Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 430 - Finding The Cave

Julian got back to his feet and sighed, his mood was really not good, now his only option is to find the cave and find the magic core that is inside it, he doesn't know if it will work but it's his only hope.

He is not strong enough to control chaos and he cannot risk destroying the rock inside the mutant Hydreigon or all the chaos will destroy everything. ​​

Being the most destructive form of Omniforce, it is unreasonably violent and nothing in this world can contain it.

Suddenly he received a call from Cynthia.

Julian "What is it?"

Cynthia "I think we found the Hydreigon you are talking about, it's heading towards Mt. Coronet but it's and it's also very different from how you described it"

She said in a concerned voice.

Julian "What?"

Cynthia "Yes, it has five heads, eight wings, and two very long tails, and it's very big about 6 meters, a Hydreigon shouldn't be that big"

Julian "Shit, it's growing stronger, no matter what happens don't confront it, as I said before it's dangerous"

Cynthia "Yes, I understand"

With that, the call ended and Julian sighed

Fredric "What will you do now?"

Fredric asked.

Julian "I think I need your help"

He said.

Fredric "What is it?"

Julian "I want you to confront the Hydreigon, its heading towards Mt. Coronet, you are the only one strong enough to confront the Hydreigon"

He said.

Fredric "Hmm, I will do as you say, or innocent lives might be at stake, that foul beast should be stopped"

He said.

Julian nodded and thanked him.

Julian "Now I need to find the cave"

He said and walked out of Fredric's cabin, Fredric just watched as Julian left, he knew he could do nothing to help Julian find the cave, what he can do is slow down the Hydreigon.

Fredric soon leaves the cabin as well as he heads off to face the Hydreigon.


Back to Julian, he goes around the resort to find a pokemon center, after finding one he walked towards the transfer machine and calls Professor Oak back in Kanto.

Oak "Ah, Julian its been quite long since you called, what is it?"

Julian "I need Pidgeot, can you send him?"

Oak "Pidgeot? Ok, let's see if he is here"

Professor Oak says and walked out of the lab to go to the field outside where all the pokemons are kept, after sometime Professor Oak returns with Pidgeot by his side, seeing Julian on the screen Pidgeot gets very excited as well.

Oak "I will be sending him, by the way, did something happened?"

Julian "Yes, a mutated Hydreigon is wreaking havoc around Sinnoh, I need to stop it"

Oak "I see, then I will be sending Pidgeot"

Professor Oak said and took out Pidgeot's Pokeball and sent him back into it, then placed it on the transfer machine.

On Julian's end, a light flashed and a Pokeball appeared in front of him.

Julian "I got him thankyou, I will talk to you later"

Oak "Ok, then"

The call ended and Julian walked out of the pokemon center and called out Pidgeot, seeing Pidgeot Gengar came out of Julian's shadow and greeted him.

Pidgeot was also very excited as well.

Julian "How are you doing?"

He asked and patted his head.

Pidgeot nudged his head against Julian's chest.

Julian "Come let's go"

He said and climbed up on top of Pidgeot and pointed at the direction of the mountain, with a flap of his wings Pidgeot got off the ground creating a powerful burst of air around him and flew up, Pidgeot has gotten faster during the time it has spent alone, flying around Kanto and seeing many things.

Seeing the progress Pidgeot has made, Julian was happy but he also realized something and he has to make this hard decision someday, sooner or later.

Julian 'Let's not think about it now'

He thought and closed his eyes as he felt the powerful gust of wind hitting his face, with Pidgeot's speed it didn't take them even five minutes before reaching the top of the mountain.

Julian got off Pidgeot and looked around.

Julian "Patrol the area and see if you find anything unusual"

He said and sent of Pidgeot, Pidgeot flew off leaving behind powerful winds behind.

Julian was so concerned about the cave that he didn't notice Crystal just moved inside his pocket, for months Crystal has not moved but now it suddenly twitched.

Julian soon started to walk around, he spread his Omniforce everywhere trying to find even a bit of unusual thing that can be caught.

After hours of searching, he found nothing, he has covered the whole mountain top but it was of no use, he couldn't find even a trace of omniforce or anything magical around, but then something happened, he heard a small squeak coming from his chest pocket.

His eyes went wide in surprise as he felt Crystal moving around his pocket, suddenly Crystal popped its head out but to Julian's surprise its eyes are still closed, it's still in deep slumber but it's moving.

Crystal came out of his pocket and started to move.

Julian "Crystal?"

He called out but Crystal didn't answer, it continued moving forward so Julian started to follow it.

After a while Crystal suddenly stopped right in the middle of nowhere, there was nothing around here, just plain field covered with grass and it was on the edge, one wrong step and someone would be falling down for a very long time before SPLAT.

The red crystal around Crystal's head suddenly started to glow causing Julian to go blind for a second, he covered his eyes with his hand and when he opened them once again he saw a gigantic cave right in front of him while Crystal was about to in.

Julian 'Crystal is the one who is fated to find the cave but looks like I got lucky as well'

He thought and soon rushed behind Crystal into the cave.

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