Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 391 - Julian Vs Candice (1)

Julian is really angry right now but he doesn't want to show it to Chloe and Daisy, this man whoever he is, had the audacity to ask out Chloe even if the whole world knew about her relationship with him.

This guy called Frank has no idea what is going to hit him. ​​

Since the day was about to come to an end Julian head back to the hotel room with Chloe and Daisy and spent his time with them as they will separate their ways once again, once Julian is done in Snowpoint city and Chloe's shooting session will also be over in a week and they will go to some other city for their shoot, so he wanted to spend as much time he can get with them.

Another day passed and Julian once again got ready and headed towards the Snowpoint gym once again to challenge Candice after preparing breakfast for both Chloe and Daisy, after doing that he left.

He soon arrived in front of the gym once again, when he was here yesterday Candice was not in the gym as she was teaching in the school, now that she has said she will be waiting for him today, Julian is excited to see what Candice will bring on the table.

He walked into the gym and saw the same person he saw yesterday.

Woman "Oh, you are here again, luckily Candice is here this time, you can go and wait in the battleground, I will inform young Candice about you"

The woman said and pointed at the battleground, Julian nodded and walked into the hallway that led to the battlefield, once he saw the battlefield he saw a layer of ice covering the whole battlefield with some ice rocks on the side and between two ends of the battlefield.

Julian looked around and saw nothing different in this battlefield from the rest he has seen before, it is all the same, a battlefield where ice type pokemon have a great advantage over other types.

Candice "So you are here"

Julian heard Candice voice as he turned around to see her walking out of the other end of the building, she is wearing her usual white shirt with a brown short skirt and a blue hoodie tied around her waist.

Julian "I am, I hope you are ready as well, I am not the average trainer you encounter weekly"

Julian said.

Candice "I see you are a confident person, but I do have one question?"

She asked as she stared at Julian.

Julian "What?"

Candice "Do I really not know you?"

She asked.

Julian "You may know me but since I am wearing this mask you cannot figure it out, but I can say one this is that yesterday was the first time I met you"

Julian said and took out a Pokeball.

Candice "Well anyway, it doesn't matter, you are here to challenge me and I really don't care about your identity so let this battle begin"

As soon as she said this the woman that Julian met outside the battlefield walked in with a referee uniform and took her place as a referee.

Referee "This will be a three on three pokemon battle, its the same rule as every other battle, the person with no pokemon left in their team loses, only the challenger is allowed to switch pokemon in the middle of the battle, are both trainers ready?"

The referee gave the instruction and asked the question.

Julian nodded his head and Candice said yes, both agreeing that they are ready.

Referee "You may choose your pokemons"

Candice went first and sent out her first pokemon, Medicham.

Seeing her pokemon Julian was surprised but he understood why Candice had a fighting/psychic type pokemon in her team because many trainers would try to bring a steel or rock type pokemon to defeat her so having a Medicham was the best choice for her.

Julian also sent out his first pokemon Togetic, seeing Julian choose Togetic surprised Candice, many of her challengers didn't change their pokemon even after seeing Medicham, because they had already trained their pokemons to defend against Ice-type so seeing a Medicham would always throw them off guard, most of them do prefer sending out their strongest pokemon they prepared for this battle instead of sending a pokemon who has an advantage against Medicham but doesn't have much training to battle a high-level pokemon like Medicham.

Candice "A good choice but don't think that just because you have an advantage will make this battle easy"

Julian "I hope its a challenge, only one trainer in whole Sinnoh had made a battle interesting for me"

He said.

Candice "That's a big statement, it doesn't matter if it is true or not, I will be bringing you down"

She said.

Referee "Let the battle begin"

The referee waved her hand and started the battle.

Candice "Let's go, Thunder Punch"

Candice started the battle with a Thunder Punch, as she has Medicham on her team she trained it to battle against pokemon that has an advantage over it.

Julian "Use Magical Leaf"

Julian countered with Magical Leaf, he decided to keep Togetic away from Medicham, she has a good Special Defense but not a good Physical Defense so using a move that cannot be dodged is a perfect way to keep an opponent away.

And so it did, the Magical Leaf hit Medicham and stopped it in its track as leaf covered with energy ripped through the air and landed several hits on Medicham.

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