The event began as all lights dim down, the only thing that lit the room was the light being reflected from the projected screen.

It started with an introduction form a beautiful young woman who welcomed some special guests, after that the first professor gave his presentation, it was long but very informative, even Julian learned some stuff that he had no idea about. ​​

This went on in this fashion, different professors and scientist came to the platform and gave their presentation, it was a very long event but each and everyone in this room didn't fall asleep at all, as they are all enthusiasts who love pokemon and science.

Julian didn't mind this long event at all, he is also just like them, wanting to learn more about pokemon, this world is huge and even the people who have lived here for such a long time haven't discovered everything here.

Pokemon Professors estimate that there are many pokemon species that have not been discovered and are waiting for them to surface so they can research on them, the idea of Fossil resurrection was also a huge concept in the past and now it is possible.

Things related to Pokemon is always fascinating to Julian, he had to wait but it didn't matter, he got to learn a lot from this.

After a lot of waiting he finally saw Kukui walking up to the stage, behind him few backstage crew members dragged in two machines that looked like a capsule inside a metallic cylinder.

Kukui stood in front of the mic and looked at the audience.

Kukui "Ok, let's start, I will introduce myself, I am Professor Kukui and I research with pokemon moves since I was a child I was fascinated by pokemons and how they produce their elemental powers and use their moves. I come from Alola so few of you should be familiar with this?"

Kukui said and raised his hand to show a wrist band on his wrist and the wrist band had a red stone embedded on it.

Kukui "Yes, this is a Z-Crystal, these Crystal are unique to Alola, when I saw them in action, seeing how these crystals could convert any pokemons moves into an even stronger move made me want to learn about pokemons and their moves, even more, I embarked on this path for a very young age and now I am here with the result of all my research till now"

He said with a proud smile on his face, reporters are busy taking pictures on him while the other people in the room are either talking about his research and anticipating what it could be or about the Z-Crystals.

Z-Crystals were as rare as Mega Stones in this world, Z-Crystal could only be found in Alola Islands and most of these Crystals were actually protected by pokemons that seemed to have gone under some kind of weird powerup which made them gigantic compared to their own species.

Not many could get all the Z-Crystals as they were scattered around Alola protected by fierce and powerful giant pokemons.

Even Julian wanted one but when he imagined himself doing that weird dance to power it up, he felt chills down his spine and cringed.

Julian 'Even if I stumble upon one of these Z-Crystals today, I won't use it no matter what'

He thought about it with determination.

Oak "These Z-Crystals are really mysterious, they can be only found in Alola because of the mysterious energy present in the Islands, their legends say that a pokemon from another world saved it from eternal darkness by spreading its light"

Oak said and explained the myth behind the Z-Crystal.

Julian "A Pokemon from another world?"

He asked as he got curious about it, he still hasn't seen his own world and now there seems to be another world as well.

Oak "Who knows? It could just be a false myth, it was said to have happened thousands of years ago and with the existence of Z-Crystals that can only be found in Alola, this Myth is believed to be true by many but no certain evidence to prove it, same could be said for the creation trio as well, their stories are just myths"

He said fascinated by the myth as well, since being a pokemon professor he couldn't miss such a good chance to talk about them.

Julian "I see"

He said and continued listening to Kukui, he didn't want to tell Professor Oak about his experience with Dialga and Palkia, he knew if he told Professor Oak about their existence he would start a commotion.

Even though Ash was also present on that day, Julian knew Ash wouldn't talk about it, it was too easy-going, once things happened, he would completely forget about it.

Kukui "All of you may be thinking what move is my research-based on? Well, let me demonstrate it to you"

He said and walked towards one of the prototypes, he looked at his assistant and signaled him to turn the machine on and get in, his assistant nodded and turned the prototype on and walked into the capsule.

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