Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 376 - Cynthia's Thoughts

After Julian's pokemon were done with their training he sent them back to their Pokeball and they hit the road again, it will take them more than three days for them to reach Snow Point city or Lake Acuity.

After riding for quite a long time Julian stopped his bike outside the forest since it seems to be Cynthia's first time camping from her days as a trainer, she also doesn't have a tent that made things difficult. ​​

He first let Cynthia get off then he did as well.

Julian "We will camp here, the forest at night can be dangerous"

He said and put the bike away.

Cynthia "Its been so long since I camped outside, I was just fifteen when I was on my own small journey"

She said.

Julian "Good, you know how to set up a tent right?"

He asked.

Cynthia "I know"

Julian "Good, take this and set it up, I will prepare our dinner and our pokemon also need their dinner"

He said and pulled out the tent and tossed it at Cynthia, she caught it and started to set the tent up while Julian starts to set up things on which he can prepare the dinner for him and Cynthia.

She finished putting up the tent and looked at Julian and saw him put up a fire without using his pokemon, having a pokemon have made people's life convenient so seeing someone go out of his way to do something was really new to her.

Cynthia "You could have just asked Infernape to do it"

Julian "Well it's just fire and if people can't even put a fire by there own then they are really lazy"

Julian said and smiled.

Cynthia "Then everyone in Sinnoh is lazy"

She said and laughed.

Julian "I know bu the real problem right now is are you going to sleep in the tent with me because we only have one"

He said and smirked, hearing his Cynthia got startled, she had completely forgotten about it, she just realized that they only have one tent and they are not together to sleep with each other in the same tent.

Seeing the reaction on Cynthia's face made him laugh.

Julian "Hahaha, this is funny, don't worry take the tent, I have other things to do, you can sleep"

He said.

Cynthia "Are you going to be ok?"

Julian "I will be so don't worry"

He said and started to prepare the dinner, he sent out his pokemons so they can explore the area and see if there is anything dangerous around, his pokemon spread away while his Sinnoh team helped him set things up.

Cynthia said some of Julian's pokemon spreading out.

Cynthia "Where are they going?"

Julian "They are scoping out the area, see if there is anything dangerous out there"

Cynthia "How long will it take?"

Julian "Maybe 15 minutes to half an hour, pokemons don't stay in one place, so they have to check every corner"

Cynthia "I think I can help with that"

She said and brought her pokemons out as well, her whole group was present here.

Julian "Great, it would really help a lot"

He said and got back to cooking, Cynthia's pokemon looked around in confusion but when they smelled the fragrance coming from the huge cooking pot, their nose twitched as they sucked in the air to have a taste.

Julian "Looks like they are eager to eat"

Cynthia "Indeed, but they have to work for it, all of you spread out and check if there is anything dangerous around"

She gave them her command, her pokemons nodded spread out to do what Cynthia just told them.

Cynthia "Let me help you with that"

She joined Julian and helped him serve the food to every pokemon that is in their camp right now except Snorlax as he is still sleeping.

Julian's pokemon got back and so did Cynthia's, the whole area is now filled with monsters, Cynthia's pokemon bonded with Julian's Sinnoh team but not with his previous region, Infernape, Tyranitar, Gengar, and Absol were just minding their own business.

Cynthia's pokemon was a little awkward around them because they have never had an encounter with pokemon that are way over their league. If it was not for Gengar and Infernape suppressing their aura they would suffocate them.

After they had their dinner he sent them back to their Pokeball and Cynthia went into the tent.

Cynthia "Are you sure about this? This is your tent after all"

She said.

Julian "Sleep tight, I can stay awake for a week so don't worry"

He said, she nodded and walked into the tent.


Inside the tent, Cynthia closed the door and undressed her self to put on her nightdress.

Cynthia 'I wonder what he is doing'

She thought and looked at his solitude that is visible on the wall of the tent from the fire.

Cynthia 'Should I share it with him? No, we are not even friends forget about sharing a bed with a man, and he did say he is fine with it'

She thought and lightly slapped her flushed cheeks and laid down on the bedsheet, she dug into the pillow and smelled it.

Cynthia 'So this is his smell'

She thought as she suddenly realized what she just did and her face flushed once again.

Cynthia 'Did spending a day with him just made me a pervert as well? No, I cannot be influenced so easily'

She thought and turned off the light and closed her eyes to go to sleep.

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