As the forest was filled with the discussion between pokemon about the upcoming battle and who is going to win, the pokemons that took part in the huge betting that just took place area also excited, for the first time in their life they wanted their current king to win so that their price can be tripled.

Snorlax who has taken a quick nape woke up this afternoon, his stomach is still not full so he cannot go into his monthly sleep so soon. ​​

He ate so many berries but he is still not full, his hunger can only be satisfied by Julian's cooking.

The pokemons in this area still served him happily, with his presence no one would try to mess in their area.

The pokemon in this area never leaves this area because they have everything here, from food to water, so they don't know what is happening outside this area.

Snorlax also has no clue that the whole forest is waiting for his battle against Toxicroak, he just wants to eat food and sleep, the life he always wants to live.


While Snorlax is enjoying his time, his opponent Toxicroak got up from his place and walked towards Sneasel who seems to be in deep sleep.

Toxicroak started at the sleeping Sneasel and kicked it out of its sleep, Sneasel got startled and woke up, it looked around and noticed Toxicroak staring at it.

Sneasel [My lord, what is it?]

Sneasel asked.

Toxicroak [Stop speaking and take me to where this Snorlax is, its time for me to have a battle]

Toxicroak said.

Sneasel nodded and got to its feet and started to walk as Toxicroak followed behind, there is a wicked smile on Sneasel's face because it is one of the pokemons that know Snorlax strength, no matter how strong Toxicroak is Sneasel knows that he cannot defeat the monster he is about to face.

Sneasel didn't waste time, it directly took Toxicroak towards the area where Snorlax is staying.

When the pokemons in the forest saw Toxicroak heading towards the direction where Snorlax is staying, they knew that the battle was about to happen and the news spread at a rapid speed, soon all the forest knew that the king is about to battle the Snorlax, the only strong pokemon that is left is Scizor, when it heard about Toxicroak is about to challenge Snorlax it tried to find the others but for some reason it couldn't find anyone of them.

Scizor [Did they leave before I got here?]

It asked itself and started to head towards the area where the Snorlax is staying.


Sneasel soon brings Toxicroak right in front of the area where Snorlax is staying and points at its direction.

Sneasel [My lord, the Snorlax is staying inside that area]

Sneasel said.

Toxicroak nodded and walked towards the area where Snorlax is currently feasting on his berries, Toxicroak walked pass through a thick bush and a huge area came in front of his vision, he saw many trees filled with berries, he saw many pokemons that are weak beyond his imagination but his interest was soon captured by the massive pokemon in the middle of the area surrounded with all kinds of delicious and rare berries.

Even Toxicroak was surprised to see so many berries in one place, even his area didn't have so many.

Toxicroak 'So that idiot was telling the truth'

Toxicroak said and looked at Snorlax, he saw him eating berries one after the other without any care, the other pokemons around the area noticed Toxicroak and one of them gave a warning signal making all of them make a run to their home for safety.

But Snorlax just ignored it, he is too busy eating, he doesn't care about these trivial matters, Toxicroak saw this and got angry, he is the king of this forest and this Snorlax isn't giving him any attention.

Toxicroak [Hey you, who do you think you are?]

Toxicroak asked but Snorlax didn't respond, he didn't even put those words in his ears, he is too busy eating.

Seeing Snorlax completely ignoring him, Toxicroak got frustrated and charged towards Snorlax, as Snorlax was about to put the juicy berry in his mouth, he felt the berry disappear from his hand and his mouth shut closed and he didn't feel anything inside his mouth, he looked around to see where his berry went and finally found it stuck onto the spike on Toxicroak's fist.

Toxicroak [So you finally take a look at me huh, well anyways it useless to beg for mercy now, you are dead meat for disrespecting me]

Toxicroak said and laughed.

Snorlax, on the other hand, didn't even care about what Toxicroak just said, he started at the berry on Toxicroak's spike which quickly started to rot because of the poison on it, Snorlax got mad seeing this.

He looked at Toxicroak and frowned.

Snorlax [Why you take Snorlax's food, Snorlax angry]

Snorlax said and got to his feet.

Toxicroak [Good you should be]

Toxicroak said and charged towards Snorlax and landed a powerful Poison Jab right on Snorlax's belly.

Toxicroak [Haha how does it feel?]

Toxicroak said and looked up to see the look of fear in Snorlax's face but what he saw caused him to freeze on the spot.

Snorlax was staring at Toxicroak with rage because Toxicroak took away his berry and destroyed it.

Snorlax [Snorlax's berry is precious, that berry belonged in Snorlax's stomach, but you destroyed it, now Snorlax smash you]

Snorlax said and brought his hand down on Toxicroak.

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