Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 336 - All Hail Lord Snorlax

Snorlax took a step towards the Zangooses which caused the ground to shake, the Zangooses are frozen on the stop by fear.

[Smash] ​​

Snorlax roared and brought down his massive hand on one of the Zangoose, the Zangoose that came under this hand got planted deep into the ground, a crisp crack was heard when it happened, indicating that Snorlax broke the Zangoose's back.

Snorlax didn't do this on purpose, the Zangoose was just too weak, seeing its friend being taken down by just one hit the other two tried to escape but before they could even escape they felt their tails being held by Snorlax, they tried hard to escape but they didn't even budge from their spot.

[Bullies will get bullied, you are not allowed to escape]

Snorlax said and swung the two Zangooses on top of his head and slammed them on the ground, it wasn't over there, he then spun them and slammed them on a tree, then on the ground, then rapid continuous slams.

Then he spun them one last them and threw them away, Snorlax then put his hand inside the hole he had made which had the broken back Zangoose, he then pulled it out and threw it away as well.

All these Zangooses are now useless, they have permanently broken bones, one has its back broken, the other two have broken legs and jaw, they won't be able to torture other pokemons anymore, they can only rely on vegetation for food, they are now completely incapable of hunting.

They have to survive all alone in this forest now, being weary of even the weakest predator that can kill and eat them.

Especially their mortal enemies Sevipers, if one of them sees these injured Zangooses they are dead for sure.

Sneasel who is watching from the side is sweating bullets, it knew that this Snorlax was strong but to sweep away the strongest group in this forest with such ease, even the king Toxicroak could do what Sneasel just saw.

It realized that if the king tried to battle Snorlax it is doomed to be crushed under those huge hands of Snorlax.

The Sneasel silently made an exit, it didn't want to get slammed by this Snorlax and lose its life, those Zangooses were way more powerful compared to it, seeing that those Zangooses all are now useless, it cannot imagine what would happen to it if it got smashed like that.

Snorlax yawned and sat down and looked at the huge pile of berries and started to eat them.

The pokemons that live in this area saw all this and were very happy, the baby pokemon that was being bullied by those Zangooses slowly walked towards Snorlax and touched him.

Snorlax is so thick that he didn't even feel it, the baby pokemon once again tapped him, this time Snorlax felt something and turned around and looked down at the little pokemon, this little pokemon is a Cherubi.

[Thank you, lord Snorlax]

Suddenly Snorlax heard a voice in front of him, he turned around and saw a Cherrim walk towards him in a hurry and bowed before him.

It is the mother of this Cherubi which is behind him, the Cherubi gets back to its mother and cries, it was really scared while it was getting played around by those Zangooses, they were increasing the force of their push every time they did so.

Now that it is back with its mother it feels safe.

Snorlax just smiles at them and continues eating, soon Snorlax started being surrounded by all the pokemons in the area, all of them are cheering him and calling him their lord for saving them.

[All hail Lord Snorlax]

One of the pokemon said and the rest followed, the surroundings around this area only had one chant going on right now, All Hail Lord Snorlax.

This became the talk of the forest right now, the news about the three Zangooses under the current king has been destroyed by a new pokemon in the forest and it is a Snorlax, this caused the other strong pokemon to get excited, if it is true the current king will try to fight this Snorlax, after the battle even if the current king wins it would be very tired.

The other strong pokemons can take advantage of this and take out the Toxicroak.

The other strong pokemon also heard that the area which this Snorlax occupies is even richer in resources than the one Toxicroak has under its control.

While all this is happening in the forest and every strong pokemon is waiting for the big fight, Snorlax is just enjoying his time without the care in the world, he is being treated like an emperor he is, he is being fed the most delicious berries, he can sleep as much as he wants after that.

Snorlax knows that Julian won't be back for three days so he decided to look around the area then go back to sleep again when his master comes back, till then he can eat all he wants.

While he is eating his stomach full he is being watched by many pokemons who work under the strongest pokemons that occupies this forest, they all want to be the king but until Toxicroak is alive they won't get a chance to become one.

So they sent some pokemons that work under them to spy on Snorlax and see if he really is what the rumors said him to be.

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