Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 401 - Conscious In Physical State

Julian soon arrives at the Space-Time towers once again and this time he had no doubt, the aura it is chaotic and heavy and the source of this is right in between the two towers and right in the middle of it there is a ball of Omniforce that Julian cannot get through no matter how much he tried.

He tried to use Omniforce to break the sphere but couldn't, but he was certain with one thing, something is inside that ball of Omniforce and he doesn't like the idea of it coming out so he stopped his reluctant tries of getting through it. ​​

He just stood there ready to interfere if something really happens, as he was doing so he suddenly heard large explosions coming from the buildings behind him, he turned around and felt powerful energy blasting everywhere.

Julian 'Please don't interfere in this'

He though and tried to look at what is happening when he saw a group of people trying to battle Darkrai which they couldn't even touch it, Darkrai single handedly destroyed them all and put them to sleep using Dark Void and it soon headed towards the sphere of Omniforce.

Seeing this Julian freaked out and tried to stop Darkrai but before he could do so, it sent out a powerful Dark Pulse at the Sphere.

Darkrai "Go Away"

Darkrai said and got closer to the sphere.

Julian "Shit"

Ash "Looks its Darkrai"

Suddenly Julian heard Ash's voice right behind him.

Julian 'Why did I even doubt myself, of course, if Ash is here trouble will always follow'

He thought and turned around.

Julian "What are you doing here, get out"

Julian said.

Ash "Julian? what are you doing here?"

Julian "It's not the time to talk about that, things have already gone out of control"

He said and saw Darkrai continuously attacking the sphere.

Tonio "We have to stop Darkrai, the Legendary pokemon Palkia is resting inside it"

The young man with glasses said.

Julian 'Well looks like I was right'

He thought and looked back at the sphere that is stopping Darkrai's attack from landing on Palkia, as he had expected this Darkrai is very powerful, even stronger than Groudon and Kyogre which he fought before, even stronger than their Primal Version.

Julian 'How old is this Darkrai?'

He thought and called out Infernape and Snorlax as he needs his strongest pokemons out, even Gengar came out of his shadows and looked at the sphere, Julian thought he is ready to fight but he saw his Snorlax is still sleeping.

Julian 'Well it doesn't matter'

As he was thinking about what to do the sphere of Omniforce shattered into pieces revealing the pokemon inside it, as Tonio said its a Palkia.

Seeing this Palkia Julian frowned.

Julian 'System, is that thing real?'

System 'No, the thing in front of the host eyes is just a conscious of Palkia in a Physical form'

Julian 'So it's no real?'

System 'If the real Palkia came into this world, just its presence will destroy it'

Julian 'Well, thank god it's just a conscious, so how do I defeat it?'

System 'You cannot, a conscious of Palkia can only be destroyed by itself unless Host learns to manipulate Omniforce to the fullest to erase it completely, which host is very far from accomplishing'

The System said.

Julian 'Fuck, then what do I do?'

System 'The best possible scenario is battling it till it comes to its senses and leave or contact the real Palkia and ask it to call it off'

Julian 'I think I will take it on then trying to contact the real thing and how do I even contact the real thing?'

System 'System doesn't know'

Julian 'Then why did you talk about it?'

System 'Because it's the easiest way to get rid of the problem?'

Julian 'Forget about it'

He told to System and looked at the physical conscious of Palkia which suddenly charged towards the Darkrai and sent it smashing on the ground.

Julian "Gengar, Dimension Trap. Infernape Blazing Punch"

Julian made his call and Gengar and Infernape took charge, Gengar traveled through the Shadow and suddenly appeared right below Palkia, large chains made of shadows came out of his dimension and latched onto Palkia stopping it right on its path, Gengar tried to drag it down into his dimension but it was useless, Palkia roared and tried to free itself.

Luckily Gengar is strong enough to hold off Palkia, the chains tightened up and forced it to stay on one spot.

It was enough time for Infernape to land a powerful hit, Infernape punched Palkia right on its face and sent it crashing on the ground but it seems like it didn't affect Palkia much.

Julian 'Shit, its four times resistant to Fire-type moves'

Luckily even though the punch didn't cause much damage it was able to distract Palkia which allowed Gengar to pull it down into his dimension, Palkia got dragged as it got closer to the entrance of Gengar's dimension where he is the ruler and his will is everything.

Seeing that Palkia is very close to getting dragged into Gengar's dimension Julian felt he will be able to hold it off but he was severely wrong.

He felt another chill running down his spine as he heard a time shaking roar coming from above.

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