Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 372 - End Of The Battle

Riolu started to evolve as her height started to grow, spikes grew out of her arms and chest, as the glow faded away Lucario was revealed, she finally evolved.

During her time with Julian, she got very close to him but she lacked one thing, like Julian's other pokemon who had full trust over him and would do anything without thinking but not Riolu, when Julian said something and things are not going her way she would start to think twice, trying to find her own way to deal with it. ​​

That is why she couldn't evolve even when she got very close to Julian, but now it's different, she finally understood what needs to be done, she just had to trust Julian blindly just like his other pokemon.

Julian "Let's keep moving, no time to waste"

Julian said and Lucario followed, she moved away from Aggron.

Julian "Aura Sphere"

After Riolu evolved she learns Aura Sphere, she created an energy ball from her aura and shot it towards Mega Aggron, the Aura Sphere tear through the air and blasted on Mega Aggron's chest causing it to grunt in pain.

Now that Riolu has evolved into Lucario, she is faster, stronger, and more agile. Her Aura has also become thicker and concentrated, more powerful and she got better in controlling it as well.

Lucario is ready to crush her opponent with her newfound power.

Byron "This is interesting, Aggron, let's go all out Hyper Beam"

Aggron shot a very powerful Hyper Beam once again, this time it's bigger and more powerful than before covering half of the battlefield leaving very little space to dodge it.

Julian "Since you cannot go around it, go through it, slash through it"

Lucario nodded and created a long sword from her aura and charged towards the Hyper Beam, she raised her sword and slashed right into the Hyper Beam, a thin sharp blade of Aura got straight through the Hyper Beam, the Sword slashed easily through the Hyper Beam sending it into to different direction, she charged right through the Hyper Beam with her sword and arrived in front of Aggron shocking it, she landed the slash sending Aggron backward as it roared in pain, that attacked carried a lot of power in a very small surface making the pain even harder.

It was just like a cut but due to Aggron's thick armor he took the hit but it also caused a lot of damage, Lucario is more powerful than ever.

Julian "Finish this, use Close Combat once again"

Riolu shifted to the War Hammer again and this time she used two this time, she landed both the hammers right on its face, the hits continued till she brought Aggron back to its feet again, Aggron started to lose it after getting hit so many times, pain all over its body and its Mega Evolution wearing out.

Julian "Finish it"

With this Lucario swung the hammer to the side of Aggron's chin, the hit sent vibration over the whole body and Aggron down to the ground, its Mega Evolution wore off as it got knocked out.

Lucario won her first fight and in style, her hammers disappeared and she looked back and Julian and rushed towards him.

He got to her height and patted her head.

Julian "You did great"

Lucario smiled and nodded.

Byron looked at this and smiled as well.

Byron "Can I ask you a question?"

He asked.

Julian stood up and looked at Byron and nodded.

Byron "Why do you do this, even after achieving so much, why start over again?"

Julian "Its because I want to see the world and learn things, no matter how much you achieved you will never learn everything, there are some things in this world I know but there are also so many things that are completely foreign to me, every battle I have I learn something, maybe its just too little but I still learn something, no matter how far you get there is always a thing to learn"

Byron "I see, learning, you are still young and have a lot of places to go, I understand"

Byron nodded and walked towards him and gave him the Mine Badge, Julian nodded and showed it to Lucario as it's her first gym badge that she won with her team.

Julian "Ok, I will be leaving, I still have other things to do"

Julian said and sent Lucario back to her Pokeball and walked out of the gym, now he has six badges he needs two more, but right now he is not focused on them, he had put something on hold and he needs to get back to it, his next destination Lake Acuity and then Snow Point city.

He got back to his hotel and started to prepare stuff to move, he turned the computer to get informed about his next destination, Snowpoint city is huge and the home to Ice Type pokemons, every wild ice type pokemons are found in that area of the region and Lake Acuity is just located very close to it Snow Point city.

Julian "Hmm let's hope that things go well and Cyrus didn't pull of something stupid that I will have to fix, if he crosses the line I will have to put him in jail, Giovanni is also up to something and this underworld shit, I don't want to deal will all this shit, so let's hope the league can handle it".

He said and got back to what he was doing.

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