time he decides to leave it at the side and meditate to calm his mind, he didn't even realize that he has fallen asleep on the bed in the same position.

Next day when he woke up it was still dawn and very little light was entering his room, he rubbed his eyes and stretched himself

Julian "Looks like I fell asleep during my meditation"

Julian went outside and did his daily morning workout with his pokemons, after finishing he came back to his room and freshened up

Julian "Its time, let's visit the Viridian Gym"

Julian went out and hopped onto his bike and rode off towards Viridian gym, he arrived there to see a water fountain between two staircases which led to a huge orange color building and in front of the gate were two big men wearing a gladiator style uniform, what Julian didn't know was that these two were new guards because the old once where fired due to 'someone'.

Julian walked towards the gate and came in front of the two guards who were blocking his path.

Julian "I am here to challenge the gym leader of the Viridian gym"

Guards "You may enter"

The Guards moved aside and opened the gate, Julian walked in to find a huge battlefield and a platform across the battlefield, he could see a faint outline of a person sitting on a chair on top of that platform, Julian knew this was Giovanni.

Giovanni was also looking at Julian he had asked Butch and Cassidy how Julian looked so he could recognize Julian instantly.

Giovanni 'Ha, I didn't have to wait for long, if what Butch and Cassidy said about his pokemons are true then I must have them and to test this out how about I send some of my most powerful pokemons and if he defeats both of them he should feel honored that he will be the first person to see my greatest creation hahahaha'

Julian "I am Julian and I am here to challenge you to a Gym Battle"

Giovanni "Sure, the rules are simple we both will use three pokemons the first person to lose all three pokemons will be the loser"

Julian "Ok now let's continue"

Julian didn't even look at him and waved his hand and went and stood on the battlefield, seeing this Giovanni was irritated but he kept it in.

Giovanni "Very Cocky, let's see how strong you are, go Nidoking"

He takes out a Pokeball from his coat and tosses it down as it opens fully grown Nidoking land on the battlefield causing dust to rise up in the air

Julian 'This Nidoking looks well trained but its still no match for me'

Julian "Go Kabutops"

Julian tosses a Pokeball up in the air and Kabutops comes out of it revealing his sharp blades which look very intimidating as if those are the blades from the scythe of a death reaper

Giovanni 'So that a Kabutops an ancient pokemon which went extinct but it's not surprising as many fossils can be revived'

Giovanni "Nice Pokemon you got there but it will lose very badly"

Julian "Dont talk too much and let's continue"

Julian really got on Giovanni's nerves

Giovanni "Nidoking use Brick Break"

Nidoking rushed towards Kabutops and lifted his hand to deliver a powerful Brick Break if this move could hit Kabutops he would be seriously injured but that never gonna happen

Julian "Dodge, then use blizzard"

Julian [After using blizzard use Waterfall and get behind it and use Metal Claw]

Julian didn't want to waste time-fighting these normal pokemons so he decided to finish it quickly. With a single movement, Kabutops jumped away from the slowly descending Brick Break as it hit the ground sending some parts flying but Nidoking was to slow to get into defense position as Kabuto quickly activated Blizzard which causes the whole surrounding to go cold as the ground started to be covered with snow which caused Nidoking a lot of damage but it didn't stop their suddenly Kabutops was seen high in the air as he jumped up and use Water Fall causing water to come crashing down, Kabotops used the water as a cover to hide himself as Water Fall landed on Nidoking it completely went on to its knees, even though Nidoking was strong with a huge defense a powerful Ice and Water-type moves could bring any Nidoking down but seeing Nidoking was still not out it showed how powerful it was.

Giovanni was shocked seeing such development and the moves were executed so fast and powerful he didn't even get a chance to warn Nidoking after he saw Nidoking hit by the Water Fall he tried to say something to Nidoking but before he could Kabutops had already made his move, using the water to hide himself he easily got behind Nidoking and landed a powerful Metal Claw right at the back of his head sending Nidoking crashing down.

Julian "Kabutops finish this Ice Beam"

Before Nidoking even got a chance to struggle he was hit by an Ice Beam causing him to faint on the spot without any resistance.

Giovanni was utterly shocked as one of his most powerful pokemon was just been dropped under a minute.

Giovanni 'Impossible how is that Kabutops so fast and powerful, I must have it to myself then I will become more powerful hahaha'

Julian "Hey, your pokemon didn't even last a minute, is this what they call the most powerful gym in Kanto?"

