Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 422 - Meeting Fredric

The Blaziken once again rushed towards Tyranitar and this time it used its speed, moving faster and faster around Tyranitar using Agility granted Blaziken immense speed, it was just a blur in Tyranitar's eyes.

Once Blaziken got an opening it used Brick Break on Tyranitar's back, Tyranitar didn't see it coming and Tyranitar also has four times weakness to fighting type moves, making it a little more painful for him but it didn't matter. ​​

Tyranitar roared and swung his tail using Iron Tail to blast off Blaziken but Blaziken was very fast, it dodged the attack and retreated back to safety.

Tyranitar roared again and slammed his arms on the ground sending ripples on the ground, at first Blaziken thought it was Earthquake and jumped high in the air but it wasn't, blue glowing stone edges ripped out of the ground and thrashed Blaziken into the sky, it hit hard and brutal, Blaziken flew without wings, then came crashing on the ground, even though Blaziken had the speed and power but a hit from Tyranitar is not something one can handle.

But to Tyranitar's surprise, Blaziken got back to its feet, it is all bruised up but it seems like it didn't want to give up.

It charged up its power again ready to attack Tyranitar but Tyranitar is ready, he slammed his leg on the ground and beckoned Blaziken to come to him.

Fredric "Blaziken, that's enough"

Suddenly an old raspy voice came and stopped Blaziken in its tracks, the Blaziken turned towards the source of the voice and saw an old man hunched over and stood with the support of a stick.

Julian also turned towards the voice source and saw the old man, it was Fredric the man he was looking for.

Fredric "Blaziken get back, you are no match"

Blaziken nodded its head and returned back to Fredric, Fredric then walked towards Julian at his own pace.

Fredric "I didn't expect the great Julian to visit me"

The Old man said.

Julian "I do have somethings I need to ask you"

Fredric "Oh, then let's go inside, I will make some tea for us"

He said and started to walk towards his wooden cabin, Julian sent Tyranitar back to his Pokeball and followed Fredric slowly into his cabin, once inside he saw small furniture around the room and a chimney still burning with the fire warming up the room.

Fredric "So what do you plan on doing here in Stark Mountains, Mr. Julian?"

Julian "I want you to tell me about a group of people that came here, they wear black robes and travel in a group"

Fredric "Ah, yes, I know them, they are on top of the mountains trying to find something, I wonder what it is"

He said and brought some warm tea to Julian.

Julian "I think you know what they are looking for"

Fredric "If they are really looking for the cave then it will depend on their fate, no man can find that cave on their own"

He said and sighed.

Julian "So you have never seen it?"

Fredric "No, I guess I am not lucky, only a few people from ancient times have come across this gave and they are somehow related to their fate, I have spent my whole life looking for it but I couldn't find it at all"

Julian "Well that's a bummer"

He said and sighed, he didn't know what to do, this cave he was looking for seems to have many answers to his questions but he cannot find it if he is not fated to find it.

Julian "Ok, tell me about the men I asked you about, how many were there?"

Fredric "There were too many to count, I wouldn't get involved with them if I were you, I saw many powerful pokemons with them and I felt weird when I saw them"

He said.

Julian "Don't worry, they would be the one sorry for crossing my path"

Fredric "Then I should pray for them"

Julian "No need, these people don't need any sympathy, you should protect the resort and the people living there"

Fredric "Ok I will"

Julian "Then I will be taking my leave"

Julian said after finishing his tea.

Julian "Quite a monster you have raised in your shadow"

Julian said.

Fredric "And so did you, too bad they can battle or this whole island would go down"

Julian "Hahaha, indeed"

He said and walked out of the cabin and headed towards the path that leads him to the top of the mountains.

After finding the way he took out his bike and started to ride it up till it was no longer possible, Stark Mountain was actually quite big, he soon had to ditch his bike as the road got too rocky and the forest started to come to his view.

From here his best friends are his legs.

Julian 'Looks like I have to walk for quite a long time'.

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