As Julian smashed the Admin's head on the ground a small blood splatter appeared, Julian pealed of the head the ground as the smashed nose of the admin could be seen, his nose is completely flattened as blood drips out of it as it covered the admin's teeth with blood as it turned red.

The Admin started to breathe heavily as his nose is blocked by the shattered bones inside his nose, unable to breathe through his nose he had to breathe through his mouth heavily. ​​

Julian "I won't take no for an answer, tell me what your leader is trying to do or face the consequence, I promise I won't kill you but I will do something that is worse than death"

Julian said.

Cult Admin "Ha....haha..... In your dreams"

He said and laughed as he spat some blood and coughed.

Julian "As you wish"

Julian said and slammed the admin's head once again on the ground which caused some deep cuts on his face.

Julian "Talk"

Julian pulled the Admin's head up again and asked him to talk.

Cult Admin "I won't, even if you kill me, I won't talk even a single word about the high priest's goal"

The Admin said and he coughed more blood.

Julian "I really don't have time for this, looks like I have to go to the old ways"

Julian said and pulled out a chair and a long rope, he tied up the Admin to the chair and made him sit straight.

The Admin didn't know what Julian is going to do to him but he felt fear creeping into him but his mind was already set, he won't speak a word.

Too bad for him Julian knew how to crack even the toughest nut, let alone these delusional admins.

He took out his toolbox and opened it and took out a plier from inside and snapped it twice in front of the Admin to scare him.

Julian "One last chance, if you don't speak the pain will keep getting more and more"

Julian said and grabbed onto one of the Admin's arm, but before he did anything he sent Tyranitar and Gengar back to their pokemon, even though they were exposed to violence they haven't been exposed to something that Julian is going to do and he doesn't want them to see it.

This cult had really pissed him off, killing for just some idiotic theory some old civilization came up with, this was total bullshit to him.

Cult Admin "Fuck off, hahahahaha"

He said and laughed.

Julian "As you wish"

Julian said and his eyes turned cold, he doesn't like doing this but this cult is too much even for him, like the previous evil team he has faced none of them have gone to this extreme, killing innocents for no reason, this was a work of a psychopath in his eyes.

He took the plier and put its mouth on the Cult Admin's right thumb and he pressed it, as the plier got pressed a sharp burst could be heard as the Cult Admin started to scream in pain, too bad he couldn't even move because he is totally tied up and has no way to relieve the pain except screaming.

Julian "Well we still have nine more to go, I hope you can stay conscious, well it doesn't matter, I really have some potent medicine, if you pass out I will feed it to you"

Julian said and grabbed on to the next finger.

Cult Admin "Ha..ha...hah, I..told you...I won't say a word, do yo-your worst"

The Cult Admin said as he is still suffering from the pain.

Julian "Good, I wouldn't want the torture session to be over so quickly, I will make sure you remember every innocent face that you have killed till now, the pain you are suffering right now is nothing compared to the one that their loved once would have gone through, taking a life is not an option, it's your own selfish choice, I will make sure you suffer a lot, but it still won't be compared to the pain and suffering that you caused to the family of the ones you have killed, the people and pokemon alike"

Julian said and snapped once again, the Admin screamed again in pain, one after the other Julian snapped one finger after the other but he saved the index fingers, the rest of them are completely crushed as they bleed rapidly, Julian is surprised by how resistant this man in front of him his but he is also not done as well, this was just the first phase.

Seeing that the Admin is about to pass out from pain Julian took out some very potent berry and crushed it and put it inside the Admin's mouth and made him forcefully eat it, the bleeding stopped as the crushed fingers started to harden.

The Admin gained back his consciousness and looked at Julian, he didn't want to go through this pain but his devotion for Giratina was too great, he could go through anything for Giratina, it was not that he was born with it. Since he was a child he was forced down this path by the high priest, he told him that Giratina is the only great god and their life belongs to none other than Giratina.

Julian "Look's like you have survived the first round, now round two"

Julian said and put the plier away and took out his next torture tool.

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