Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 409 - Gabite Vs Tyranitar (2)

Now Julian's Sinnoh pokemon will finally get the glimpse of their senior's power, they always wondered how strong the five pokemons with them are, they thought they will able to find out when they get stronger or evolve at their final form but once they evolved they realized that they are still very far away from even reaching the same level as Tyranitar and Absol, let alone Gengar, Snorlax, and Infernape.

All of them balanced themselves as they stopped themselves from the tremor that just went through the ground. ​​

Julian "Ok, then let the battle start"

With the wave of Julian's hand, Gabite charged towards Tyranitar as blades next to his claws started to glow, he started with Dual Chop, rushing right in front of Tyranitar he crossed and landed his attack right on Tyranitar's belly causing a huge blast which caused the dust to rise up covering everyone's vision except Gabite, he could clearly see his opponent in front of him.

Tyranitar just stood there as if nothing happened, he is looking down on Gabite with his cold eyes, feeling the pressure Gabite backed off and blasted a Dragon Pulse at Tyranitar once again, Tyranitar just stood there and took that blast right on his face.

As the smoked went away Tyranitar was still standing there with no damage, not even a scratch on his body, seeing he cannot do any heavy damage on Tyranitar with his Special Attacks, Gabite knew he has to physically inflict the damage on Tyranitar.

So he rushed back towards Tyranitar again, one thing he has an advantage over Tyranitar is his speed, if he can out speed and land all of his attacks successfully he might have a chance of winning.

So he did as he planned, he moved around Tyranitar landing one Dragon Claw after another around Tyranitar's body but Gabite felt something weird, it realized Tyranitar is just standing in his place with no movements, Gabite looked up as he continued moving at high speed and suddenly realized that Tyranitar is still looking at him, no matter how fat Gabite moved, Tyranitar's eyes were on him, waiting for the perfect moment.

Gabite sensed something wrong and stumbled giving Tyranitar a perfect opportunity, but Gabite is a genius in a battle so he quickly fixed his problem and moved away from any striking distance of Tyranitar and got right behind him to land another powerful hit, he used Dragon Rush and aimed it straight at Tyranitar's back and as he was about to land the attack he felt danger, he looked up and suddenly saw Tyranitar suddenly turning around and bringing his huge arm right down Gabite.

Tyranitar used Hammer Arm and landed it right on Gabite sending him right into the ground which caused a huge explosion, this alone caused a huge shockwave and Julian's Sinnoh team had to cover their eyes to protect it from the impact.

Now there is a huge crater on the ground with Gabite planted inside it, seeing their friend being taken down with just one shot the Sinnoh team was surprised, they thought Gabite would at least survive one hit but to go down just like that, it was hard for them to process this.

They stood there as they gave up, thinking it was too early for them to challenge their seniors, but when they thought that Gabite lost he got up.

Even though that attack should have completely knocked him out he still stayed conscious, he growled and rose from his sorry state and looked at Tyranitar with eyes filled with the desire to battle, he didn't want to go down with just one move, he wanted to prove himself against his mighty opponent.

Seeing this even Julian was surprised, he thought that Gabite was out but looks like his Gabite proved him wrong once again.

As he got to his knees his body suddenly started to flicker then a blinding light covered the area, his body started to grow bigger, his tail grew longer and his fins got longer and sharper.

Gabite finally evolved into Garchomp, as he evolved he roared displaying his power, with the bursting destructive power inside his body he charged at Tyranitar using Giga Impact with full power, all his energy is focused on this one move to give it his all but before he could land the hit he felt a large bash on his head which sent him back into the ground once again as he completely blacked out this time, Tyranitar used Brick Break right on top of Garchomp's head knocking him out coldly, Tyranitar was surprised that this chap got up from that first attack, he would get insulted if Garchomp got up after this attack as well.

And this time he knew Garchomp won't get up this time.

Julian "Ok, it's over, Garchomp is unable to battle, Tyranitar wins"

As Julian gave the result Tyranitar walked away yawning, this battle was no challenge at all it was just boring, no matter how good Garchomp is during the battle, he has not been trained by Julian as long as Tyranitar has been.

Julian walked towards Garchomp and smiled, he didn't interfere in this battle because he wanted to show Gabite who is now Garchomp that there is still a very long way for him to go before he starts to get cocky over his undefeated streak.

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