Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 359 - Cynthia And Julian

Julian came back to his hotel room and decided to treat his pokemon for today, he searched the internet to see the best pokemon restaurant in this city and decided to go there.

Since everyone has worked hard they need some fun time. ​​

He called the restaurant and told them about his visit, he also made sure to tell them to make a lot of food because his Snorlax is about to awake and that should be today or tomorrow, but with the smell of food he would just wake up and eat a lot and go back to sleep again.

Snorlax is the only pokemon is his team that doesn't need any training, but sometimes when he is awake Julian trains him a lot so he doesn't get rusty when the time comes.

Hearing that Julian himself is coming to their restaurant the manager of the restaurant got excited and informed the owner as well.

The owner of the restaurant also got excited and rushed to his restaurant and told every worker who was on break to rush back to the restaurant to work overtime, the workers also didn't deny the owner because they also wanted to see Julian as he is the most famous champion in history, of course this didn't go unnoticed by the public, they heard that Julian is in the city and things got heated, people were genuinely excited to meet Julian if they got the chance, many of his fans rushed towards the restaurant where he is said to come but they were all stopped by the security at the entrance.

Manager "Everyone please calm down, Mr. Julian has told that he is hearing so that his pokemons can relax so we don't want any commotion, only a few members who have already made a reservation can enter"

The manager said and went back, when Julian called he told that he would cancel the previous reservation of other people but Julian said not too, he didn't want to use his name to book the entire restaurant.

It didn't just stop at the fans, even some news reporters rushed towards the restaurant to see if Julian has arrived or not.

While he is still in his hotel room and looking at the TV, he is surprised by how fast the news travel, he didn't expect the news about him visiting the restaurant would spread so fast, as he is already used to being surrounded by people he isn't worried about the crowd so he doesn't bother with it.

He has dealt with an even larger crowd than this.

As it was about time to leave he left the hotel room.


The public was not the only one who is interested in meeting Julian, some rich and influential people who live in the city wanted to get in as well, they tried to get in by contacting the owner and booking a reservation for their pokemons but some of them were too late, as soon as the information about Julian hit the ears of some influential people they contacted the owner and reserved a place for their pokemons as well.

Another person who is in the city also wants to meet Julian once again, she had met him before but she couldn't recognize him because she had no connection to him, but now she has realized that she had missed the opportunity before and cannot miss it once again, she decided to use her name and get into the restaurant as well.

When she called the owner and told him about her arrival, he got stunned, he couldn't believe that not only the Julian is coming to his restaurant but the current champion of Sinnoh is also visiting.

Yes Cynthia is in the city, she came here for her Garchomp, when she was little she met her Gible in the Canalave valley as well so she decided to come with her Garchomp and take her back to her birthplace and see if her pride is still living there.

She didn't expect Julian to be in Canalave city as well, so she decided to give him a visit.

When she reached the restaurant, she saw the huge crowd outside, even she was shocked at how many people are here, even she wouldn't have gathered this big of a crowd.

Cynthia 'No wonder he moves around with his face hidden, even I would not be able to handle such a big crowd'

Cynthia thought and entered the restaurant through the back door because that is where the owner of the restaurant told her to come, he knew that arrival of another champion would cause a bigger commotion and there might just be a stampede which he didn't want in front of his restaurant.

Owner "Champion Cynthia, I am really honored to have you here, please come in"

The Owner who was just waiting outside the backdoor welcomed her, the owner is still nervous while talking to Cynthia as she is one of the strongest known champions in the world, some even tell she is as good as Julian but with no battle between them and the most common thing between Julian and Cynthia is that both of them have defeated Lance.

Cynthia "Thankyou Mr. Spark for excepting my request, I know it was out of the blue but I need to meet Mr. Julian"

Cynthia said.

Owner "No problem, Miss Cynthia, you could have asked me anything and I would do it for you"

The Owner flattered her.

Cynthia "By the way, may I ask you why Mr. Julian is coming here?"

She asked, even though this is a pokemon restaurant people like Julian won't come to such a small place, she has seen how rich Julian is, he owns a million-dollar company so she doubted Julian's cause of coming here.

She had met many champions in her life and battled with them, some of them were decent and earned her respect while some of them were just arrogant people who had tasted their fame so much that they didn't care about the normal masses.

Julian had always been a mysterious person for her, for him to abandon the most precious position a person can ask in this world and travel the world was very weird, even she is tempted by this position and has been keeping a hold of it but not Julian, he didn't even lose it, he just gave it up as if it was nothing to him.

She thought that he did this because he wanted to focus on his business and didn't have the time to look after a region.

She always wanted to meet him and have a talk with him in person and today she plans to do it.

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