Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 464 - Hell Training And Future Planes

The training continued, three days have passed, the routine was hell training, food, hell training, pokemon spa, then food, this became the normal routine, the pokemons didn't mind at all as after the hell training they would get tasty food and massage from the best pokemon massager in Sunyshore City.

First, they go through hard training, then they get whatever they want, everything is going well. While training his pokemon Julian was also worried about other things that need to take care of such as Cyrus and rescuing Uxie. ​​

He still has this urge to charge into the underworld and destroy Cyrus and rescue Uxie from his clutches but he couldn't, he has no idea where Cyrus is hiding and he cannot be careless now, he cannot risk the life of a pokemon from his carelessness.

He is currently waiting for Cynthia's call, she has already prepared a team and they are finding someone that could help them, their people inside the underworld are currently busy so they have to be careful, they cannot allow these people who work for them to get captured.

Things always happened this way, one organization have many spies planted into the other, informing them, Cynthia also informed him that the league found the spy who was inside the league, they found out that the spy worked for the Sinnoh underworld, other than that they couldn't find anything.

These spies seem to know nothing, they were just here to inform the underworld about the things that the League is planning, they were like toys, they were very useful to the underworld but once they are caught they are abandoned.

These spies also seemed to be brainwashed into being completely faithful to the underworld.

Having received all this news Julian realized that the underworld is much dangerous than those normal organizations that he has destroyed, they are everywhere, all over the world, they have countless connections and no one knows who the real leaders of the underworld are.

The heads in a particular region charged of the particular underworld are not the leaders at all, this underworld has been in power for thousands of years, the families that are the ruling party pass their seats to their future generations.

They are just like royal families but they hide from the public eye controlling them from the shadows, the League and other government organization from other countries are their enemies, there was a huge war between these factions hundreds of years ago, in which the underworld lost and retreated into the shadows, this was only possible because all the government of every country and region joined forces together to defeat them.

When Julian learned about this he was surprised, he knew nothing about this at all, he had gone through the history of this world where it talked about the war that took place hundreds of years ago and the golden age of this world started as the evil forces were defeated, but that was it, the history was very vague and Julian didn't understand why.

Thinking about it now, he realized that there was something more to it than just this, even though Cynthia has informed him about all this, he would take all this for a grain of salt, this thing happened hundreds of years and to Julian, these hundreds of years are like thousands, such a long time has passed and there could be a possibility that the history was made up, things could be a lot different than what the current people believe.

Even in his previous world, he fought in war just because some country leaders were not happy because of what the leader of other countries was doing, he didn't even know why he fought that war, everything was so vague, even after all that his previous self just let it go because he was protecting the people who couldn't protect themselves.

War is such, the one who fights in the war know nothing about it, they may think that they are fighting for the right thing, but the people on the opposite side is also thinking the same, only the world leader know what is right and what is wrong, maybe even they don't know anything about it, they are just after more power and money.


Julian is currently in the spa with his pokemons, while they enjoy their time being massaged by the employees of the massage parlor, he sat there in the waiting room looking at his phone, it has been three days since his battle with Volkner ended but he hasn't revived a call from Cynthia at all, he wondered what was really going on, but he didn't have to wait long, his phone suddenly buzzed and the screen showed Cynthia's photo.

She called him, he quickly picked up the call and answered her.

Julian "How is it?"

He asked.

Cynthia "Success, a man who works for us in the underworld has confirmed that he can smuggle some of our spies in, but the limit is only four, are you sure you want to go?"

She asked.

She seems to be very worried, even though many couldn't tell from her bold and powerful voice, Julian picked it up.

Julian "Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to me"

He said and consoled her, his voice is soft and assuring helping Cynthia to calm down.

Cynthia "Ok, fine, our group will be leaving after three days, you should come to the League headquarters, I will send you the exact time afterward"

She said.

Julian "Good, now take care of yourself and don't overwork, try sleeping, I can tell from your voice that you are tired"

He said.

Cynthia "Ok......I will be ending the call...."

She said softly and ended the call before Julian could speak any further, seeing that the call had ended he sighed and put the phone away, now that Cynthia has confirmed that he will be leaving in three days, he decided to quickly put an end to the hellish training camp.

Julian 'I will train them for two more days, then let them properly rest'

He thought and closed his eyes waiting for the massage session of his pokemons to be over.

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