Cyrus is going mad as he sees Julian escaping on top of Garchomp.

Cyrus "But how? He was with me the whole time, how did he get Uxie, he was with me when the alarm went off, it shouldn't be possible, there's no way" ​​

Cyrus said in denial.

Cyrus "Then why did he make an escape, if he is not guilty he shouldn't have done that"

He said and looked at the guard for some answers.

Guard "I don't know sir"

He said, covered in sweat, fearing that his life is about to end in Cyrus's hand.


Cyrus shouted angrily and slapped the guard with the back of his hand, the guard fell on the ground and the hat he was wearing went flying, the guard didn't say anything and just laid on the ground, his cheeks hurt but he didn't do anything.

Cyrus "You good for nothing idiot, why are you even alive, you are a guard, you are supposed to guard this place, how can my precious Uxie disappear, how did it get stolen"

He shouted and started to stomp on the guard, the guard crouched and covered his head to protect it, the others in the room just looked at him in pity, the guard's friends just gritted their teeth and clinched their fist, they couldn't do anything to Cyrus, they just had to stand there and look at him hitting their friend.


Suddenly a loud commanding voice was heard, everyone in the room went stiff as they looked up, on top of the staircase that leads to the upper floor was a man in his fifties, behind him were few guards carrying very powerful guns, this man was the same person Julian saw in the conference room, the head of this building, the head of the Sinnoh underworld.

Cyrus stopped his stomping and looked at the old man.

Cyrus "Zandar, don't get involved in this"

He said with a frown on his face.

Zandar "What did you say?"

Zandar asked.

Cyrus "I said don't get involved"

He said and growled, Zandar looked coldly at Cyrus and started to walk down the stairs and got right in front of Cyrus, he then looked at the guard who is still on the ground, his uniform covered in dust and footprint.

Zandar "You, get up"

Zandar ordered him, the guard slowly got back to his feet and stood straight in front of Zandar.

Zandar "Punch him as hard as you can on his stomach"

Zandar said in a flat tone, hearing this the guard was stunned, he didn't know what to do.

Guard "What?"

Cyrus "What?"

Both of them asked in surprise.

Zandar ignored Cyrus and looked at the guard.

Zandar "Didn't you hear me, should I repeat myself?"

He asked in a cold tone, the guard shivered and looked at Cyrus and he suddenly punched Cyrus in the stomach, very hard.

Cyrus grunted in pain as he felt the guard's fist twist his stomach, the guard is not an average man, he has been training in martial arts and the art of hand to hand combat from the day he enrolled so his punches would hurt a lot.

The guard enjoyed this. Since his influence is low he couldn't go against Cyrus but now that Zandar has ordered him to hit Cyrus he could easily do it, as Zandar is the highest-ranking individual in this room so he had nothing to worry.

Zandar "Good, now get lost"

He said and sent the guard away, the guard didn't waste any time and ran off.

Cyrus looked furiously at the guard while holding his stomach, he then stared at Zandar with cold eyes.

Zandar "Keep that glare to yourself, just because you fund our organization, doesn't mean that you get to talk to me in equal standing, your privileges end with our protection of you from the League, all that money you have donated to us has been spent by you getting our protection and getting this position, just keep in mind that you are nothing here without you money so keep your mouth in limit and don't even think of talking to me on equal terms"

Zandar whispered it in Cyrus's ear, Cyrus is filled with rage but he didn't say anything, he kept silent, he knew now is not the time to act rashly.

Zandar "Now, report me what happened?"

He asked.

Cyrus "Uxie has been stolen from us by that man who was sent by the snake, well that is what we believe"

He said grunting from pain while holding his stomach.

Zandar "What do you mean?"

He asked with a frown.

Cyrus "When the alarm went off that man was right in front of me so there is no way he could have kidnapped Uxie, but he suddenly made an escape on a Garchomp and flew away in a hurry"

Cyrus said.

Hearing this Zandar raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

Zandar "Any sigh of breaking in into the room?"

Cyrus "No, I was the last one there, when I came back the alarm suddenly went off"

Cyrus said

Zandar "I see, it must be a pokemon then. When you went it, it followed you but why didn't anything detect it, even ghost type pokemons can't escape our scanners"

Zandar said and frowned.

Cyrus "That's what I am wondering, how is this even possible, there is no sign of anything that is out of order, even the capsule is not broken, Uxie just disappeared"

Cyrus said, annoyed.

Zandar "Did you consider the possibility for Uxie escaping by itself, it can use Teleport, a pokemon of that level can easily teleport to wherever it wants"

He said and questioned Cyrus.

Cyrus "It's no possible, Uxie has been sedated and put in a deep sleep, there is no way it can teleport"

He said firmly, believing in himself.

Zandar "Hmm, let's go"

He said and commanded his bodyguards and walked away.

Cyrus "That's it, you are not going to look into it?"

Zandar "I don't have time to take care of your shit, Uxie is your project, I don't care"

He said and walked away.

Cyrus didn't say anything, he just glared at Zandar's back angrily.

Cyrus 'Just you wait, I will fucking kill you when I am done with this current situation'

He thought and walked the other way.

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