Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 353 - Handing Over To The League

Julian "Who said I am scared, I am here to have fun and you should be the one who should really be scared"

Julian said and smiled. ​​

Hunter J "You are delusional, men take him down and kill him, capture that pokemon"

Hunter J gave the order to which her men commanded they heard of pokemon to charge towards Julian.

Seeing this small army of pokemon rushing towards him a smirk appeared over his face.

Julian "Gengar"

As Julian called his name, the entire area went cold stopping every pokemon in their path.


After a second all of them heard this terrifying chilling laugh as the surrounding became even colder, even the Salamence felt cold and scared.

Hunter J got chills all over her body as she looked around to see what is happening.

Her men were also frozen on their spot, they felt fear, they are more scared compared to the pokemon they sent out.

Soon the ground below them started to go dark as if a huge shadow is looming over them but they couldn't see any stature in front of them, the shadow below them was black in color, it didn't look like a normal shadow at all, the men on the ground felt their souls escaping our of their body by witnessing the dark shadow taking over the whole area.

Seeing this Hunter J tried to escape and patted her Salamence to fly away but before it could even flap its wings, dark chains shot out of the shadow and tied Salamence's legs rendering it unable to move at all, these chains then slowly started to move up onto its body like snakes as they got even deeper grip of Salamence, the chains even tied up its wings and mouth.

The Salamence is shaken from fear and starts to struggle to get out causing Hunter J to fall on the ground.

Gengar "Gegegegegege"

She heard the laugh once again and is finally able to see the culprit behind this scary shadow, she saw a black figure come out from the black trainer's shadow, she finally saw the Gengar.

She looked into the deep red eyes on Gengar and froze, she felt scared like never before, the way Gengar looked at her gave her chills, she regretted confronting this black trainer.

The other pokemons that were sent by her men also were experiencing the same thing, they felt fear and the only thought they had right now is to flee and that is what they did, some of them snapped out of their state and made an escape for their life, seeing few of them escaping all of them joined them.

Soon everything became silent again, all of their pokemons have fled from the battlefield and things are looking pretty bad for the hunter's side, they pokemon are no more to protect them and on the other side is a monster waiting to do whatever its trainer's say.

They were in his mercy, they looked at their boss and saw her on the ground crouched up scared, for some reason their boss seems to have received trauma and they couldn't explain how.

Julian "It's useless, she won't be able to recover, you all should just give up as well"

Julian said.

Hearing this the hunters took a step back and tried to escape.

Julian "Who told you to leave?"

Julian said and signaled Gengar to put them to sleep, Gengar then used Hypnosis and sent everyone to sleep.

Julian "Now that this is over, I should call someone to take them away"

Julian says and takes out his phone and calls the main headquarters of the league here in Sinnoh.

When the other side revived the call they started to panic for a second, they didn't expect Julian the most well-known champion is the history, they knew that Julian doesn't like to work for the league but he has helped them many times, stopping Groudon and Kyogre, stopping Giovanni and many other things, even though they didn't ask for it they knew that Julian knows that he has helped them a lot.

The CEO of the headquarters picked up the call to answer it, the people in the room also held their breaths, they knew Julian is in Sinnoh so it can be anything.

CEO "Hello Mister Julian, do you need something?"

The CEO asked.

Julian "No, I don't need anything, I caught these bunch of hunters and this Hunter J as well, I wanted some special force to be sent and collect them, I have had handed them to the police they might have done something to escape"

Julian said.

CEO "What? You caught Hunter J?"

Julian "Yes, is there a problem?"

Julian asked.

CEO "Not at all, we had been trying really hard to grab a hold of her and Champion Cynthia and the elite four are too busy to go after her, any special force we sent behind her were all found dead"

Julian "Oh, then send a task force to this location, I will be waiting"

Julian said and ended the call.

Back in the league headquarters in Sinnoh the CEO put the phone down and looked at the group of people in front of him.

"Did he really capture Hunter J?"

One of them asked.

CEO "Yes, he said it himself and luckily he asked us to send a special Task Force, quick send a team out there, the location will be sent to their trackers"

The CEO gave the order and the others nodded, capturing Hunter J is a huge deal for them, the black market of the pokemon world is heavily dependent on her and the people who run these markets are the people of the underworld and they are powerful people that the League have been keeping an eye on for years.

Hunter J can provide some useful information about them to the League.

The appearance of Julian had stopped these people from making any moves, they had planned many things but once they heard about this trainer who is ridiculously strong they stopped in their tracks.

At the end of the day, a strong trainer with powerful pokemons is way more dangerous than any man-made weapon and they know about it from the wars that were fought in the past.

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