An undead, this is the only thing that came in Julian's mind, this Hydreigon was not thinking at all, it was like a moth being attracted to a fire and the fire this time is Spear pillar on top of Mt. Coronet.

Julian has a rough idea of why Hydreigon was here. ​ ​

Mt. Coronet is said to be the gateway to the distortion world and other dimensions, and where would Hydreigon find chaos other than distortion world where Giratina is said to live.

With so much Chaos around in the distortion world, this Hydreigon would be tempted, but Julian can't let that happen.

The reason why the distortion world is separate from this world is as it can completely destroy everything in this world, the law of physics will be in chaos and everything will turn upside down from it.

Hydreigon tried to get up but with a broken back it couldn't, it roared and started to use Chaos from the rock inside its body to heal itself, it didn't take long before its backbone, finding itself at a disadvantage position Hydreigon few away.

Even though Chaos was indestructible, Hydreigon has a limited amount of it so it wanted to go to the distortion world and collect Chaos but right now, it used a lot of Chaos while protecting itself then healing its broken bones.

Most of its Chaos has been exhausted and it has to wait for a while before recovering to full strength again, if it had not used Chaos it could have gone forever but it needed Chaos to grow so it used most of it to grow stronger but it was still not enough.

If it gets hit by that tornado again, there is a chance for the rock inside it to break and the journey of this Hydreigon is over.

Hydreigon roared and flew away, right now it's instinct told it to run and so it did, the first instinct is always to survive, seeing Hydreigon is trying to escape Pidgeot swooped down towards Julian, Julian ran and jumped on top of Pidgeot as they followed behind Hydreigon.

It soon became a high-speed chase, Hydreigon is on the run and Pidgeot is right behind his tail, they shattered sound barrier as they flew across Sinnoh at Mach speed, Julian enforced Omniforce on his and Crystal to protect them from the backlash.

He didn't expect that Hydreigon was this fast, flying at Mach speed is dangerous. If a normal human was there in his place their body would have been ripped into shreds.

The chase headed towards north of Sinnoh where there is endless water, on the way attacks where exchanged, Hydreigon could easily shoot seven Hyper Beams at Pidgeot while one of its head was still looking front, to counter them Pidgeot would just cut them down with Air Slashes.

Soon they were over the endless ocean, Hydreigon was not giving up, it wanted to escape but Julian can't let that happen, this thing is dangerous and he cannot capture it as well because a Pokeball cannot catch dead pokemon.

As Pidgeot and Hydreigon exchanged moves after moves over the ocean, it caused a lot of water pokemons to run away from the area, just their presence scared them away, their battle was on another level, these pokemons have never felt something like this before.

Maybe on the ocean bed, there are still some pokemons that can rival Pidgeot and Hydreigon but they don't come to the surface, their kingdom is the bed of the ocean.

Julian "Pidgeot, go all out, there is nothing we can do to save Hydreigon"

Julian said and sighed. If this Hydreigon was under someone's control he could have at least found some way to save it but no, this Hydreigon is undead, it was Chaos that was controlling it, Julian feared that if he bring Hydreigon down in Sinnoh the Chaos may destroy many cities, but now they are in the middle of the ocean, there is no land around.

Even the pokemons in the area have fled far away.

Pidgeot nodded and suddenly started to create wind blades, during the chase he didn't attack, he just made them follow him, once he created hundreds of wind blades shaped like crescent moons, Pidgeot used Air Slash and launched them at Hydreigon.

Hydreigon tried to counter them with Hyper Beams but it was useless, it was able to destroy dozens of wind blades but it didn't matter the rest of them flooded the sky and landed on Hydreigon.

It roared in pain as one wind blade after the other kept on blasting on its body, soon there was a huge cut on its body revealing the glowing rock inside its body that was releasing Chaos, Chaos tried to heal the huge gaping cut on Hydreigon's back but it was useless, the remaining wind blades landed on the rock.

The first blade left a small mark on it, the second blade deepened the mark and they continued falling on the rock as the rock finally cracked releasing a burst of chaos at once.

Hydreigon roared and started to fall down, Julian covered Pidgeot with a very thick layer of Omniforce and prevented him from suffering any damage, raw chaos is dangerous and only a barrier made from Omniforce could stop it.

The burst of Chaos destroyed everything around the area, the air disappeared, atoms were destroyed, water underneath disappeared in a second, leaving a huge bowl shape in the middle of the ocean which soon started to fill up by the water from the side.

The empty spot on the ocean soon disappeared, the empty area was filled by the air from the surrounding and everything returned to how it was before.

Hydreigon continued falling down, the purple glow in its eyes faded away turning lifeless, Hydreigon's corpse dropped into the ocean and soon disappeared from Julian's vision, he could feel the lifeless body of Hydreigon floating down the Ocean, maybe in a day or two, its body will hit the ocean bed where it can finally rest in peace.

The High Priest had killed this poor pokemon just for his stupid cause, Julian hated it, he hated the fact that he couldn't save the Hydreigon, during his time in this world he came to love these beings, pokemons intrigued him, they were very intelligent, they had emotions like humans, they felt happiness, sadness, jealousy and every other feeling a human had, this made Julian more connected to them than any animals that existed in his previous world.

He hated himself right now, he had no other choice to put this Hydreigon down, even though he knew it was dead he couldn't bring himself to do it, but he knew he had to do it or many would die.

Julian "Let's go back Pidgeot, you did great"

Julian said and sighed.

Pidgeot could feel Julian's sadness, he turned around and flew back towards Sinnoh slowly as he let Julian enjoy the fresh sea breeze.

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