Julian remark was full of sarcasm and Giovanni easily noticed it which caused him to become very angry but he still kept it inside

Giovanni "Hm, I didn't expect that this will happen as I underestimated you, but my next pokemon will show you how strong the Viridian gym is"

Giovanni "Go Aggron"

A huge Aggron took the stage just by looking at it one could tell that its nature is nasty and cruel but it is also a powerhouse

Julian 'An Aggron, as I thought he has pokemons which don't only belong to Kanto but let's see if it can take a hit from Infernape, he hasn't had punching bag since he evolved maybe this Aggron might be of some use'

Julian "Kabutops return"

Julian returned Kabutops back to his Pokeball and took out another one

Julian "Go Infernape"

He tossed the Pokeball up in the air and Infernape took the field as soon as Infernape came in the temperature started rising as he purposely controlled it to intimidate his opponent and it worked as Aggron being a steel type it could feel the rising temperature even though due to its rock subtype which reduced the effects of fire based attack he could fell the temperature going up crazily.

Infernape's mastery of fire has gone beyond normal and now he could control it as the way he wants he could raise its temperature, reduce its temperature and many more.

Giovanni was also feeling the sudden change in the surroundings as he started to sweat due to the rising temperature.

Giovanni 'Just by looking at that Infernape I know its way powerful than his previous pokemon Kabutops, from the looks of it all his pokemons might hold this much power, I WANT IT, I WANT ALL HIS POKEMONS'

Unknown to Giovanni Julian is planning to finish this with a one-hit move

Julian [Activate Iron Fist, then as soon as I say go activate blaze then use Flame Charge to sprint towards Aggron then deliver the final blow using Focus Punch]

Hearing Julian's voice in his head Infernape nods his head as he activates his Hidden Ability Iron Fist which increases the power of all his punching moves.

Giovanni also get back his attention to the fight but it too late for him to do anything

Julian "Go"

As soon as Julian says go Infernape roars as he is surrounded by fire which turns into a huge pillar of flames which rises toward the ceiling puncturing a hole in it, the residence of the city also saw this huge pillar of fire and thought that a volcano has erupted but they realized that there is no volcano in the city, Infernape suddenly charges towards Aggron with full speed using flame charge increasing his speed more.

Seeing the destruction caused by just using blaze he is shocked but as he looks down he saw something

Giovanni "Not Good, AGGR-"

Before he could even finish saying his word Infernape who was powering up suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Aggron leaving a trail of flames behind him if the trail of flames where not present people would think that Infernape just teleported.

As soon as Indernape appears in front of Aggron he hit Aggron with all the power stored from one ability and three skill, Aggron didn't even know what happened as the next thing he knew was he is planted into a wall with severe pain running through his body as he faints.

Yes, just a single punch sent Aggron flying back causing a large boom sound as the dust cleared the next thing everybody saw was an unconscious Aggron planted into a wall below the platform Giovanni was sitting, Giovanni was on the ground as he fell from his chair onto the floor from the shock wave created by Aggron crashing below the platform, he was stunned he didn't know what to say, he was staring at Infernape as if it was a monster, he suddenly started to doubt himself

Giovanni 'How can I win against such a monster, can my greatest creation even come close to it, no way its way faster and stronger than my creation how can such a monstrous pokemon exist'

Giovanni had totally lost his mind and couldn't think logically at all but he is still a Boss of a huge criminal organization so he was able to calm himself down quickly.

Giovanni 'Haha, I was actually scared, I even forgot to think rationally, my greatest creation is a Physic type and with that, I can easily win hahaha'

Even though Giovanni has calmed himself down an unwanted fear has risen in his heart which made him forget about the most crucial part of this battle, Julian has still not reviled his third pokemon but Giovanni was fully concentrated on Infernape and didn't think of anything else, the fear which has risen in his heart has severely clouded his judgment.

Giovanni "Hahahahahaha, such a strong pokemon you have there, after seeing your pokemon I have decided that you are worthy to show you my most powerful pokemon, My greatest creation, the strongest pokemon"

As Giovanni was babbling, Julian was dumbfounded as he saw Giovanni's hair there was big blad line right in the middle of his head as it separated his hair apart

Julian 'WTF is wrong with his hair, and was he wearing a wig all this time? was he wearing a wig from the very beginning? No, no, no that can't be why would he make a fool of himself by doing such a stupid haircut, wait yesterday Gengar was here maybe he is the reason behind it hahahaha I knew Gengar would do some mischief but to actually do this to Giovanni hehehehe'

Julian was trying his best to control his laughter so he didn't hear any bullshit Giovanni was saying, but he suddenly heard a sound he looked at the source and saw a wall slowly being lifted up and there it was inside the room covered with a machine type armor standing still then it slowly walked out.

Giovanni "Behold my Greatest creation"

Julian 'Finally'.

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