Julian has already left Cerulean city after saying his goodbye to both Joy and Jenny and is now headed towards Viridian forest so he can train there a little before facing Giovanni, He mostly planned to train his Gengar and evolve both Ivysaur and Pidgeotto as they just need an intense battle to stimulate their evolution.

Julian reached the forest by night so he decides to put on a camp after finding a good place, in the night of the forest you could only hear bug pokemons creaking noises and Julian's bike riding through the forest. ​​

Julian 'I didn't expect that the forest will be so quiet at night but I still have to be on alert as some pokemons can attack out of nowhere'

When the moon was up in the sky illuminating the ground of the forest Julian finally found a good place to camp near a lake, he set up the camp and called out all his pokemons to give them their dinner then he went on to cook his own food after finishing the food Julian started to meditate while meditating he started to circulate the spiritual energy around him he could feel the energy from everywhere the air, water, trees thinking this he started to wonder why was this kind of energy never explained in the anime or the games from his previous world, he had once speculated that he might have been cultivating Aura which was said that only Aura guardians can wield but he quickly canceled that thought because he knew that this energy he was cultivating was very different from the Aura he knew about in the anime and the games.

Julian 'What kind of energy is this, I can control the spiritual energy in my body and soul at my will and can create different shape and size with it, I can also lift objects without even touching them as if I have telekinesis but its just like me using an invisible hand to lift it up, and the newest ability which I recently gained is able to talk to my pokemons without saying a word as if I am talking directly inside their head and I can easily understand what they are saying even though they just call out their names, I can also feel my strength rising slowly but the biggest thing changing inside me is my soul I can feel it getting stronger and stronger'

Julian had no explanation for this so he thought about his system, he used it rarely as he didn't have much use for it except seeing his pokemon stats and earning money from it

Julian 'System do you know anything about the spiritual energy I cultivate'

System 'Yes'


System 'Yes system knows because System was created by God, even though System doesn't have many functionalities, System comes with the knowledge of everything that God has allowed System to access'

Julian 'If you knew about this why didn't you inform me'

System 'Host never asked'

Julian 'Wtf, well what can I expect from a system which has no emotions or consciousness'Julian thinks this to himself

Julian 'Ok System from next time if you notice anything major changing in my body and soul inform me'

System 'Affirmative'

Julian 'Ok now tell me about the spiritual energy which I cultivate'

System 'The energy the Host cultivates is the very essence of the Omniverse which is created by God, all the universe contains this energy which is also called the Omniforce. But a living thing cannot use it as they will just explode as it cannot hold the sheer amount of purity and power present in it, the Omniforce is above all energy in the Omniverse as it also governs the law of space, time, creation and destruction, the spiritual energy present in this world called the Aura is just like a very weaker version or a byproduct of the Omniforce you cultivate, this energy can only be used by certain beings who God has allowed access to and in this universe those will be Arceus and its three main creation Dialga, Palkia, Giratina who respectively controls Time, Space and Anti-Matter in this universe'

Julian was shocked after hearing everything, him cultivating the very essence of the Omniverse without having a clue about it.

Julian 'How is that even possible'

Julian has already lost in his thought that he couldn't even think properly now

System 'As God himself created host's body it could easily hold the Omniforce in it and also host soul is also being cleansed by it making your soul powerful day by day'

Julian 'Then why is my body still laking power'

System 'Host body is already a treasure above anything in the Omniverse, but God has restricted it as he doesn't want Host to destroy the world you are living in'

Julian just got cold sweat after hearing about his body's true capability and he was thankful that God put restrictions on it, as Julian was still processing everything he learned he was hit by a thought

Julian 'Why did God grant me a body like this?'

System 'God has restricted System to know about this matter'

Julian was now in deep thought, why did God give him this type of body even though he didn't ask for it, what was his intention behind it.

Julian couldn't figure out anything so he decided to just forget about it and see what his future will bring him, he then continued to meditate but he suddenly sensed something spying on him

Julian 'Looks like it has come back again, this time you cannot escape'

As his pokemons were still outside he quickly took action

Julian [Gengar go underground and sneak behind the thing that is spying on us from that tree]

(A/N - I will be using '[]' to the dialogs which Julian sends directly towards his pokemon's mind)

Gengar was startled but quickly came to his sense and disappeared from his place and the next second he appeared behind the thing which was spying on


Gengar jump scared the thing which was busy looking at Julian that it didn't even notice Gengar appearing behind it.

It got pretty frightened by this sneak attack and blew up its cover and Julian was finally able to see it.

Julian 'Hah, I knew it, it was you after all'.

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