Luxray knew that this battle is not easy, he can only use his other attacks, they are not as strong as his electric type attacks but they will be able to do damage, Jolteon is just immune to Electric-type attacks, not others.

Luxray knew Julian is testing him, without his electricity what will he do? ​​

Volkner "Are you underestimating me? using a pokemon who is clearly at a disadvantage?"

Volkner asked curiously, he wanted to know what his opponent is planning.

Julian "I never underestimate my opponents, It's just that I am purposely making it harder for Luxray, he needs to learn, everything is not always easygoing, there will be ups and downs, the only way to grow stronger is to face the hardship is straight on"

Julian said and smiled under his mask, he is confident in Luxray's ability, there is no way he is going to lose, Luxray has never let him down and today will also be the same, he will return triumph.

Volkner "I see, then I won't be holding back at all, Jolteon, let's do this Quick Attack"

Volkner ordered his Jolteon charged at Luxray at a very fast phase, Jolteon's speed is blinding, being the fastest evolution of an Eevee, her speed was no joke, it was a blur and Jolteon landed a successful hit on Luxray sending him back, his leg's dragged on the ground but he didn't lose his footing, his claws are stronger than steel, he dug them on the ground and stopped himself from going any further.

Jolteon stopped and jumped back keeping a distance from Luxray.

Julian "Indeed a speedy one but that won't do, Luxray Night Slash"

Luxray charged at Jolteon like a predator, his eyes glowed with the instinct to battle, his claws came out of his paw revealing their hidden sharpness, each claw was longer than 5 cm, all of them glowed with dark energy ready to rip apart anything that it touched.

Seeing the powerful attack coming towards her, Jolteon moved at High Speed dodging it easily, her Speed was really something, as she escaped from the Night Slash the victim of this move was the ground, deep long cuts formed on the battlefield as Luxray landed on his feet.

Seeing the power of the attack Jolteon felt pressured, this is a power that it cannot withstand, one attack like this on its light, slim body and it's over, it will be a one-hit KO.

The only thing that will help her in this battle is her Speed, seeing the power behind Luxray even Volkner knew he has to be wary of it, he cannot afford a direct hit from that Luxray, the problem was that Jolteon only Special Attacks are her electric type attacks, Luxray being Electric-type is resistant to them, he build is strong and with his expertise over Electric-type attacks he doesn't have much to fear from Electric-type attacks, they will hurt but not enough to knock him out, it would be embarrassing if he faints from an electric type attacks.

Do deal powerful damage on Luxray, Jolteon has to get close and that is a risk.

Volkner "Jolteon, Quick Attack, once again"

Volkner ordered his Jolteon for another Quick Attack and so she did, with blinding speed her body looked like a lightning strike that charged towards Luxray.

Julian "Protect"

Just before Jolteon was about to hit Luxray again, he used Protect and blocked her attack, Jolteon crashed against a hard barrier and was sent rolling back on the ground, Jolteon was hurt a little from that backlash.

Julian "Agility"

Behind the barrier, Luxray used Agility to increase his speed but he didn't stop with one, he kept on going, using Agility again and again.

Seeing this Volkner knew it will be troublesome if Luxray's speed increased.

Volkner "Jolteon destroy the barrier, use Thunderbolt"

Jolteon used Thunderbolt, a powerful one, trying to destroy the barrier protecting Luxray, the Thunderbolt started to crack from the onslaught and finally shattered, the Thunderbolt passed the barrier of the Protect and landed on Luxray shocking him hard but Luxray stood on his stop as his claws dug into the ground.

He stood there taking the Thunderbolt like nothing, the thunderbolt seemed to have no effect on Luxray, even though his whole body is going to the jolting shock he stood there, once the attack was over Luxray could be seen.

Smoke rose from his body as the heat from the Thunderbolt dissipated.

Julian "Night Slash once again"

Julian gave the command and Luxray moved, his speed faster than ever nor rivaling Jolteon's speed, Jolteon skillfully dodged the Night Slashes but it wasn't over, a barrage of Night Slash continued, it got harder for Jolteon to dodge, Luxray's speed matched her after the use of all that Agility.

But it didn't mean Jolteon was easy to catch, as she escaped she countered with Swift after being ordered by Volkner.

Those Swifts were countered by the Night Slashes, seeing that the battle would just be a game of cat and mouse, with no one coming on the top, Luxray will be on the attack and Jolteon will be dodging with her speed.

Julian "Thunderbolt on the ground"

Luxray suddenly used Thunderbolt, a powerful one, so powerful that it even caused Jolteon to back off even though she is completely immune to it, it was the power behind the Thunderbolt that was shocking, as Jolteon dodged the Thunderbolt, it landed on the ground completely destroying the ground and caused the whole battlefield to be filled with dust.

It blinded Jolteon but not Luxray, Luxrays are predators of the dark, their eyes could see past thick walls let alone a dust cloud.

Julian "Finish it, Crunch"

As Luxray pinpointed Jolteon's location in the mid of the dust cloud, he leaped on her with his spark fangs glowing, a big dark jaw appeared in front of him, the jaw slammed shut right on Jolteon catching her by surprise, the jaw exploded and Jolteon is sent shooting out of the dust cloud.

Jolteon crashed on the ground, knocked out.

This battled went as Julian had expected since Luxray couldn't use his Electric to hit his target, that doesn't mean he can't use it as a distraction and with the help of his natural abilities like his ability to spot anything behind a wall, he became a predator that could hunt anything.

Luxray learned about being a Predator that could hunt in the dark, where most pokemons struggle, Luxray thrived.

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