As Gengar had said the Honchkrow quickly made few of its followers to spread the rumors all across the forest and also informed about the huge gambling taking place, hearing that their pay will get tripled if they guessed correct all the pokemons in the forest got excited.

Most of them still think that the king will win because they have seen the king defeat the strongest pokemons that live in this forest, they don't want to believe the rumors saying that the Snorlax that is new to the forest is actually that strong. ​​

So all of them are supporting even though it is cruel, there are still few that want to take their chance and bet on Snorlax, but the number of these pokemons is extremely small at a 1:10 ratio.

Of course, Gengar knew this and he cannot miss this amazing chance of getting everything in his hands.

The rumors circulated over the forest very quickly, the pokemons under Honchkrow are really efficient in doing what they are told to do, the whole forest soon started to talk about the three scary pokemons that entered the forest, the Tyranitar, Absol, and Infernape, the whole forest knew about this trio as the three killers.

And the scariest of the three is indeed Infernape because Gengar's fun little prank turned serious, now pokemon really believe that Infernape will burn any pokemon that gets in his path.

Of course, these rumors went into Tyranitar, Absol and Infernape's ears and they knew it was none other than Gengar who will pull such a prank since they could do nothing about this they just carried on doing what they are up to.


While walking through the woods Infernape was enjoying his time alone, he won't get much of his own time because he has to take care of everyone in the team along with Julian's new pokemon, he has to always be the most reasonable and responsible among all of Julian's pokemon and the biggest problem he faces is keeping Gengar in check.

Now that Gengar is out of his sight he has already caused trouble.

Even though Gengar has pulled off this stupid prank of his Infernape doesn't care right now, he is enjoying his time alone where he doesn't have any responsibility right now.

He finds himself in front of a lake, he looked around and saw many pokemons hanging around this lake, he looked around and found a tree to rest and look at the lake.

When the pokemons present in the forest saw Infernape they got startled, this part of the forest don't have any Infernapes or any species of its line so seeing one only meant one thing, its the same Infernape from the rumors, all the pokemons present in this area got scared and ran away.

Infernape just smiled awkwardly and shook his head, Gengar really pulled off this one.

Infernape 'I wonder how Tyranitar and Absol are taking this?'

He thought and sat down under the tree and closed his eyes and listened to the cicadas singing.

As he fell asleep he didn't notice two pokemons heading towards the lake, one is a Lopunny, she seems to be in a hurry, she finally stops right in front of the lake as she looks around she seems to be running from someone.

She looked around and saw Infernape on the side taking a nap, she got startled at first then she remembered the rumor about an Infernape that would burn anyone that gets in front of his sight, causing Lopunny to get scared as well, she tried to get away from here when she suddenly heard someone call her

[Lopunny where are you going?]

She turned around and saw a Machamp walk out of the woods, this Machamp is the same Machamp that was in the meeting held by Ursaring and the others.

Machamp [I will tell you one last time, become my mate, you will become the queen of this forest and rule over all the pokemon, you can have all the berries in the forest with just a word, after today's event I will take over the whole forest, none of those fools know that I have leveled up and was about to challenge Toxicroak but luckily the Snorlax appeared making my work a lot easy, now I will become the king of this forest while you become my mate]

The Machamp said and flexed his muscles trying to impress the Lopunny.

Lopunny [Get lost I don't want anything from you, I can take care of myself all alone, I don't need to be a queen to have whatever I want]

Lopunny said as she constantly looked at Infernape in fear that he might wake up, in truth Infernape was already up, he just didn't care about what is happening in the forest, it was not his business to get involved in it.

Machamp [I think you don't understand, I can do whatever I want when I become the king, you will be my mate no matter what]

Machamp said and flexed his muscles and looked at Lopunny but noticed that she is looking at a different direction.

Machamp [Where are you looking at, check out my perfect muscles, they are so symmetrical]

Machamp said and laughed.

Lopunny [Shut up, we have a bigger problem here]

Lopunny said and tried to slowly get away from here, Machamp stopped flexing and looked at the direction where Lopunny is looking at, he also turned around and finally saw the Infernape, he realized why Lopunny was being so wary right now, he had also heard about the rumors about the three monsters that are currently roaming the forest, one is Tyranitar, the other is Snorlax and the sadistic of them all is the Infernape, but Machamp didn't believe these rumors, these level of pokemons are not present in this kind of forest.

Machamp [Hahaha so you got scared of this spark monkey, let me take care of this monkey for you and show you how strong I am]

Machamp said and walked towards Infernape.

Infernape 'What an Idiot'

Infernape thought and continued pretending to sleep expecting the Machamp to not make a stupid mistake.

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