Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 448 - Move Based Project

Kukui "Hello everyone, don't mind my getup, My name is Kukui, I am a pokemon professor and I am researching about pokemon moves and how they use it, the science and magic behind it is very mysterious, even though we see pokemons use these moves over and over again, we don't understand a thing about them, so I took this path, to find the secret behind their power and how they use it"

He said and paused. ​​

The crowd around his burst into applause, they all were well-educated people and they knew how mysterious pokemons really were, even their normal lifestyle was a mystery in the past, it was because of years of research and observation of many pokemon professor and scientist that human started to understand pokemon and their power.

Going further into learning how pokemon's powers really worked is a lot harder, this is just a start of a journey, the study of pokemons and how they use their power is very vague and no hard theory is present till date.

Kukui "I know that for us humans to really understand how pokemon really use their powers, it might take thousands of years before some super genius finally crack the code but for now, we are limited but I was able to make something after researching a particular move"

He said and laughed.

The reporters who were in front quickly took down what he said because this might be useful, Professor Kukui is one of the very promising young pokemon professors of this generation so he is quite famous.

Even Julian got curious about what Kukui is talking about, if he really found something through a pokemon's move it might be huge.

Reporter "Professor Kukui, what move is it, is this related to what you will be showing off tonight?"

A reporter asked.

Kukui "I know all of you are curious about what my project is, what you just see behind me right now is just a dummy model of the machine, the working prototypes will be displayed tonight at the main event, so you all have to wait"

He said and walked off the platform, some reporters took the picture of the dummy model of the machine on the platform, it looked like a huge cylinder but with lots of lines going through the other shell.

Julian also wanted to know what is going on so he decided to come tonight, he continued walking around the museum and look at other things, after finding nothing he decided to walk out as nothing interested him anymore, he would come here again at evening and look at Professor Kukui's project.

After he walked out he decided to go towards Sunyshore gym and see how the gym is like, after some time he reached there and he saw few trainers talking to each other, he didn't want to talk to them but he was interested in their talk so he decided to eavesdrop on them.

Trainer 1 "Who would have thought that the gym leader would just give us the badge without battling us"

Trainer 2 "Who cares, we got a badge for free, I thought I would get destroyed as they say that the leader here is very strong, most trainers don't make it to the league competition is because they can't defeat him, my luck is great, hahaha"

Trainer 1 "Indeed, I went through many strategies, my whole team is made of ground type pokemons but, I still had no confidence in defeating him"

Trainer 3 "Well, we got the badge, no need to worry about it anymore, I will be going them, meet you all at the league"

The trainer said and walked away, the other two also left after saying their farewell, Julian, on the other hand, was surprised by what he heard.

Julian 'Why would the gym leader just give away badges without battling the trainers, I didn't expect this, let me go and see what is happening'

He thought and walked into the gym, the Sunyshore gym is huge compared to other gyms here in Sinnoh, the roof of the gym is covered with a large solar panel.

As he walked in he was greeted by a healthy Raichu, seeing the Raichu he smiled and patted its head, he continued forward and heard something that caught his attention, it looked like someone just started a pokemon battle inside.

Julian decided to go and see what is really going and soon appeared in front of the battlefield, he was surprised to see the two who are currently battling on top of the battlefield.

It was Ash and Flint, the fire type Elite four, he saw other people inside as well, there were Brock and Dawn, there was an old man with white hair patches on the side.

Next to this old man was another young man, he is wearing a blue jacket and yellow spiky hair, this was none other than Volkner, the gym leader of Sunyshore gym.

Julian noticed something, Volkner was not interested in the battle that is going in front of him at all, his eyes are closed and he couldn't seem to care less.

Julian 'Interesting, well since I am here I might as well see how Ash fares up against Flint'

He thought and sat at the corner without being noticed by anyone, the battle started and Flint called out his Infernape and Ash called out his Buizel, it is clear that Ash made a good choice but it doesn't matter here.

His opponent is Flint, a more experienced trainer who is one of the Elite Four and he has brought out his ace so Julian is sure Ash is not gonna win this but he wants to see how far Ash has gotten, Julian glance at Buizel and nods his head, he could tell that Buizel is a strong one and it would be interesting to see how Ash handles this.

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