Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 333 - Snorlax In The Forest

As Julian left with his Sinnoh batch pokemons, Snorlax is the only one left behind, as he sleeps he uses his hands to scratch his belly and sleeps without any concern about the world around him.

While he is sleeping a few pokemons who were hiding from Julian and his team finally come out and look down on the giant sleeping below, many tiny bird pokemons and the ones that those that live in trees. ​​

[Hey look at that pokemon, he so huge, what do you think he is doing here?]

A Taillow asked its friend who is on his side.

[I don't know, he seem to be just sleeping, let's not disturb him, he looks very powerful]

The other Taillow said.

[You are right, let's just keep doing what we were doing]

It said and got back to their own business, but unlike these Taillows, some pokemons got curious seeing such a massive pokemon, some of them approached Snorlax and started to climb all over his body to see what is going on, this part of the forest is mostly populated by weak pokemons, the stronger ones don't come here, so seeing a Snorlax is very rare to them.

Snorlax moves a little in is sleep to turn around causing all the pokemons there to get startled and run away, they hide behind trees and bushes, some dig a hole in the ground and peak out to take a look at Snorlax once again.

Seeing that the giant is just moving in his sleep the other pokemon sighed seeing that the giant has not woken up.

They got back to Snorlax side and started to sit around him and started to play on him seeing he won't budge even after getting hit by their moves.

Some babies started to bounce on his belly while their parents brought them things to eat.

While the pokemons enjoyed their time as they do always, a pokemon from the bushes is keeping an eye on them with its intense glare.

It had stopped in its tracks due to the huge Snorlax, but when it saw that it was in deep sleep and won't get up even after so much noise made by the annoying baby pokemons, it decided to launch an attack.

This pokemon lives in the deeper forest where every day is a war between pokemons for territory because the deeper forest has better resources, this pokemon got defeated several times and was chased by a Seviper till the end, id it had not escaped the Seviper would have killed it and swallowed it as food.

But this pokemon got lucky and stumbled upon this area, it didn't expect that such a rich resource area is not under any strong pokemon's control, and it is near the edge of the forest so any stronger pokemon won't come here.

As for Snorlax being here it already knows that he already belongs to a trainer, it had been absorbing the area when Julian walked in, seeing so many pokemons it stopped and decided to watch, now that the human has walked away along with his pokemons, and one of the pokemon is in deep sleep, it knew it has to take over this area.

This pokemon looked around trying to find a target to take hostage, after finding a kid pokemon that is all alone munching on a berry, the pokemon dashed out of the bush with its claws wide exposed trying to take the baby pokemon hostage.

The parent pokemons saw this pokemon and got scared, it is a Sneasel, the other pokemons got scared and backed off, the mother of the baby pokemon tried to save her child but she is too slow when Sneasel got close to the baby pokemon.

Snorlax moved again, he turned his body and swung his arm, the arm then hit the Sneasel and sent it flying through a tree making a hole in it and disappeared into the sky.

All the pokemons were startled seeing this, that Sneasel was very fast and ferocious but with just one swing it was sent through a thick tree and disappeared from their sight as it was sent flying into the sky.

All of them cheered happily and surrounded Snorlax.

[Wow he is so powerful, he didn't even do a proper punch and sent that Sneasel flying]

One pokemon said.

[Indeed, he is super strong, we should make him stay here so he can protect us from those dangerous pokemons in the deep forest]

Another one said.

All the remaining pokemons nodded their head agreeing to the one that said so.

[We should ask this lord to protect us and instead, we can give him things to eat, our area is filled with food everywhere]

Another one said.

All the pokemons then nodded.

As everyone agreed they started to collect all types of berries and put it in front of Snorlax so when he gets up he can eat them.

These pokemons have heard that Snorlaxs love to eat so they decided to pay with food.

Now the pokemons just have to wait for Snorlax to get up and they can speak with him.

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