Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 330 - A Different World.

Azelf and Crystal come out shooting from the water and circle around each other, Julian just stands there and watches them chasing each other happily.

Gengar goes back to his shadow without being noticed by Crystal and Azelf. ​​

The two moved around the lake while Julian looked around to see if there are any other hidden camera's around here.

Finding none he sighed and started to set up his camp here, Azelf by now had already noticed Julian but it didn't feel like escaping from there because it could feel something familiar around Julian, even though it is familiar with this aura it doesn't know much about it.

It knows that this aura protects it and its siblings and seeing such a thick aura around Julian made Azelf curious about him.

Julian then let out his pokemon one by one, so that Azelf won't get startled by all his pokemons, he first let the little ones out so that they can bond with Azelf, he then let out Tyranitar and Absol as they are the second generation of Julian's pokemon and the second-best of his pokemons, he then let out Infernape and Snorlax.

Snorlax as always keeps on sleeping with no worries about the world around him, he won't wake up until he gets hungry again and that day is soon coming, Julian has already prepared for the day, Snorlax sleeps for around thirty days and wakes for to have another huge meal and fall asleep again.

Seeing Snorlax is out the little ones rushed towards him and started to climb on top of him, his belly is their favorite place to play and bounce around.

Seeing its friends trying to play on top of Snorlax, Crystal called Azelf to join in as well.

Julian kept quiet this whole time to let Azelf get associated with its surroundings and Julian's pokemon so when he approaches it, it won't run away.

It didn't take long before Azelf got along with all of his pokemons, it still kept its distance from Tyranitar, Absol, and Infernape as they were busy doing what they mostly do training, they do cool of during night time when the little ones go to sleep, they play their games using their powers to lighten up.

As their power level is too high they wait for the little ones to go to sleep so they don't interfere in the games.

Azelf's attention was mostly focused on Infernape and Julian though, it could tell they both shared a very powerful bond and the aura that always protects it connected them with each other.

It is not wary about Julian's presence anymore, Julian soon started to cook himself his dinner and started to feed his pokemons, he also gave some to Azelf, it took the pokemon food and ate it happily with others.

Julian looked at Snorlax and saw he is still asleep.

'I guess he will be sleeping a few more days'

Julian thought and ate his food, Crystal got sleepy after playing for such a long time so it came towards Julian and went into his pocket to fall asleep without saying goodnight to its new friend.

Azelf also floated towards Julian and looked at Crystal inside Julian's.

"Here take this"

Julian said and took out a poke puff for Azelf, Azelf looked at the poke puff in his hand and tilted its head, it approached Julian's hand and took a sniff of the poke puff, smelling this delicious treat it took a bite out of it and was fascinated, it had never tasted something this delicious before.

Seeing that Azelf liked it Julian gave the whole puff to it, Azelf ate the whole thing and asked for another one, Julian didn't have any other option and gave another one to Azelf.

Seeing that Azelf was no longer wary of him, Julian pulled out the Griseous Orb from his pouch and showed it to Azelf.

Julian "Do you know what this is?"

Julian started with a simple question.

Azelf saw the Griseous Orb and was surprised, it didn't expect to one of the Orbs, it looked at Julian and nodded its head saying that it knows about it.

Julian "In which lake does this belong?"

He asked.

Azelf pointed towards the north side, the only other lake left is Acuity.

Julian 'So this Orb is from Lake Acuity'

He thought and looked at Azelf once again.

Julian "Do you have your Orb?"

Julian asked.

Azelf nodded to him telling that it still has the Orb with it.

Julian 'Looks like those idiots still haven't gotten their hands on it'

Julian thought.

Julian "Can you show it two me?"

Julian asked.

Azelf thought for a second and nodded, it then signaled Julian to follow it, Julian got up from his seat and looked at Infernape and passed his Crystal.

Julian "Look after the others until I come back"

Julian said and Infernape nodded his head.

Julian then followed Azelf into the water as it dove into it, Jason removed his coat and followed behind it, he soon followed Azelf into the depths of the lake, if a normal person was here they wouldn't notice anything but it was different for Julian, he could sense the little amount of Omniforce in the whole water body.

People always said that the water from these three lakes held magical properties, and this Omniforce was behind it.

He followed Azelf deeper into the lake till he could see the bottom of the lake, he saw Azelf not stopping and continued heading down, suddenly he saw Azelf pass through the solid bottom without any resistance.

Its body got covered in white light and disappeared, Julian hurried and followed behind, as he touched the bottom floor he didn't feel it, instead he felt like going through a waterfall and the next things he sees a completely different world.

His world was dark right now due to night time but here it is different, he is still inside water but he could clearly see the sun rays lighting up the lake in blue, this water body was quite big, he saw some ancient pokemons like Relicanth freely swimming in this water body, he saw some weird pokemon that looked like a squid, he has never seen this pokemon at all, not even in his previous life.

Julian 'These must be those prehistoric pokemons that went extinct millions of years ago'

Julian thought and rose up to the surface to see what's outside, as he got out he was surprised to see his surroundings, he was right in the middle of a massive ocean with no lands in his sight.

He saw a massive Wailord that is twice the size on once that are alive right now, surfacing the water with him.

He looked up and saw a group of Aerodactyl flying over his head, one of it dove down and caught a Relicanth with its mouth and flew away.

Julian 'This is a completely different world'

Julian thought and dove down once again, he followed Azelf down to the ocean's bed, the deeper he went the more pressure he felt but with Omniforce surrounding his he could survive in space, so the ocean's water pressure was nothing, if a normal man dove as deeps as he did, their body would be crushed by the water pressure, and this world is way bigger than his previous one, which means the depth of the ocean is even deeper.

Julian 'Looks like I have to take a very deep swim'

Julian thought and continued diving deeper into this foreign ocean filled with pokemons he has never seen or heard of before.

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