Seeing their food get destroyed by these pokemon who came out of nowhere, Cynthia's pokemon got angry, the first one to make a move was Spiritomb who used Shadow Ball at Crystal, the Shadow ball hit Crystal but it had no effect on it because it was in its normal form, Crystal turned around and glared angrily at the Spiritomb and used Dazzling Gleam on Spiritomb causing it to back off, even though the attack didn't cause much damage because Spiritomb is way stronger than Crystal it still hurt.

Crystal's power is not something one can mess with. ​ ​

Seeing their friend getting attacked the others also charged towards Crystal and Gabite but before the others could reach Crystal and Gabite they were stopped in their tracks by a powerful Dark Pulse causing them to stop and look at the attacker, they saw a white pokemon walk towards them with no fear releasing a very powerful aura that was able to cause some of them to back away, Spiritomb, Milotic and Gastrodon felt the pressure and backed off a little, the others were also feeling it but they stood their ground, the only one who stood there and glared seriously at Absol was Garchomp.

She stared at Absol trying to see if she can take on this pokemon in front of her, they did have a numerical advantage but she is not sure about it.

Absol stood in front of Crystal and Gabite, Gabite who had not noticed anything suddenly stopped and looked at Absol and finally noticed the huge commotion he has caused, he looked at the other party and stopped, he looked at the Garchomp in the front and suddenly his heart started to beat faster, his eyes became big.

He then suddenly rushed towards the Garchomp without thinking of anything, this sudden approach from Gabite caused everyone to get startled, Garchomp didn't expect to get charged by this Gabite who is weaker than her but for some reason, she could tell that the Gabite was not attacking her.

Julian "Gabite stop"

Suddenly Gabite heard Julian's voice and stopped, he turned around and saw Julian staring at him.

Julian "Crystal come back"

He called back Crystal as well, seeing Julian is angry both of them walked back to Julian worried and scared, they had never seen Julian get angry so seeing him looking at them like this made them feel scared, Crystal went back to his pocket and Gabite hid behind Absol.

Julian "Gengar, what happened here?"

Julian asked.

Suddenly Gengar came out of Garchomp's shadow with a grin on his face and went back to Julian's shadow, seeing Gengar coming out of her own shadow Garchomp was shocked, she didn't even notice when Gengar got in her shadow, same could be told for Cynthia, her Garchomp was her strongest pokemon and seeing Garchomp's reaction she could tell Garchomp had no clue about Gengar being in her Shadow.

This is when Cynthia realized that Julian's Gengar is on a league way above her Garchomp.

Cynthia 'If his Gengar is so strong what about his ace Infernape and the feared Snorlax of his'

Cynthia though.

Gengar told Julian what happened here, hearing this Julian sighed and looked at Cynthia.

Julian "Sorry about it, my Gabite just like causing trouble, I will pay for the loses"

Julian said and apologized to Cynthia.

Cynthia "No need to apologize, its nothing, they are still young and having fun, I should be the one saying sorry for my pokemon to make the first move"

Cynthia said and apologized as well.

The owner also soon arrived with few people, the ones who were looking after Julian's pokemon rushed towards the owner when they saw Gabite bolt out of the room followed by Crystal, they decided to inform the Owner.

Owner "Mr. Julian, Miss, Cynthia, is anything wrong?"

He asked in a worried voice.

Julian "Its nothing, the pokemons were just having some fun, you can return to what you were doing"

Julian said and comforted the owner who seemed very close to passing out.

The Owner sighed and walked away.

Julian "Ok, Gabite back with the others"

Julian said and pointed towards the room, Gabite lowered his head and slowly walked towards the room where his other pokemons are, he looked back to notice Crystal popping out its head and showing its tongue to Gabite and teasing him.

Cynthia, of course, noticed this little unknown pokemon that she has never seen before.

Cynthia 'Why does this little one look so similar?'

She questioned and thought about it, she went through all the research she had done and finally realized it.

Cynthia "Is that a Mew?"

She asked as the resemblance of Crystal's face was very similar to what he has seen in ancient carvings.

Julian "Well you could call it a Mew but it's still very different from it, so I call it Crystal because of the red crystal on its head"

Julian said and pulled out Crystal and placed the little one on his palm, Crystal rubbed its face with its little arms and looked at Cynthia by tilting its head, it looked back at Julian and then again at Cynthia.

Cynthia 'Oh my god, it's so cute'

She thought and wanted to pull Crystal's cheek but she restrained herself, she didn't know what reaction Crystal would have to her.

Julian "You can pet it if you want"

Julian said and put his palm forward.

Cynthia "Really?"

Julian "Of course, go ahead".

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